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Orange is the New Black - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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If I were Red I would have
lured Vee into the greenhouse, had my kid there waiting (or one of the mafia guys), take her down and drag the body out through the pipe.
Ep. Finale

Caputto getting a blowjob from Fig and then revealing he already gave the files. Ugh that moment felt like victory.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Finished all thirteen episodes. I think I like it more than the first season for these reasons:

(series spoilers)

  1. Vee is a much more well-constructed villain than Pennsatucky, and is present as the villain for more of the season. Also, her end was as satisfying (maybe slightly more so) than Pennsatucky.
  2. Bitch-Piper is WAY more fun to watch than whiny-priveleged-white-girl Piper. Her last act in the season of screwing Alex over was absolutely pitch perfect.
  3. Less Larry stuff, and what stuff there was there was more tolerable.
  4. Loved the furlough episode especially, possibly my favorite of the season. The contrast summed up everything the series is about so perfectly.
  5. This season made me love Red even more, her interactions with her sons and contrast with Vee were great stuff.
  6. Caputo went from being kinda funny to watch, but creepy to... full on #winning. Amazing.
I'll probably think of more later but yeah, really liked this season. Hopefully the next season is only 11 months away instead of a full year, like this season was.


I liked the season quite a bit. Just like season 1, the show's got this interesting mix of fairly serious/dark drama and comedic bits that the show sort-of takes seriously for dramatic purposes such that I'm not really sure how to take them.

The characters all seemed pretty truthy to me and consistent with what we'd already seen of them. The one bit that really bothered me was Piper's initial reaction to
Soso, who's really obviously sort of a past version of Piper. Trying to sell her for a blanket because she's annoying is way worse than anything else Piper's gotten up to. It's one of those incongruous bits that the show kind of plays for laughs, but it's a major part of Piper and Soso's relationship so it can't just be written off as comic relief.
Thoughts on Season 2:

Essentially, the ending of S1 was rendered meaningless. The consequence is apparently ... Piper's guilty conscience? In that one monologue scene? That wasn't that great? Come on.

I didn't have as much of a problem with Piper's character last season, but this season her storyline was such a disappointment. Furlough ... because of her grandmother? Piper claims prison has changed her in the finale, but really, the Piper that should have grown and learned from Season 1 broadcast this to the world. And who allows this? The man who turned his back to her to let Pennsatucky murder her last season. To top it off, the season ends with her getting Alex back into prison with her. The season may have been more of an ensemble focus, but it doesn't do Piper's character any favors. It has only served to isolate her and reinforce the limited connections and experiences she has. A repeat of last season's dealings with Alex "I love/hate you" business have me groaning already.

There are two stupid plot lines that dragged on Season 2. One was the furlough. The other is this Daya/baby business that only serves to make a complete fool of Daya's character. I wasn't really a fan of their romance in Season one to begin with, but Season 2 has new lows. Or maybe I just don't remember last season's lows.

And despite Season 2's flaws, it left me with a smile on my face. Vee was an incredible character with an incredible actress. Which is important, because the season really needed her for fuel. Seeing the different prisoners simultaneously trying to get their revenge on Vee as she escapes was great. And then getting hit by the van with that "impolite" line. It was perfect. And hey, at least bringing things back to square 1 is an ending Orange is the New Black can commit to. Hopefully, the show itself can commit to an ending because it probably isn't going to be able to drag this along for more than four seasons.
Episode 6
Really? That's the best they could do with Poussey's story? The episode as a whole was meh.
Just watched episode 6 and

Is everyone turning Lesbian?
Nah, the
kissing scene at the end was meant to be subversive like the scissoring scene. It just wasn't executed all that well.
Seeing Big Boo be creepy (from my perspective) in episode 6 reminds me that I don't think there is a single moment in the series where sexual harassment/assault between women is treated as a real thing.
Piper trying to trade Brook for a blanket was treated as a joke in that one episode.


Seeing Big Boo be creepy (from my perspective) in episode 6 reminds me that I don't think there is a single moment in the series where sexual harassment/assault between women is treated as a real thing.

