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Orange is the New Black - Season 1 on Netflix - Every sentence is a story

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Of course we all have our shit. We just don't all have shit of the same magnitude. I've had someone very close to me go to jail, for a short while thankfully. It sucked big time for me. But I'd wish someone would hit me upside the head with a cricket bat if I ever claimed any sort of equivalence between my problems and theirs. And my problems with Larry aren't because he's a man. They exist because he's a weak, lame excuse for a man.

When did Larry say his problems were bigger than Piper's? I believe he expressed how he was having trouble but I don't think he ever said things were harder for him.

Let's take the focus off of Larry for a bit here and put it on another SO that is outside of jail. The lady who is married to Sophia... She certainly didn't help her out. infact she complained about her as well, effectively left her for another man. Her problems are similar to Larry's she's lonely, she has to fend for herself, she has responsibilities. Is she a weaker character? She voices her opinions the same way as Larry does.

I know your problem with Larry isn't because he is a man, it's because he doesn't fit the stereotype of what you think a man should be and that's why you don't like him.
When did Larry say his problems were bigger than Piper's? I believe he expressed how he was having trouble but I don't think he ever said things were harder for him.

Let's take the focus off of Larry for a bit here and put it on another SO that is outside of jail. The lady who is married to Sophia... She certainly didn't help her out. infact she complained about her as well, effectively left her for another man. Her problems are similar to Larry's she's lonely, she has to fend for herself, she has responsibilities. Is she a weaker character? She voices her opinions the same way as Larry does.

I know your problem with Larry isn't because he is a man, it's because he doesn't fit the stereotype of what you think a man should be and that's why you don't like him.

Larry brings out his problems when Piper is expressing hers. He interrupts her and forces her to focus on what he has to go through. This gets worse as the season goes on to the point that he's so busy having his own pity party (and enjoying personal success because of it) that he actually doesn't care that he could have put Piper's life in danger with what he said on the radio show.

Sophia and her wife are actually completely different as Sophia's wife is completely supportive and only listens. It's only after Sophia asks her to help that the wife flips out. Even then, she doesn't express her own problems as much as she expresses the desire for their son to have a father figure of any type. Much later it's revealed that Sophia's wife has fallen for someone but Sophia has been in prison much longer than Piper AND has longer left on her sentence than Piper. That's not even delving into the confusing and difficult situation that is the nature of their relationship.

The parallel doesn't fit.

Edit: What's the etiquette with the discussion in this thread? Open spoilers or not? Time limit on them maybe? I just don't want to ruin someone else's viewing.
Larry brings out his problems when Piper is expressing hers. He interrupts her and forces her to focus on what he has to go through. This gets worse as the season goes on to the point that he's so busy having his own pity party (and enjoying personal success because of it) that he actually doesn't care that he could have put Piper's life in danger with what he said on the radio show.

Sophia and her wife are actually completely different as Sophia's wife is completely supportive and only listens. It's only after Sophia asks her to help that the wife flips out. Even then, she doesn't express her own problems as much as she expresses the desire for their son to have a father figure of any type. Much later it's revealed that Sophia's wife has fallen for someone but Sophia has been in prison much longer than Piper AND has longer left on her sentence than Piper. That's not even delving into the confusing and difficult situation that is the nature of their relationship.

The parallel doesn't fit.

Edit: What's the etiquette with the discussion in this thread? Open spoilers or not? Time limit on them maybe? I just don't want to ruin someone else's viewing.

Good points.

Though my original intent with bringing up these things is that just because what Larry does doesn't excuse Piper and it certainly doesn't excuse Larry. In fact I think Piper uses prison as a way to throw Larry's problems back into his face as well.

They are two shitty people, excellent for each other.
On a lighter note, has anyone noticed that this show has a pretty obvious reference to a TV show in each episode?

