She's so rude
O'neill is also the hero we deserve. Move along sisters.
Just don't go get her ice cream after.
I didn't understand Watson sticking with her, but I get black Cindy doing it.
Think about it this way-- they were ignored/powerless compared to the "whites"(Red's gang) and browns (...Garcia?). A little power in a place like that can be intoxicating.
I think the flashbacks showed what she meant by "black women running the place," and it was pretty scary.
Vee is a straight-up psychopath. There's actually just no story to tell there. All emotion is a lie designed to manipulate.Yeah, it was really odd that Vee, out of all the characters, is the only one without a "her side" of the story. She was just an evil bitch.
Everyone else is portrayed as a human, with both good and bad sides to them. But not Vee. It was a, how will Vee be a total and complete cunt now?
Maybe Vee is supposed to show us that some people are just evil?
Yeah, it was really odd that Vee, out of all the characters, is the only one without a "her side" of the story. She was just an evil bitch.
Everyone else is portrayed as a human, with both good and bad sides to them. But not Vee. It was a, how will Vee be a total and complete cunt now?
Maybe Vee is supposed to show us that some people are just evil?
Vee is a straight-up psychopath. There's actually just no story to tell there. All emotion is a lie designed to manipulate.
I loved that episode, and Yael Stone sold the hell out of every scene she was in this season in my opinion.
I didn't think she would die in that bathroom, but I was really scared for her when she woke up as Christopher was coming. Shit really got tense.
Taystee was unfathomably stupid this season. Pretty much all of the black girls were. Vee's "manipulation" was so predictable and obvious that it just seemed odd that they would so readily abandon their closest friends for her. The only time I didn't see right through her trick was when she called it a truce with Red and later tried to kill her. She's an evil bitch but there's not much to her besides that and I just didn't find her very engaging as a result. I've seen this kind of character done all the time.
That kid looks cg.
That's a very harsh judgmental opinion on the black girls. If you're going to label anyone stupid it should be Red for falling for Vee's ruse twice (or yourself for not seeing through that trick). The black girls didn't actually have any knowledge of Vee's doublecrossing ways unlike Red/the audience
You say Vee's manipulations were obvious, but I didn't always find them that way. However, I did see the Red betrayal coming a mile away.
I think her trickery is similar to how it's difficult to write smart characters without everyone else looking dumb. There's a bit of it you just have to go along with.
I really hated her this season, up until the last episode. She really is just mentally unstable and latched onto Vee as a mother figure, trusting her and willing to do almost anything for her.I'm really conflicted on this season. I have to mull over it a bit more before I make a big ass post about it, but there were some things I REALLY felt they misfired on. Crazy Eyes character I felt was sort of decimated in my view. I can't believe how bad that went.
I'm really conflicted on this season. I have to mull over it a bit more before I make a big ass post about it, but there were some things I REALLY felt they misfired on. Crazy Eyes character I felt was sort of decimated in my view. I can't believe how bad that went.
I have to think it over some more.
I feel like it's just the opposite, I think it really made her character. The last shot of her made the audience really feel awful and completely understand what her motivations are.
I liked her arc a lot.
Just finished, ding dong the bitch is dead.... hopefuly...
They could always start the next season by an ambulance picking up V and bringing her back to prison lol.
Poor girl. She shouldn't be in jail, she should be in special treatment center.
I'm surprised they haven't explained how she got to be in jail yet. She obviously came from a super privileged background, so why didn't her parents put her in a special center?
Poor girl. She shouldn't be in jail, she should be in special treatment center.
I'm surprised they haven't explained how she got to be in jail yet. She obviously came from a super privileged background, so why didn't her parents put her in a special center?
Not enough porn stache this season even though his return was magnificent
Not reading the rest of the thread yet since I'm only up to episode 10, but geez, Kohan is really going out of her way to make every black character except Pousse and Sophia absolutely unlikable.
I don't think Taystee is unlikable either. She's a smart girl who has been dealt a rough deal in life and makes the most of it. Plus she's really funny.
But I would agree that her relationship with Vee made her look awfully cruel.