I don't think there has been actual sexual assaults has there?

It is interesting as the sex in Oitnb is mostly seen as a fun diversion whereas you watch something like OZ and sex in that is usually the result of power plays between the male inmates. And is a lot more brutal for it,

Just saw your edit: And you're right that scene was pretty creepy.
It's the equivalent of swapping someone for a pack of cigs. I didn't think they'd go through with it though and they didn't
I don't think there has been actual sexual assaults has there?
The threat of rape from men was made very real in the first season, since Pornstache threatened some characters and implicitly coerced some into sex. Also he did grope Piper in one episode, which is also sexual assault. Speaking of which, the subplot of trying to frame Pornstache for rape was incredibly tacky.
Just saw your edit: And you're right that scene was pretty creepy.
It's the equivalent of swapping someone for a pack of cigs. I didn't think they'd go through with it though and they didn't
The writers kind of half acknowledged what was wrong with it but they didn't throw any real weight behind it.

For all the praise the show gets for being progressive from some, it's also very lacking. :\ A step in the right direction, though.

Edit: I don't want the show to be Oz but the writers do dodge and mishandle some issues.


It's late so I'll post my full thoughts later, but I just finished and I thought it was a really good season. Not better than season 1, but still good.

Caputo came away with being my favorite character after this season.


On the finale.

This season really is better than 1. The story between Vee and Red is fantastic.

Piper is as dumb as ever.

That Larry storyline has been great.

Everything is great.


Red is Vegeta, Vee is Frieza. I could watch a show thats just them talking shit to each other.

A miniseries about Vee's rise would be interesting. She more cold than Walt at the end of Breaking Bad

The backstories and wider view of the other characters was so good. I really don't care much for Piper. The Red-Vee war was way more interesting.

Overall much better than season 2. I actually want to watch some episodes again.
What i want for season 3 is more Morello and 100% less Daya.

Finale spoilers
so glad the black girls got it together in the end, it felt wrong rooting against them all season.

ending was fun, Vee getting hit by cancer lady was perfect


Finished episode 3. Can we talk about how amazing
Morello's telephone scene, when she learns that Christopher is getting married with another girl was? Yael Stone really sold the hell out of that scene


I got through only 3 this weekend.. I must say for some reason it is not holding my attention like season 1 did. I hope it clicks soon :(


Up to episode eight so far and I'm mostly loving the background stories. Really adds something to these characters. And shit at that episode eight ending. This can't end well.


Just finished the season.

So good goddamn.

I'm dreading more
bullshit though, I gotta say.


This season was all SoSo. And I could/couldn't care less

The threat of rape from men was made very real in the first season, since Pornstache threatened some characters and implicitly coerced some into sex. Also he did grope Piper in one episode, which is also sexual assault. Speaking of which, the subplot of trying to frame Pornstache for rape was incredibly tacky.
They didn't try to frame him, it was rape as the warden herself eventually pointed out. There can't be 'consensual sex' between a guard and a prisoner (similar to the concept of statutory rape).
The writers kind of half acknowledged what was wrong with it but they didn't throw any real weight behind it.

For all the praise the show gets for being progressive from some, it's also very lacking. :\ A step in the right direction, though.

Edit: I don't want the show to be Oz but the writers do dodge and mishandle some issues.
I disagree that there wasn't any weight behind that acknowledgement, probably because I actually take what SoSo says seriously.
But first you have to show that there is rampant rape problem in women minimum security prisons before arguing that the show treats the subject poorly.


Binge-watched the whole thing over the weekend. I liked it a bit better than season 1. I think it's because I was more invested in these characters, so the stories resonated better with me.

I appreciated the overall optimism in this season. There were dark bits, but in the end there was justice for our characters. I was worried they'd go all Game of Thrones and emotionally abuse the audience, but they didn't.

I loved (to hate) Vee. Such a good addition to the cast. She was an excellent villain even though she was cartoonishly evil at times. The actress who played her did a great job. I also really enjoyed Piper this season. Her icy responses to all the ridiculousness around her were really funny to me.

