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Operation Flashpoint Appreciation Thread

Damn I love this game, its been a while since i last played it but its still brilliant. Doing the sabotage mission where you are a special ops guy and have to blow up some tanks in a depo.

Well after going through the little village near the start i made my way through the forest to the depo, hiding in a bush on the edge of the depo i scout it out to see whats about. Several tank crews and a patrol of 3 guys. Ok first things first kill the dude on the tower. Ohh no his corpse fell down and they saw it! *ALARM!!!* crap. Back into the forest and i notice a large group of soldiers coming down the mountain looking for me. i wait until they go down into the depo then i run down into a clump of bushes near one of the tank crews. Take care of them and alarm goes off again and the remaining tank crews get in their tanks and drive around the vacinity looking for me. Back up the hill into the forest. The large group are still floating around. Now a long ass run round the other side of the depo up the hill looking down. I creep down a little and pop another tank crew. Alarm goes off again, one of the 2 patrolling bmp's from the little village comes UP the hill. It stops... about 10foot in front of me and turns its engine of.

Time for explosions. Sneak up to the base of the bmp and lay a charge, crawl my way back over the top of the hill and set it off. Alarm off again. I then run half way back round and have a look over the hill. The large group of soldiers is gone.... This is good, must be their tea break or something. One tank crew and the 3 patrolling soldiers remain. I wait. As the patrol is just going past where i want to go I run for it. 10seconds later im inside a bush smack in the middle of the depo. Sometime later the patrol gets back round. They didn't even have time to get their guns out. Then sneek round the nearby building and take care of the last remaining tank crew.

Now for the fun. I jump in a tank and start blowing up the others, i then get hit by a rocket! I'd forgotten about the single soldier with a rocket launcher near the entrance, git turned on the alarm again but i ran round a wasted him once it was off. Now back in the tank and commence carnage.

Interestingly the alarm keeps going off when i get in a tank. Now everytime the alarm goes off 2 nearby helicopters take off and sweap the area for a few mins. Theres a shika (anti aircraft gun) in the depo. WAHEY!! Strike 2 helicopters. Also say goodbye to the rest of the tank, destroyed by their own russian technology.

Now all thats left is a helicopter, what better way to get to the extraction point! I then notice i didn't destroy the ammo dump at the little village by the start, i better fly over and take care of it. Bad idea.

Just so happens one of the bmps i didn't destroy is patrolling where im going. A barriage of fire later and i crash in the forest. Goodbye to and hour of play. But damn it was fun.

I hope that didn't bore u but I thought I'd give an idea of the flexibility of how u do missions, Operation Flashpoint isn't a looker (it wasn't even when it was released) but its still my favourite war game and probably the closest any game has gotten to real war.
The best missions were during the campaign - there was a couple of really brilliant ones where you could go rambo and still survive. I talked a lot about this element recently.


Flashpoint was an excellent game. Many of the best games aren't the best looking, just the way of things.


Time ta STEP IT UP
Truly a great game. I loved the mission where you had to set up some road-mines and take out 2 tanks and a convoy, and then snipe all the remaining men in the base while you call in for reinforcements.

Where's the sequel!?
Badabing said:
Truly a great game. I loved the mission where you had to set up some road-mines and take out 2 tanks and a convoy, and then snipe all the remaining men in the base while you call in for reinforcements.

Where's the sequel!?

2006 (bleh) according to codemasters and late 2004 according to the developers bohemia interactive. I'd tend to go with codemasters though



It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Badabing said:
Truly a great game. I loved the mission where you had to set up some road-mines and take out 2 tanks and a convoy, and then snipe all the remaining men in the base while you call in for reinforcements.

Where's the sequel!?

holy shit! i loved this mission. i had to do it over and over again, but it was super fun each time as the results would be different. watching the tank swerve out of the way of the burning wreck in front of them, only to hit a mine i put to both sides of the road = classic. then gunning down the crew as they got out....

i love opflash. it is by far my favorite war game ever. i haven't played anything that's come close in terms of dynamic AI and immersion.




Yeah, Operation Flashpoint is by far the best tactical fps I've played. I love the campaign and I love the single missions (some of them are HARD!).


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
for some time, there were all these free copies of op flash game of the year editions (with all the add-on packs) sitting around the office. so right now i have a new boxed copy sitting right here.... i should bust it out and see how it runs on my system now since it ran kinda shitty on my modest system in 2001.




You need to grab the addons to truly appreciate opflash. You can replace everything in the game with better higher res versions. Better models, skins, high res skies, textures, explosions, reflective water, post processing, dynamic range etc. Everything. It looks pretty good if you set it up right.

I reccomend

ECP or Y2K3
dx.dll mod
FDF mod
Seb Nam pack

there are so many good mods its hard to remember em all.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Cutley said:
You need to grab the addons to truly appreciate opflash. You can replace everything in the game with better higher res versions. Better models, skins, high res skies, textures, explosions, reflective water, post processing, dynamic range etc. Everything. It looks pretty good if you set it up right.

I reccomend

ECP or Y2K3
dx.dll mod
FDF mod
Seb Nam pack

there are so many good mods its hard to remember em all.

fucking sweet!





Cutley said:
You need to grab the addons to truly appreciate opflash. You can replace everything in the game with better higher res versions. Better models, skins, high res skies, textures, explosions, reflective water, post processing, dynamic range etc. Everything. It looks pretty good if you set it up right.

I reccomend

ECP or Y2K3
dx.dll mod
FDF mod
Seb Nam pack

there are so many good mods its hard to remember em all.

Your post is useless without screenshots! :)

Anybody remember the mission near the beginning of the game and you are stranded and have to get to the extraction point through the enemy lines? Way more tense than any of doom 3's scary levels.


Animator in Waiting
Sjoerd said:
Your post is useless without screenshots! :)

Anybody remember the mission near the beginning of the game and you are stranded and have to get to the extraction point through the enemy lines? Way more tense than any of doom 3's scary levels.

Possibly one of the best and most atmospheric missions i have ever played!!!!
Cutley said:
You need to grab the addons to truly appreciate opflash. You can replace everything in the game with better higher res versions. Better models, skins, high res skies, textures, explosions, reflective water, post processing, dynamic range etc. Everything. It looks pretty good if you set it up right.

I reccomend

ECP or Y2K3
dx.dll mod
FDF mod
Seb Nam pack

there are so many good mods its hard to remember em all.

LINKS MAN LINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sjoerd said:
Your post is useless without screenshots! :)

Anybody remember the mission near the beginning of the game and you are stranded and have to get to the extraction point through the enemy lines? Way more tense than any of doom 3's scary levels.

Actually if u sit in the forest for a few in game hours (speed game up first :p ) fog sets in and its a lot easier to get where u need to go, not as fun though. I once did it by stealing a car in a nearby village and driving the whole way there.

My only beef was that all you're squad supposidly die but i've managed to do it without anyone getting killed in the mission b4
ok I did some looking around and found some stuff myself :D Didn't realise opflash had been moded so much





One problem u need the resistance expansion pack + latest patch for pretty much all of these.

which I don't have... bugger
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