I forgot half of them already, but the ones I remember

- When the firefighters are in the house and Sophia is looking at the credit cards, one of the firemen awkwardly says that there is a purple teddy bear with one eye in the other room (Breaking Bad)

- Thanksgiving episode, they're talking about killing a bald eagle on Thanksgiving or something and still eating it (my girlfriend says this happens in Shameless)

- The Madmen part where he's watching it at home (this one is more obvious)

- Two characters are talking about the problems they have to deal with (maybe in the showers), when one character says "I have things.... STUFF". I am absolutely convinced that this is a Walking Dead reference. I even said "stuff" out loud the same time character did without even knowing they were going to say it. It's such an awkward line if it wasn't referencing that awesome moment in Walking Dead, to the point where I am convinced that it's a reference.

- There were at least one more that I can't recall (possibly two more)

Now that I've typed this all out, I can see people reading this and thinking I'm insane, but I swear this is a thing

Apparently there is also a Star Trek Voyager reference between Kate Mulgrew & Natasha Lyonne.
Good points.

Though my original intent with bringing up these things is that just because what Larry does doesn't excuse Piper and it certainly doesn't excuse Larry. In fact I think Piper uses prison as a way to throw Larry's problems back into his face as well.

They are two shitty people, excellent for each other.

True enough. Though I almost feel like the only character on the show that isn't shitty is the friends baby. :p


I think were a definitely referencing Natasha Lyone's role in Scary Movie 2 when Nicky was referencing the exorcist, too.


Good points.

Though my original intent with bringing up these things is that just because what Larry does doesn't excuse Piper and it certainly doesn't excuse Larry. In fact I think Piper uses prison as a way to throw Larry's problems back into his face as well.

They are two shitty people, excellent for each other.

The difference is Piper has to face who she is. She says as much to that wheelchair gangbanger in the bathroom -- she can't run in prison, she has to own up to her mistakes. She even tries to move to a different prison in the show's first few hours because it's all catching up to her. And you can see that -- a bit of a growth in her character as she starts to realize that she's not a nice person. She has to own that and work on changing it to be better.

Larry doesn't have that mirror constantly in front of him. Pre-prison, maybe they were perfect for each other. But Piper will probably become far too introspective and self-rational for Larry when this is all said and done.
The difference is Piper has to face who she is. She says as much to that wheelchair gangbanger in the bathroom -- she can't run in prison, she has to own up to her mistakes. She even tries to move to a different prison in the show's first few hours because it's all catching up to her. And you can see that -- a bit of a growth in her character as she starts to realize that she's not a nice person. She has to own that and work on changing it to be better.

Larry doesn't have that mirror constantly in front of him. Pre-prison, maybe they were perfect for each other. But Piper will probably become far too introspective and self-rational for Larry when this is all said and done.

I can see Larry coming to the same conclusion. While Piper has prison and time to get her to that point much quicker than Larry... Larry is now alone. Nothing helps you learn more about yourself than loneliness.
- NY Mag: Orange Is the New Black’s Uzo Aduba on Crazy Eyes, Flirting Techniques, and Peeing on the Floor
Set in a women's prison, Orange Is the New Black overflows with characters. Ones who dream of fictional "outside" fiancés, ones who march around prison halls with life-size crosses slung across their backs, ones whose eyes reveal something slightly scary. That last one? That's OITNB's Crazy Eyes (real name Suzanne), a character with many endearing tics, including her penchant for the theater and, her, uh, territory-marking habits. Uzo Aduba, who plays Crazy Eyes, talked to us about what it was like to be in such close quarters with her co-stars and how sometimes you have to just "go for it."



Tried to watch first episode. In half an hour i saw lots of sex/boobs, zero plot, no jokes/humour. Does it gets better?
Well, I'm not sure what your barometer for enjoyment is because there was tons of development in the first 30 minutes and plenty of humorous (although certainly offbeat) bits throughout.

But yeah, the show "gets better."


Tried to watch first episode. In half an hour i saw lots of sex/boobs, zero plot, no jokes/humour. Does it gets better?

Eh, did you even finish it? If not then it might not be for you. I thought it was a great start, just finished the season the other night. I've been recommending it to friends regularly.
First episode had one of the funniest moments i've seen so far in the first 7 episodes, when Piper leaves Caputo's office and he immediately busts out some lotion and a towel

Someone seriously needs to gif that shot
I tried watching Breaking Bad, but in the first 30 minutes I saw an old guy running around in his underwear, people sitting around eating breakfast and a car wash and zero plot. Does it get better?
I tried watching Breaking Bad, but in the first 30 minutes I saw an old guy running around in his underwear, people sitting around eating breakfast and a car wash and zero plot. Does it get better?

