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O'Reilly to Jewish caller: "Go to Israel"

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CALLER: I agree with what you've been saying recently -- you're concerned about the secularization of Christmas and -- I'm concerned about the secularization of Jews and about the -- and Christmas going into schools.

When I was growing up -- I'm Jewish, but I was not in a very Jewish area. There were some Jews there but, I was kind of -- grew up with a resentment because I felt that people were trying to convert me to Christianity --

O'REILLY: Were they?

CALLER: Yeah, when I got to college I found out -- that's true. A lot of people were. I found that millions of dollars were spent trying to convert --

O'REILLY: I mean that you really believe that people were trying to convert -- you personally -- were trying to make you change from being Jewish to Christian?

CALLER: Absolutely.

O'REILLY: How do they do that?

CALLER: Well, for example, there are various organizations in the colleges that go to people -- try to invite you to Bible study groups --

O'REILLY: Yeah, I know, but -- I mean, you don't have to go. I mean they do that to me. They come -- the Jehovah's Witnesses come to my door and invite me places. I mean, I don't care -- I just say no, get outta here.

CALLER: The thing is, is when you have -- for example, Christmas carols or gift exchanges being done in school, that kind of sets the kids up to being converted.

O'REILLY: Yeah, but you give gifts on Hanukkah, don't you?

CALLER: No, there's not really a Jewish tradition of giving gifts on --

O'REILLY: Well, the seven candles [sic], you get a gift for every night, don't you?

CALLER: Actually, the Jews give gifts on --

O'REILLY: All right. Well, what I'm tellin' you, [caller], is I think you're takin' it too seriously. You have a predominantly Christian nation. You have a federal holiday based on the philosopher Jesus. And you don't wanna hear about it? Come on, [caller] -- if you are really offended, you gotta go to Israel then. I mean because we live in a country founded on Judeo -- and that's your guys' -- Christian, that's my guys' philosophy. But overwhelmingly, America is Christian. And the holiday is a federal holiday honoring the philosopher Jesus. So, you don't wanna hear about it? Impossible.

And that is an affront to the majority. You know, the majority can be insulted, too. And that's what this anti-Christmas thing is all about.
NLB2 said:
Jesus a philosopher?
Uh... yes.


O'Reilly should've stopped at "You're taking it too personally," because up until that point I was agreeing with him.


Spike Spiegel said:
Uh... yes.
So what's his epistemology? The only thing philosophical coming from Jesus is an ontology that he pulled out of his ass mostly and slightly out of Judaism.


Like christmas is really about christ anyway...

Its just fun holiday time with gifts!
Drink and be merry!
Yeah, really, all the stuff about gift-giving and the Christmas tree and the mistletoe ... all that stuff is rooted in pagan festivals which would occur on Dec. 25th. The Roman authority simply kept these holidays since the general populace would have gotten very upset if they were discarded (the Romans/pagan Europeans loved their fesitvals), but just dressed it up as some kind of Catholic celebration.

Dec.25th was celebrated in Europe/Rome as the birth of Mithras among other gods like Hercules.


dem said:
Like christmas is really about christ anyway...

Exactly. Christmas is rather secular, for better or for worse. Everyone has their own way of recognizing and celebrating it, or they simply choose to ignore it, as best as they can.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
:lol @ annual gift giving man
Non-Christians celebrate Christmas. It really doesn't have as strong of a religious meaning that he's making it out to be. I never saw it as some recruitment technique either.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Christianity hasn't been Christianity since about 400AD anyways.


Honorary Canadian.
God I hate Bill O'Reilly. I wish Jon Stewart wouldn't have been all funny to him, but would have actually just hung him on the wall by his nuts. Essentially Viacom did this when they got Neilsen to ask an extra question. I don't know if you all heard this, but after Stewart was on O'Reilly's show, O'Reilly was trying to criticize Stewart for essentially catering to his audience, which was a bunch of "Stone slackers," saying that Stewart could have a real impact and it's a shame that he doesn't. Stewart played it off with a joke, but Comedy Central ended up getting Neilsen Media, the company that polls for television popularity, to check for education, too... and it turned out that the audience of the Daily Show has far, far more education than the audience of the O'Reilly Factor, hahaha.
Yeah, really Christmas is about as secular as you're gonna get.

Between the giving of gifts, the Christmas tree, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, bad Tim Allen movies, Tickle Me Elmo type toy fads where parents try to kill each other, Santa Claus, "Black Friday" :lol , etc. etc. etc.

There isn't room for religion anyway.


Arnold K said:
Umm, yes. Never took Philosophy or Western Civilization in college?
I would usually consider a philsopher someone who draws their conclusion through reason and/or observation. Jesus drew his conclusions from miracle. Prohphet - yes, philosopher - no.
NLB2 said:
I would usually consider a philsopher someone who draws their conclusion through reason and/or observation. Jesus drew his conclusions from miracle. Prohphet - yes, philosopher - no.

Depends on which historical record you read. If you think the Bible is the only true record, then yeah he was a prophet and son of god.

He was a philosopher whether or not you believe the spiritual associations.
whytemyke said:
Don't you dare blaspheme, Kave-Man! Santa was a good man and doesn't need you mocking his birthday!
Just like Easter is the Easter bunny's birthday. Tee hee my professor was working that weekend, and he said he was not able to celebrate the Easter bunny's birthday.


