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Orange is the New Black - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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All around good season. This show doesnt have the polish of my favorites but at the end of the day the characters are fascinating, even thought i find 95% of them revolting and hate them. I like the first season more i think, but they delivered for the finale. That shit sure was satisfying.
About halfway through the season and loving.

Also, the more Nicky, the better. Her backstory in the first season was uninteresting IMO, but I love her sassiness.

Really hope this show doesn't experience a drop in quality. Can shake the feeling that this is another Dexter.


About halfway through the season and loving.

Also, the more Nicky, the better. Her backstory in the first season was uninteresting IMO, but I love her sassiness.

Really hope this show doesn't experience a drop in quality. Can shake the feeling that this is another Dexter.

This is from the same woman who brought us Weeds, which was good... until it went for way too long (8 seasons).

I hope this one is gonna stay as good as it is right now (or better) and then stop at season 5 or 6 at the very most.


not a medical professional
Finished this Saturday afternoon.. the ending
with Vee getting hit by the truck, I was just like "HIT HER!" when I saw the van coming down the road.. was not disappointed. Whole season was pretty good, first was better but this wasn't that far behind.


Some people were way underused and some were way overused. Most of the story lines were so disconnected they could have taken place in separate prisons without many changes.

The entire season, I wanted
the pregnant one to die. Her whole droopy faced "i want you to do something but don't do anything" angst was annoying the first time, let alone the 21st time. It's a hard situation, WE GET IT. Luckily nothing changed so we will get more of it next season!
Cosigning everyone who finds Daya extremely annoying, but I thought the way that EP 12
Vee built up and then let Suzanne fall was exceptionally done and really heartbreaking.
was a great villain.
Vee was annoying.

The black girls
were on okay terms with everyone else, then this season starts a race war of sorts between them. Vee comes along and is like, "dude im ur moms" and all the black girls are infatuated with her except for P.

Crazy Eyes becomes literally crazy, because fuck you let's shit on her character. Instead of this smart character that surprises people with her wisdom and quirks, it's just a dumb crazy person. Her backstory was sad, but in no way justified her character change in S2.

Vee then leads a group of, what, four black girls, against a whole prison, which works, because despite the fact that Vee fucks people in the ass openly, everyone suddenly is cool with her.

She gives you a shitty cig, and you agree to forgive her? Red had the shit beat out of her by Vee, but years later Vee is suddenly done with that harassment shit?

Her posse gets picked off, slowly, one by one, and yet the girls don't even give a shit (besides one, who's afraid of this 50 something year old lady who wouldn't be that hard to take down if she gathered a bigger group) until the very end. When Vee loses her posse, she escapes and gets hit, and that's the only good part of this season for me.
Season spoilers

I gotta say, S2 didn't really do much for me.

It reneges on it's most interesting changes notably Piper to a new prison and Vee attacking Red.
It never commits. It just goes half-ass with everything. I never really got the feeling they had a set end goal.

Backstories are nice but when they don't go anywhere, it's just a massive waste of time. Not everything they can or should show needs to directly pertain to a series of events. It just feels contrived.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Season 2 Episode 6 is the worst episode of the show I've seen, easily. What happened? There was some "my first script" level bullshit in there.

I'd be more specific, but nothing about the episode worked for me.
Season 2 Episode 6 is the worst episode of the show I've seen, easily. What happened? There was some "my first script" level bullshit in there.

I'd be more specific, but nothing about the episode worked for me.

You're the moon.

I was shaking my head that entire episode.

I'm only up to episode 7. Pretty disappointed so far.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
You're the moon.

I was shaking my head that entire episode.

I'm only up to episode 7. Pretty disappointed so far.
How did that "you're the sun" thing make it past the first draft?


I really felt like this season was just coasting. In season 1 you felt like there were actually high stakes with every new development. You didn't feel that at all this season. Any excitement I had for future seasons has totally deflated. I thought it would keep things interesting for at least 2 or 3 seasons. But it already feels like the next "Weeds" (later seasons) to me.

