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Orange is the New Black - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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Just finished it

V was the perfect villain. The actress played the hell out of her role, so much so I almost jumped up with joy when she was struck by the van.
Just finished episode ten, this is getting good. I don't think I have ever hated so many characters in one show. Fuck Piper, Alex, Healy, Pornstache, Bennett, Figueroa, Vee, Taystee, Suzanne. I'm might be forgetting some.
I'm guessing everybody hated Vee because I sure did. I just finished watching the second season and it ended with a bang once again.

who would've thought it would be the Spanish brujeria along with the Spanish lady with cancer that would take Vee out. She was the perfect villain though and Everytime these people fell into her trap I got frustrated because it was so obvious. And crazy eyes just had me dying this entire season.


Just finished episode ten, this is getting good. I don't think I have ever hated so many characters in one show. Fuck Piper, Alex, Healy, Pornstache, Bennett, Figueroa, Vee, Taystee, Suzanne. I'm might be forgetting some.

:-/ what's wrong with Suzanne? I mean she's kind of
a thug for Vee this season, but that's only because she was fooled into thinking Vee actually cares about her (which wasn't difficult, considering everyone else treats her like shit).

That character breaks my heart


That's not the definition of rape I meant and not the one Daya had in mind. The show sends a mixed message about rape in that sense, given it more or less looks the other way when it comes to Bennett and Daya.
You're the one reading mixed messages here.
At the end Daya says that she seduced Pornstache and she might even like him more (well his declarations of love anyway) than Bennett
. By still affirming that as rape it also changes the viewer's context of bennett's actions
I'm not saying rape is rampant (because I haven't looked at the facts), I just want the show to acknowledge that women are capable of such terrible things too. Also, I said "real weight." It had a little weight but not a whole lot.
Oh you just want to see rape for the shock value.


Up to the fifth episode (that's what I have to watch next), I think that
Yael Stone
truly is the breakout star of this season. Seriously, good stuff.
Piper totally screwed up because she
lied in the wrong way. She could have easily said that she wasn't able to get out there and avoided actively lying about the status in a way where he truth would blow up on her.

i just realised that i fell asleep at the end of the episode, I thought that's what she did lol.
Full Series

Well that was weird.

It was a little more scattershot and a lot less moving of a season, although I was shocked to find myself completely wrecked by Sister Jane's episode. And Lorna, easily the deffest inmate, got an episode worthy of her total all encompassing defness. The bomb reveal and the "He's so dramatic" followup was the absolute jaw dropper of the season.

Red v. V was pretty great, although I was really hoping for a more direct Red Finds Dope, Red Steps Up To V Immediately And Beats The Fuck Out Of Her sequence. They really sucked the juice out of that conflict after that incredible moment between Red and Nicky where she reveals the H. Just kinda sat there for a few more episodes.

Tastee and Pousse was great, although it was weird that Pousse clearly has acting chops, as seen in her flashback, but is a little too one note as an inmate.

The overall Prison Scandal stuff was also well done, although Pornstache got brought in too late and kicked out too soon. His Kenny Powers walk through the block giving out shots was phenomenal.

As for the very end, nowhere near last season. V got off way too easy, which I guess makes this season a compelling argument against the death penalty. For all her gross evilness, she just escapes and gets killed. I wanted to see her go to Max for sure.

I also actually liked the Larry stuff, mainly because Polly is so fantastically portrayed and she really had a lot more material this season.

I also didn't think Piper ratted on Alex as revenge, but rather to protect her.

As for next season, here's hoping Fig ends up in Lichtfield.

So, overall, pretty much equal to last season. Dizzying highs, moderate lows, still one of the best shows ever.


Nicky pointed out in the first season that it was bullshit. I thought it was poorly executed myself since the writers didn't make me care about the character. Edit: The very first flashback gives reason to doubt her, well constructed pfft.

Episode four is definitely not the best. You're a writer ivysaur12, surely you would agree that the
sudden drama between Taystee and Poussey was very contrived.

She's been a charming character for a season and a half. I've absolutely been invested in her and was heartbroken in an earlier episode to see her engagement go south. I assumed that her personal story would've taken a more conventional route -- her fiancé leaves her while he's in jail -- and she has to cope with her newfound Singledom. In the world of story possibilities that make sense, I never expected Morello to be psychoticly delusional because she sold me on her fantasy. Well contrusted. I felt the rug pulled under me.

I was more talking about
everything besides the interaction between Poussey and Taystee. This season, yeah, 4 has been the best I've watched out of the 4 I've watched. I wouldn't call it contrived per se -- it's more speaks to Vee's manipulation, but I wish it was layered in a bit more earlier.

Also, please don't pull the "you're a writer, how could you think that?!" card. That's actually super frustrating because it asserts a superiority in opinion while also has a passive aggressive undertone for saying that I'm not good at my job. You (probably) didn't mean it that way, but that's how it can come off at first glance.
Episode 9

Right when the scene where Piper is visiting her grandmas's viewing or funeral or whatever grandma moves her head in the casket...I loled


Nicky pointed out in the first season that it was bullshit. I thought it was poorly executed myself since the writers didn't make me care about the character. Edit: The very first flashback gives reason to doubt her, well constructed pfft.