The show needs a catch phrase.

When someone gets slapped they should say "Bazinga!"


aka Mannny
Good show. Good first season. Will continue to watch. Piper gets on my nerves though so like the post above me said, supporting cast must be doing something right.


Tried to watch first episode. In half an hour i saw lots of sex/boobs, zero plot, no jokes/humour. Does it gets better?

I don't get it. Are you saying you didn't find the jokes funny, or do you actually think there was no humor? The first half hour is as comedy heavy as the show gets.
- Poniewozik: Orange Is the New Black Is the New Way of Talking About TV
So my column in Time this week is partly a review of Orange, with one eye on readers who’ve already seen it and another on those who haven’t watched at all. And it’s partly about how Netflix-style distribution, while convenient and liberating, also makes it trickier to figure out how to talk about the seasons, and when, and with whom:

This is a new, viewer-empowering way of premiering TV, and judging by Netflix’s 14 recent Emmy nominations for House of Cards and company, it’s here to stay.

But it also—even as social media have made shows like the camp classic Sharknado more communal than ever—upends the principle of watercooler TV: that we see the same things at the same time. the most dedicated Breaking Bad fan will not know Walter White’s fate before you do. Whereas a Netflix season is like a dark maze; we may enter around the same time, but we exit, blinking, separately.

It’s not necessarily a bad change, but it is a change. And to me, this is not just a navel-gazing question about how poor TV critics should review shows. It’s about the potential for new distribution forms to affect the way we all talk about TV, even as, with social media, it’s been becoming a more communal experience.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
About to watch the season finale - what a fantastic show. Netflix has hit it out of the park between House of Cards and this.

I'll be reading this thread once I'm finished - I hope others have enjoyed it as much as me.
Watched the entire show the last 2-3 days. Loved the shit out of it. More mature than Weeds and with characters that weren't as one dimensional. I can't post which was my favorite character because there were too many that were all good. I have to say that it's good to see Natash Lyonne. I always liked her and was sad when she had her troubles with drugs.
Like the show but my main problem with it is that I just don't care about piper, like, at all. Love the supporting cast.

I figured at the very beginning of the show if that she only is supposed to serve a year and that the show would either be very short or that she'd have to get in trouble while in prison.

Kinda dumb premise in that regard. Should have given her like 3 years from the start.


Death Prophet
Like the show but my main problem with it is that I just don't care about piper, like, at all. Love the supporting cast.

I figured at the very beginning of the show if that she only is supposed to serve a year and that the show would either be very short or that she'd have to get in trouble while in prison.

Kinda dumb premise in that regard. Should have given her like 3 years from the start.

Having a short prison sentence gives Piper the idea that she won't be in there long and she just has to live through it. When she gets out her fiance will be waiting for her, and she can continue with her life. A longer prison sentence would change the show completely.
Having a short prison sentence gives Piper the idea that she won't be in there long and she just has to live through it. When she gets out her fiance will be waiting for her, and she can continue with her life. A longer prison sentence would change the show completely.

the idea of the show is showing women in prison. if 3 seasons of the show were her in prison, are we still to believe it's the first year? considering how quick it went from thanksgiving to christmas in the show, she should be ready for release by the middle of season 2. i think that would kill the show
- NY Mag: Orange Is the New Black’s Pablo Schreiber on Playing Pornstache and All the Show’s Estrogen
- Salon.com: Laverne Cox on her “Orange Is the New Black” character: “She’s a survivor”
- Jace Lacob for BuzzFeed: Why You Need To Stop What You’re Doing And Watch “Orange Is The New Black”

- AP: It takes a 'war room' to launch Netflix's series
Netflix Inc. invited The Associated Press to its Los Gatos, Calif., headquarters for an unprecedented glimpse at the technical preparations that go into the release of its original programming. The shows have become the foundation of Netflix's push to build an Internet counterpart to HBO's premium cable channel.
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