Um holy shit, Morello's actress is Australian
Isn't that australian accent?(just asking) I can't understad half of what she says.
Um holy shit, Morello's actress is Australian
Gotta disagree. The song is annoying as fuck, and a series of zoomed in faces is uncomfortable. I am glad the Netflix client makes it easy to skip it.
The point.
Well I think it should factor into your entertainment because it's such a major aspect of the show's artistic expression. These are portraits of real inmates and through the credits they're forcing you to face them head on and consider them properly as people. It's a perfect gateway into this world and an important reminder.I'm watching the show to be entertained, not be stared at.
Very nice list and essentially where I'd place them.
And while Larry is an understandably frustrated/annoying character and Jason Biggs is probably the most bearable he's ever been in this role, is everyone cool with him being off the show going forward? (if he actually is)
Cuz I sure as hell am.
Gotta disagree. The song is annoying as fuck, and a series of zoomed in faces is uncomfortable. I am glad the Netflix client makes it easy to skip it.
Another fantastic part of this show: we have a whole crop of previously unknown actresses who are going to have extremely promising careers.
Absolutely, this cast has really blown me away. I'm so excited to see where they go.Another fantastic part of this show: we have a whole crop of previously unknown actresses who are going to have extremely promising careers.
Bennett's actor (Matt Mcgorry) is really cute in this show, and the first two results from image searching his name were saved to my phone, lol.
Me and the lady have been watching this show, we just finished the Thanksgiving episode. In my opinion this is the best episode of the series yet, which is not saying much. I just don't get the love for this show. Besides this episode, it feels like everything gets wrapped up in a nice little bow at the end of every goddamn episode. I enjoy all the characters on the show (besides the religious hicks, man are they awful [I get that is the point, but I would love very much if they died next episode]), but I feel the writing is lacking actual drama that spans over each episode.
I don't get why everyone is saying this is such an amazing show
The main actress is awesome, I hope she's in a lot more stuff down the line
Me and the lady have been watching this show, we just finished the Thanksgiving episode. In my opinion this is the best episode of the series yet, which is not saying much. I just don't get the love for this show. Besides this episode, it feels like everything gets wrapped up in a nice little bow at the end of every goddamn episode. I enjoy all the characters on the show (besides the religious hicks, man are they awful [I get that is the point, but I would love very much if they died next episode]), but I feel the writing is lacking actual drama that spans over each episode.
I don't get why everyone is saying this is such an amazing show
The main actress is awesome, I hope she's in a lot more stuff down the line
Me and the lady have been watching this show, we just finished the Thanksgiving episode. In my opinion this is the best episode of the series yet, which is not saying much. I just don't get the love for this show. Besides this episode, it feels like everything gets wrapped up in a nice little bow at the end of every goddamn episode. I enjoy all the characters on the show (besides the religious hicks, man are they awful [I get that is the point, but I would love very much if they died next episode]), but I feel the writing is lacking actual drama that spans over each episode.
I don't get why everyone is saying this is such an amazing show
The main actress is awesome, I hope she's in a lot more stuff down the line
Maybe they really like it and taste is subjective
I've just finished that episode as well and I wouldn't say it's wrapped up nicely, if anything it raised the stakes quite a bitif I'm right in thinking the guard boss told Chapman's fiance she's been getting it on with drug dealer girl
Um holy shit, Morello's actress is Australian
It's hard to not be sarcastic to a response like that. No shit they like it and that taste is subjective, I'm not an idiot. I'm just having a difficult time understanding from that point of view of what is appealing to the people who really enjoy the show. My girlfriend and I went into this show with a very open mind (we even stuck out watching every episode of Weeds until the finale, despite hating every single episode that came out starting season 6), but it's just not hooking either of us in. Like I said before, the reason it's not clicking with us is that up until the Thanksgiving episode, everything is so hunky dory and gets resolved at the end of the episode.Chapman is the elected white person for the leadership spot? Holy shit what a crazy ending! Fast forward to next episode where no one gives a shit besides the white trash girl. I know I only gave one example, but that is one of the many that I felt let down/whatever when watching it.
I've started watching-3 episodes in and I love it. This show is very special, there's really nothing quite like it in tone on television in a while. I do want to echo the criticism brought up earlier that it "looks cheap".
It is a very good show, good story, good characters-but it doesn't really have a interesting "look".
I imagine it wouldn't have the same budget as other television programs out there.
It does. Around the same as most broadcast shows, ~3 million.
Bennett's actor (Matt Mcgorry) is really cute in this show, and the first two results from image searching his name were saved to my phone, lol.
her voice in OitNB makes my heart go wild. <3
Finished the season. Larry is by far the worst character in the show.
Pennsatucky is deluded, crazy white trash, but at least she has conviction.
Healy is a weak spineless oaf who wants to do good, but has too many hangups that get int the way.
Larry is just horrible. He breaks every promise he makes to his fiance, he actively pushes her away, he doesn't offer ANY support, instead demanding it from her because his life is so hard without her there. He exploits her situation for his personal gain, ignoring her own embarrassment and wishes that he wouldn't. He lies to her about Alyx, and then is shocked when the two of them are friends again. He believes the worst about his fiance from a stranger without even asking her (at the time, she hadn't had sex with Alyx). He ignores her for extended periods of time and leaves her stranded.