Vee as a character did nothing for me.
I watched the last 6 episodes in a row, so that says a lot about how easily this hooked me all over again.

Maybe a bit too much of a happy ending, though. Also fuck Piper.

Nose Master

Watched up to episode 2 of s2. What an awful episode. At least there was no Piper, though. She's by far the worst character in the show.


Daya is such a bitch. She was willing to screw over Bennett just so her kid "would not be confused over who the father is"

What the hell good would it do if Bennett confessed and both of them are in jailed?

I swear that pregnancy hormone is doing all the crazy talk.

And 2 seasons later I still cannot like Larry. All he does is whine. Though pretty much everyone in Piper pre-prison life are pretty much asses. Except her brother, the strangest one yet also the most supportive with almost no selfishness.

I wish Miss Claudette would come back for season 3 :(


Just finished watching season 2.

Overall it was still as good, if not even better, than season 1. The cast remains fantastic.

The MVP of the season was Yael Stone (Lorna Morello) in my opinion.
Her scene by the telephone when she learns that Christopher is gonna marry another girl was really well done, and I loved getting to know her. And I still like her even though she's a total psychopath. How sweet was she when she was talking about Toy Story in that van?

As for the season itself,
I thought Vee was a great villain and the way they killed her was well-deserved and pretty ironic. But it couldn't have ended well for her in any case. I kind of agree with those of you who think that the season finale was too much of a happy ending, but I enjoyed the ride anyway. Also my heart really felt for Suzanne at the end. Poor girl can't catch a break in her whole life. Also we need more Sofia next season.

Can't wait to watch season 3.


Brilliant analysis.

Just to say that this was an awesome post. I agree with most of your points. You reminded me of some great things from season 1 that I had forgotten, like Sophia's role, Pennsatucky's craziness and Crazy Eyes not-so-craziness.

So I think overall season 1 was better, but season 2 was really pleasant.

Ep 12
What now? Threesome?


haha I loved Luschek this season. Wish he would show up more often.
To announce to my entire (empty) house that it was time to watch the show, I started singing "Orange is the New Black" to the tune of Pat Benatar's "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" at the top of my lungs. Yeah, that's right, I'm cool.

I'm on episode 2, so I don't have anything of value to say yet.


I love the actress who plays Vee. She really deserves more roles.

Spoilers for the finale

I don't get why people are saying everything was wrapped up in the finale.

There were two escapes on Caputo's second day, and I highly doubt he'll let that shit slide. Even if it's just temporary to impress the warden, I think he'll turn Litchfield into a maximum security prison in everything but name. They did get some new riot gear after all.

There is a metric fuckton of heroin in the laundry room that Nicky and Boo need to try and get to Red without getting caught. If my previous theory is correct, that will be one hell of a task. Even if I'm wrong about Caputo, that still leaves Leanne and what's her face potentially finding it.

We can't forget what will be the BEST story of season 3, Larry and Polly fighting because Polly ratted on Alex. I'm sure we all want to see more of them! /s

My hope for season 3, with a minor spoiler.

I hope the woman who cut off her husbands cock gets to Healy next season. That fuck wit deserves everything coming to him and then some. I want him castrated and sent to a prison where his counsellor is a lesbian.


My hope for season 3, with a minor spoiler.

I hope the woman who cut off her husbands cock gets to Healy next season. That fuck wit deserves everything coming to him and then some. I want him castrated and sent to a prison where his counsellor is a lesbian.

I thought Healy redeemed himself quite nicely this season


I love the actress who plays Vee. She really deserves more roles.

Spoilers for the finale

I don't get why people are saying everything was wrapped up in the finale.

There were two escapes on Caputo's second day, and I highly doubt he'll let that shit slide. Even if it's just temporary to impress the warden, I think he'll turn Litchfield into a maximum security prison in everything but name. They did get some new riot gear after all.

There is a metric fuckton of heroin in the laundry room that Nicky and Boo need to try and get to Red without getting caught. If my previous theory is correct, that will be one hell of a task. Even if I'm wrong about Caputo, that still leaves Leanne and what's her face potentially finding it.