Not reading the rest of the thread yet since I'm only up to episode 10, but geez, Kohan is really going out of her way to make every black character except Pousse and Sophia absolutely unlikable.
It was a callback to the episode where we learn about Gloria's backstory (with her little store, the candles and all these superstitious things). Looks like it finally worked!
Like House of Cards, the show feels cheaper and hastily shot in it's second season.
The plot with the pregnant inmate was boring and went nowhere.
The return of pornstache went nowhere.
The biggest problem is with the writing. First we are told how smart Red is. Then we are shown how cool, calm and calculated Vee is. If Vee is so calm and calculated why would she go crazy on her own crew? We had no reason to believe she would do that. Just like we have no reason to believe Red would trust her. Vee knows the importance of having a gang, if we are to go by character she would do everything to preserve that gang. Just doesn't make sense.
Just like house of cards, second season was poorly written, seemed cheaper and had worse acting.
That was really weirdly done. One flashback Tastee has no idea Vee had him killed, then a few episodes later she seems to know everything.Oh, I agree but I blamed it on Vee. It is obvious we are meant to see Vee is very manipulative and able to brig the worst out in people. Though I also agree they made it a bit unbelievable with some of the characters not seeing through her sh**. Red in particular really should have seen through that last part as Vee had already displayed to her how she can act like everything is hunky dory and then turn around and beat the crap out of you. Tastee was a little more excusable as Vee was like a mother figure to her but it made a character I really like become unlikable in how quickly she turned on her friend. But what I found most unbelievable is despite being stubbern about being blind to Vee Tastee just as quick is wise to her ways just by being thrown out. And I mean fully wise to her ways including with no new evidence suddenly realizing that Vee had RJ killed.
All in all I liked season 2 and I loved the ending though I agree it was obviously pandering to the audience (I still loved it as they did do a good job of making me hate Vee. Mainly cause she made likable characters unlikable and she made conditions worse for everyone by making the lines between groups even harder). But it does remind me of weeds in a way and not in a good way (how weeds got worse and worse as an effort to become more hardcore and all the characters became unlikable and unsympathetic).
Like House of Cards, the show feels cheaper and hastily shot in it's second season.
The plot with the pregnant inmate was boring and went nowhere.
The return of pornstache went nowhere.
The biggest problem is with the writing. First we are told how smart Red is. Then we are shown how cool, calm and calculated Vee is. If Vee is so calm and calculated why would she go crazy on her own crew? We had no reason to believe she would do that. Just like we have no reason to believe Red would trust her. Vee knows the importance of having a gang, if we are to go by character she would do everything to preserve that gang. Just doesn't make sense.
Just like house of cards, second season was poorly written, seemed cheaper and had worse acting.
Name me a person who is a drug smuggler that would not go crazy if someone stole their whole supply? Just because someone is calm and collected doesn't mean their emotions eventually don't get the best of them.
Vee. When she found one her own betrayed her, she didn't go crazy. She very calmly took her time and had the guy shot. We were shown this on a flashback.
Like the other poster said, if we are to believe the show and follow the characters, Vee would have killed Red.
Vee did not have to go crazy about RJ because the issue was not pressing. This is not the same situation. She doesn't know where the stash is, who has it and if she will find it. Not the same situation at all. As far as Red goes, Vee had already explained eariler why she would not have Pousay snuffed out. It would have brought outside attention that could possibly discover her operation.
Assaulting her would (and did) bring the same attention though. She either would have done nothing at all and just take over her business (which as the character was written I think it's what she would have done) or kill Red outright.
That half measure of attacking her, but not killing here is just so out of character. What was the point of that? Intimidation? What for? Red had already surrendered. Vee had already won. It was contrived so she would be alienated from everyone, but we could still keep Red for next season, which made it weak IMO.
Not as much as a murder. People get the crap beat out of them all the time in prison. I would assume she wanted to get Red's guard down and then attack, that's why. That doesn't mean she doesn't still see Red as an obstacle. I don't want Red gone anyway. Games of Thrones is great, but not every show has to be like it.