Yeah, if there's anyone to blame for Chapman breaking down so quickly, it's Larry.
Not every TV series needs to be a cliffhanger filled soap opera. Especially one that wants to tell stories that comment on different parts of society.Me and the lady have been watching this show, we just finished the Thanksgiving episode. In my opinion this is the best episode of the series yet, which is not saying much. I just don't get the love for this show. Besides this episode, it feels like everything gets wrapped up in a nice little bow at the end of every goddamn episode. I enjoy all the characters on the show (besides the religious hicks, man are they awful [I get that is the point, but I would love very much if they died next episode]), but I feel the writing is lacking actual drama that spans over each episode.
I don't get why everyone is saying this is such an amazing show
The main actress is awesome, I hope she's in a lot more stuff down the line
Me and the lady have been watching this show, we just finished the Thanksgiving episode. In my opinion this is the best episode of the series yet, which is not saying much. I just don't get the love for this show. Besides this episode, it feels like everything gets wrapped up in a nice little bow at the end of every goddamn episode. I enjoy all the characters on the show (besides the religious hicks, man are they awful [I get that is the point, but I would love very much if they died next episode]), but I feel the writing is lacking actual drama that spans over each episode.
I don't get why everyone is saying this is such an amazing show
The main actress is awesome, I hope she's in a lot more stuff down the line
Not every TV series needs to be a cliffhanger filled soap opera. Especially one that wants to tell stories that comment on different parts of society.
This. I love her voice. Probably my favorite minor character for her voice alone lol
But, isn't that what Orange did? I thought it had an abundance of cliffhangers, which makes that particular criticism odd.
On a lighter note, has anyone noticed that this show has a pretty obvious reference to a TV show in each episode?
I forgot half of them already, but the ones I remember
- When the firefighters are in the house and Sophia is looking at the credit cards, one of the firemen awkwardly says that there is a purple teddy bear with one eye in the other room (Breaking Bad)
- Thanksgiving episode, they're talking about killing a bald eagle on Thanksgiving or something and still eating it (my girlfriend says this happens in Shameless)
- The Madmen part where he's watching it at home (this one is more obvious)
- Two characters are talking about the problems they have to deal with (maybe in the showers), when one character says "I have things.... STUFF". I am absolutely convinced that this is a Walking Dead reference. I even said "stuff" out loud the same time character did without even knowing they were going to say it. It's such an awkward line if it wasn't referencing that awesome moment in Walking Dead, to the point where I am convinced that it's a reference.
- There were at least one more that I can't recall (possibly two more)
Now that I've typed this all out, I can see people reading this and thinking I'm insane, but I swear this is a thing
But, isn't that what Orange did? I thought it had an abundance of cliffhangers, which makes that particular criticism odd.
Just finished episode 12:
-Claudette noooooooooo
-Larry with the ultimatum? Uh, what?
On to the finale.
Oh, and why does Bennett turn in the drug shipment? Just because it was the "right" thing to do?
Are you shitting me?
Larry hasn't helped things that's true but Chapman is pretty terrible herself. She is a grown as woman she should have known what the consequences were for doing the things she has done.
Chapman is absolutely to blame for what she did to get her ass thrown in prison. However, as someone who has experienced incarceration, I can tell you that Larry's complete lack of support is an unforgivable crime. Saw it over and over again. The moment someone lost their support, encouragement, and hope from the outside, they were crushed.
If Larry had been honest with her, and hadn't tried to make it about him, and had shown even the littlest bit of strength for her to cling to, she would not have wound up in the diseased relationship that got her in trouble in the first place. 15 months feels like an interminable amount of time in prison, but it is short enough to be able to keep your head down, just do it, and get out of there. But she had noone to rely on. Her fiance's a self-centered brat, her best friend dropped the ball on the biggest deal they had, and her family absolutely shunned her.
Chapman fucked up inside, sure, but most of the early fuckups were do to naivete, which is understandable. The worst thing she did to herself that she should pay for was to chase the chicken. Ending up back in Alyx's arms (and, thus, incurring the wrath of both Pennsatucky and Healy) was because she had nowhere else to go.
If you are looking for something concrete to say about Netflixs foray into original programming, though, the company was willing to offer one tidbit, which it made a point of mentioning twice during its earnings call: Every time Netflix has rolled out a new show this year, its first-week ratings improved on the previous show.
That is: Arrested Development did better in its first week than House of Cards did in its first week, both in terms of viewer numbers and hours viewed. That isnt a huge surprise, because House of Cards was a new show, and Arrested Development was a reboot of a series with a big fan base.
But Orange Is the New Black, which debuted earlier this month, did better than any other show Netflix has released.
And that is surprising.
Exactly. As I said earlier Piper seems incapable of making a wise decision but Larry wasn't helping her. At all. Because he is a weak, selfish, shitty man-baby. How much time did pass before he ended up offering bullshit "woe is me" monologues at bartenders? A month? His problems are NOTHING. His parents don't like his girlfriend and he can't get laid. Oh my god how will he be able to survive?
Holy shit! Pornstache is Nick Sobokta!! Mind blown!
I find it odd that while Piper is given so much leeway because she is a female in a minimum security prison but Larry because he is a male and on the outside is weaker and that all his problems aren't real problems. They're all terrible people.
It's like Piper said at the beginning we all have our shit.