We can't forget what will be the BEST story of season 3, Larry and Polly fighting because Polly ratted on Alex. I'm sure we all want to see more of them! /s

My hope for season 3, with a minor spoiler.

I hope the woman who cut off her husbands cock gets to Healy next season. That fuck wit deserves everything coming to him and then some. I want him castrated and sent to a prison where his counsellor is a lesbian.
The white-trash group that works in the laundry will probably find the heroin, yeah. It would make sense if they had another drug-induced death too, they need to thin out the cast a bit.

I'm dreading Alex coming back into the prison. Pipers storyline kind of was going places, for once, but nothing exciting will happen with her character if Alex is back full time.
I just finished the season and I didn't like
the Vee storyline. I feel like everything with Taystee and the other girls ended exactly where it began. Nothing really moved forward aside from their bond strengthening. There's not much to anticipate with them next season.

Not a fan of the relationship drama with Larry and Polly, either. I just don't give a shit.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
FUCK VEE for what she did to Red. She deserved a worse outcome than being run over by Rosa.

I actually thought Red was going to die
My heart was beating like crazy


Pennsatucky felt so wasted this season. For one, what the hell happened to her religious views? And for the other, her and Piper didn't interact once. Like at all. It was like they completely dropped that story.


Pennsatucky felt so wasted this season. For one, what the hell happened to her religious views? And for the other, her and Piper didn't interact once. Like at all. It was like they completely dropped that story.

huh? they made peace and even hugged it out
Pennsatucky felt so wasted this season. For one, what the hell happened to her religious views? And for the other, her and Piper didn't interact once. Like at all. It was like they completely dropped that story.

It came off to me like it was just some sort of sham for her to influence people and feel belonged with, she's a character that not only wants to be somewhere but be in a position of power in each, even if it doesn't interest her much (like her blowing off safe space, though she regrets it).


Wait what? What episode? i don't recall that at all



There is a metric fuckton of heroin in the laundry room that Nicky and Boo need to try and get to Red without getting caught. If my previous theory is correct, that will be one hell of a task. Even if I'm wrong about Caputo, that still leaves Leanne and what's her face potentially finding it.]

Nicky's clearly thinking about relapsing for sure. Dunno if they have the balls to kill her off. Could lead to nothing which would be annoying.

Season was real good. Was invested in the main plot pretty heavily, which is all I could ask for. The whole Red vs Vee was pretty compelling. Plus Rosa having an interesting character arc despite being a seemingly random throwaway role was good.


I thought the implication was that Pennsatucky took some brain damage during the fight and was a little mellower as a result.


Cosigning everyone who finds Daya extremely annoying, but I thought the way that EP 12
Vee built up and then let Suzanne fall was exceptionally done and really heartbreaking.
was a great villain.
Exactly how I felt. This season was better than seaon 1 for me (aside the lack of pornstache) but Dieyah needs to die or something. That side story is just so annoying and kinda hampers the quality of the show I think because its kind of pointless


There needs to be more Nicky next year. She's my favorite.

I actually like Piper and Alex but those two don't need to get back together. Maybe at the very end of the series. They're more interesting when they're at odds.
I'm glad this show is moving beyond Piper. She was my least favorite character this season bar none, besides the opener.
The escalation was done perfectly. Really nice Foreshadowing on multiple occasions. The backstorys were amazing and drove the character development this season to new heights. I have to say this is my personal favorite show this year so far. Even my namesake wasn't quite as good IMHOj it was a beautiful emotional rollercoaster.

Also Watson is still cutest inmate. 10/10
Just finished the last episode S2. Loved the whole season overall.

Sweet justice served.
Rosa gets the perfect sendoff. Fuck Vee! A+ the morphing back to her young self getting away

The cast is still amazing. More Pornstash please in S3! Pipers facial reactions still crack me up.

S3 - Bring it!
Omg the ending was unreal. Piper was great this season, but tbh the real star was Soso. What an idiot, but I love her.

Larry continues to be pure scum.
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