Sent you a PM, let me know if it works
It worked, just ordered today. Thanks Madn!
Sent you a PM, let me know if it works
Never mind...please pass it on to another.Just received an invite and decided to give back to the thread I got my phone from. Whomever quotes first gets it. Also its a 24 hr one so make sure you're ready to buy!
That is fair... I'm just trying to help a friend. Of course any invites I get will be heading this way.You already have one man. I think invites should go to people that haven't gotten one.
Just received an invite and decided to give back to the thread I got my phone from. Whomever quotes first gets it. Also its a 24 hr one so make sure you're ready to buy!
Check PM's
Phone has been freezing a lot since last update. Anyone else have that issue?
No, working great.Phone has been freezing a lot since last update. Anyone else have that issue?
Anybody here use SlimKat? I love the rom but CM11 M11 is running so perfectly for me right now that i am hesitant to switch.
No, working great.
Damn if it keeps happening I may have to factory reset.
Is the Google Spreadsheet still actively maintained? I put myself on the list and if no one looks in there, then i let you guys know that i am also looking for an invite
Oh, thanks for the heads-up! Well, I still hope to find here an Invite.
My S3 is dying and the N6 is too expensive.
check ur pms
I only have the one I'm afraid. If I get any more I'll share them here, though. Sorry dude.
check ur pms
Shrug. I offered three invites couple weeks ago here two of which left unclaimed. Now everyone suddenly want invite.I'm still waiting for an invite, and its been four months... I'm still not on the neogaf list :/
Still gotta BELIEVE, right GAF? :/
OPO Forum is also good place to look for invite.Ahhhhhhh two invites wasted.
The N6 sort of changed peoples perspective, the price that is.
Gaf is only getting the 64 GB version right?
Why would you want the 16gb version Bobo?