Of course we all have our shit. We just don't all have shit of the same magnitude. I've had someone very close to me go to jail, for a short while thankfully. It sucked big time for me. But I'd wish someone would hit me upside the head with a cricket bat if I ever claimed any sort of equivalence between my problems and theirs. And my problems with Larry aren't because he's a man. They exist because he's a weak, lame excuse for a man.
When did Larry say his problems were bigger than Piper's? I believe he expressed how he was having trouble but I don't think he ever said things were harder for him.
Let's take the focus off of Larry for a bit here and put it on another SO that is outside of jail. The lady who is married to Sophia... She certainly didn't help her out. infact she complained about her as well, effectively left her for another man. Her problems are similar to Larry's she's lonely, she has to fend for herself, she has responsibilities. Is she a weaker character? She voices her opinions the same way as Larry does.
I know your problem with Larry isn't because he is a man, it's because he doesn't fit the stereotype of what you think a man should be and that's why you don't like him.