I loved learning more about Taystee and Poussant., and how returning characters were fleshed out to be more like real people (I'm looking at you Pennsatucky). The show did a great job showing that there is more to someone than meets the eye, and that there is a potential for kindness in everyone. It was sappy but it was a nice change of pace from all the darkness other shows I watch are throwing at me 24/7.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
God Piper is so stupid, so inhumanly stupid, so unwittingly stupid, start of episode 10 and

She decides to lie to Red for no reason about the business, which is guaranteed to find out
I just dont get how she is this stupid, she so fucking stupid.
They didn't try to frame him, it was rape as the warden herself eventually pointed out. There can't be 'consensual sex' between a guard and a prisoner (similar to the concept of statutory rape).
That's not the definition of rape I meant and not the one Daya had in mind. The show sends a mixed message about rape in that sense, given it more or less looks the other way when it comes to Bennett and Daya.
I disagree that there wasn't any weight behind that acknowledgement, probably because I actually take what SoSo says seriously.
But first you have to show that there is rampant rape problem in women minimum security prisons before arguing that the show treats the subject poorly.
I'm not saying rape is rampant (because I haven't looked at the facts), I just want the show to acknowledge that women are capable of such terrible things too. Also, I said "real weight." It had a little weight but not a whole lot.


God Piper is so stupid, so inhumanly stupid, so unwittingly stupid, start of episode 10 and

She decides to lie to Red for no reason about the business, which is guaranteed to find out
I just dont get how she is this stupid, she so fucking stupid.

I probably would have lied to Red, too. :(

Saw it coming a mile away, but seeing Red's shop closed down broke my heart. :(


Piper totally screwed up because she
lied in the wrong way. She could have easily said that she wasn't able to get out there and avoided actively lying about the status in a way where he truth would blow up on her.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
It's going to be one of those things that
pissed about for half an ep but then will realize
was really looking out for her and they'll be closer than before.
Thank goodness, episode seven was substantially better than six and it even touched upon
the power dynamic between guards and inmates. I spoke too soon as this did more explicitly acknowledge that Bennett's actions were unethical with a character telling him it was rape.
A bit on the nose generally with its themes but I like that it is a focused and clear episode.


Episode four has to be the best one so far.

Morello's fantasy world is so well constructed, since we just believe her, and she believes her lies, up until the very last flashback where it all comes crumbling apart. We just believed her for a season and change... it's amazing.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
It's pretty spectacular they held that back and didn't do it in season one. Far more impactful now.


Just finished it. Great season; the last couple of scenes had me grinning ear to ear. My only comment right now is that Piper really seemed like part of the background this season. The main conflict really went over her head, I don't even think she was aware of it for the most part.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Who knows, maybe they came up with the idea in season 2, but it's so perfect. I watched the episode through my hands.

Well it's based on a book, based on real life. They probably have most of the show plotted out.


Well it's based on a book, based on real life. They probably have most of the show plotted out.

From what I recall, the book and show differ except for a few plot points and most of Piper's initial story. Maybe they've been saving
Morello's reveal
for two seasons, but probably not. It still works plays beautifully, so it's moot.

EDIT: Chapman is sort of a blah character but (ep4)
her selling out Soso to Boo to get her blanket black was sort of hilarious, if completely fucked up.
Episode four has to be the best one so far.

Morello's fantasy world is so well constructed, since we just believe her, and she believes her lies, up until the very last flashback where it all comes crumbling apart. We just believed her for a season and change... it's amazing.
It's pretty spectacular they held that back and didn't do it in season one. Far more impactful now.
Nicky pointed out in the first season that it was bullshit. I thought it was poorly executed myself since the writers didn't make me care about the character. Edit: The very first flashback gives reason to doubt her, well constructed pfft.

Episode four is definitely not the best. You're a writer ivysaur12, surely you would agree that the
sudden drama between Taystee and Poussey was very contrived.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
episode was the best.

The contrast and what Piper has to deal with on the outside
perfectly capture exactly what the series is about to a tee.


Is anyone else hoping Soso doesn't come back next season? With all these more interesting characters in the prison, I felt a lot of time was wasted on such a flat character.
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