Episode four is definitely not the best. You're a writer ivysaur12, surely you would agree that the
sudden drama between Taystee and Poussey was very contrived.

what does this even mean
Just finished season two.

Dat last scene in episode 13 had me punching the air and saying goddamn although I saw it coming a mile away.

I liked that there was less focus on Piper as some of the things she does are completely stupid. I get that it's her character but really?

I really wish that there was more Pornstache :( His entrance into the prison was excellent.

Overall it was an excellent season and I feel that it built on the first one.

Oh and Fig getting found out was great, I could not stand her.
You're the one reading mixed messages here.
At the end Daya says that she seduced Pornstache and she might even like him more (well his declarations of love anyway) than Bennett
. By still affirming that as rape it also changes the viewer's context of bennett's actions
I haven't finished all of season two, by the way. Some of the episodes I have watched since my initial post have been addressing some of my qualms.
Oh you just want to see rape for the shock value.
No. -_-


Episode 4:
I just got to the scene where Piper takes back Atonement and spoils it. I laughed pretty hard at that, she finds new ways to be an asshole every episode

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Finished the season, really really good, got some Oz vibes near the end which is good, wonderful ending too.

This has been picked up for Season 3 right?

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris

Terrific, probably the best ensemble cast on TV at the moment. I hope next season they keep up with more turf war dilemmas, thats the stuff that really excites me, the inter prison politics.
She's been a charming character for a season and a half. I've absolutely been invested in her and was heartbroken in an earlier episode to see her engagement go south. I assumed that her personal story would've taken a more conventional route -- her fiancé leaves her while he's in jail -- and she has to cope with her newfound Singledom. In the world of story possibilities that make sense, I never expected Morello to be psychoticly delusional because she sold me on her fantasy. Well contrusted. I felt the rug pulled under me.
Initially I liked her but somewhere along the way she fell out of my favor.
I picked up on her delusions a lot sooner, so it wasn't nearly as effective to me.
I was more talking about
everything besides the interaction between Poussey and Taystee. This season, yeah, 4 has been the best I've watched out of the 4 I've watched. I wouldn't call it contrived per se -- it's more speaks to Vee's manipulation, but I wish it was layered in a bit more earlier.
Partly what bothered me is Poussey's feelings for Taystee being romantic seemingly out of the blue. It was established before that they were close, but there was no indication (unless I missed it) that Poussey was a lesbian. During the kiss scene Taystee alludes to previous incidents, which felt like a cheap way for the writers to contextualize it. Vee then interfering in the same episode made it feel all the more contrived.
Also, please don't pull the "you're a writer, how could you think that?!" card. That's actually super frustrating because it asserts a superiority in opinion while also has a passive aggressive undertone for saying that I'm not good at my job. You (probably) didn't mean it that way, but that's how it can come off at first glance.
Sorry. :( That wasn't entirely what I meant but it did slip in.
:-/ what's wrong with Suzanne? I mean she's kind of
a thug for Vee this season, but that's only because she was fooled into thinking Vee actually cares about her (which wasn't difficult, considering everyone else treats her like shit).

That character breaks my heart
She beat the shit out of Poussey. :( She will forever be shit in my book now.

So adorable
I read this in the OP.

Cornballer said:
Please spoiler tag any discussion and label which episode you're talking about outside of the tags: e.g. Ep 3: Place prison spoilers here

Apparently some people didn't.


Gonna save my thoughts on the season as a whole til we don't need spoiler tags anymore but all I gotta say is HOLY SHIT!! what an amazing finale

Fucking Bravo hahahahaha


Well, I finished it last night.

Liked it better than season 1. I liked that it moved some away from Piper as the main character. The only thing I really didn't like was the Daya/Bennett storyline. Good work making me like just about every other character. I wasn't looking forward to season 2 too much, but this turned me around.

Really looking forward to season 3 now.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Just finished last night

Rosa is fucking GOAT. God damn.


Is anyone else hoping Soso doesn't come back next season? With all these more interesting characters in the prison, I felt a lot of time was wasted on such a flat character.
This is my take. Her purpose was to provide a contrast between who
Piper started as and who she is in season 2


5 episodes in and Piper is great this season. Episode 1 was actually my favourite so I'm a little annoyed we're back to the melodrama and A-B-C plots.

Loved Piper telling Red
'What are you gonna do, starve me?'


Ugh why did they have to put "what about breakfast at Tiffany's" in this shit

Healy is the worst though, but goddamn does that actor do a great job of being an unlikeable prick every time he is on screen


Mendoza and Rosa are secretly the best characters this season. Fucking loved them both! Especially Mendoza. Ending spoiler!
I felt like she really stepped up to the plate, and I was actually sympathetic with her reasoning behind being in jail. She was pretty much neutral throughout the entire thing, but I especially loved that she helped Norma work out that crazy juju stuff at the end.

In fact, the way all the different factions basically teamed and were trying different things to get rid of Vee was just so awesome!
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