This country wasn't founded on judeo christian values. Correct me if Im wrong, but the founding fathers weren't all that religious for the most part.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Hell, to be technical...Christianity gives Jesus way too much credit. Sure he founded the basics of the religion, but without Paul of Tarsus everything would've ended with his crucifiction. And then of course Constantine allowed and helped Christianity grow and around that time Jesus began to roll over in his grave because that's when Christianity was fucked. Christians idolize a man who's beliefs and teachings they don't even follow! The religion makes no sense.

All religions make no sense.


Honorary Canadian.
All religions make no sense.

Of course they make sense. Have you seen a better way to organize and incite masses of people to do what you want? Genius stuff.

Correct me if Im wrong, but the founding fathers weren't all that religious for the most part.

Some of them were, but not to the extent that everyone makes them out to be. Most of them were rich white slaveowners who only cared about the population as far as they needed to, to get them to fight to take political and economic from the british aristocracy and put it in their own pockets.

Jefferson and Franklin were not, and both were involved with the French "Philosophe" movement, in which the popular religion was "deism", a belief that God existed and probably even made us, but has no real impact on every day affairs... kind of like the laissez-faire policy for religion.
If a public school has stuff about Xmas but not Chanukkah or other holidays, that should stop

Here in Ontario, maybe the rest of Canada, we learnt about a lot of holidays and stuff

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
Both of them suck,the Jewish caller totally overempathised the problem(i am half jewish myself and know the situation really well)
But O'Reilly shouldnt have answered like that,he is a TV Host and he has certain obligations towards society.

Its funny most people dont even original Santas story(hint : it involves A bucket of sewered children Heads and Santa resurrecting them thus getting the name Saint,at least thats the way the story is told here)


Ristamar said:
Exactly. Christmas is rather secular, for better or for worse. Everyone has their own way of recognizing and celebrating it, or they simply choose to ignore it, as best as they can.

That's what I've always believed...for me and my family it's about Christ, but if others wanna make it about the birthday of Buddah, Hitler or fucking Lucifer, more power to them.

And I hate O'Reilly's guts, but big fucking deal to what he said. If he'd told an Aussie to go back down under, nobody bats an eyelash. But because he told a Jew to go back, it's something bigger? Come on.

To be fair, the caller never said he was born or lived in Israel, so that takes on a slightly different context. But still, he's said far worse.


Setec Astronomer
Christmas used to be the roman festival of Saturnalia before the Catholics usurped it like several other unchristian festivals. In fact, they didn't even change the method for figuring out the day what we now call Easter occurs on.
Isn't Christmas on the same day (or near enough) to the winter solstice?

Isn't the practice of decorating a tree a pagan one to celebrate winter solstice?

Isn't it true that if you are christian and you have a christmas tree that God will smite you due to this?

Isn't it true that the Bible gives no date whatsoever for the birth of Jesus.


O'Reilly is a waste, he's a hypocrite remember that dirt his secratary had on him.
He's going to burn He needs to be put in prison with Martha Stewart


O'Reilly was certainly an ass to the caller, but this is far from the most controversial thing he's ever said.

As much as Christmas is, for the most part, a secular holiday, there certainly is an asymmetry between Christian observances and other major religious events. (Anyone know when Ramadan ended? When was Yom Kippur this year?) The caller was certainly exaggerating the situation -- this isn't part of a Christian plot to convert all the Jews -- but at the core, he DOES have an interesting point about pro-Christian bias.
-jinx- said:
O'Reilly was certainly an ass to the caller, but this is far from the most controversial thing he's ever said.

As much as Christmas is, for the most part, a secular holiday, there certainly is an asymmetry between Christian observances and other major religious events. (Anyone know when Ramadan ended? When was Yom Kippur this year?) The caller was certainly exaggerating the situation -- this isn't part of a Christian plot to convert all the Jews -- but at the core, he DOES have an interesting point about pro-Christian bias.

When I lived in Dubai, Ramadan was great. We only had to go to school until 12.30 4 days a week. I wish they did that everywhere.

Thing is the arabs liked Christmas as much as anyone. I don't think I've seen more lavish public decorations anywhere.

Escape Goat

KiNeSiS said:
O'Reilly is a waste, he's a hypocrite remember that dirt his secratary had on him.
He's going to burn He needs to be put in prison with Martha Stewart


Glad you're back. :lol


they call me "Man Gravy".
Fleming said:
Its funny most people dont even original Santas story(hint : it involves A bucket of sewered children Heads and Santa resurrecting them thus getting the name Saint,at least thats the way the story is told here)

What? "santa" is derived from the Germanic Saint Nicholas (or however you spell it), a guy who went around and gave candy to children. I think he put it in their shoes or something. Hence, why "Santa" brings gifts to little children on Christmas.

Edit - it was from the Dutch, and it's "sinterklaas" in Dutch.

The modern Santa Claus is a composite character made up from the merging of two quite separate figures. The first of these is Saint Nicholas of Myra, a bishop of Byzantine Anatolia (now in modern-day Turkey) famous for his generous gifts to the poor. In Europe he is still portrayed as a bearded bishop in canonical robes. The second character is Father Christmas, which remains the British name for Santa Claus. Father Christmas dates back at least as far as the 17th century in Britain, and pictures of him survive from that era, portraying him as a well-nourished bearded man dressed in a long, green, fur-lined robe. He typified the spirit of good cheer at Christmas, and was reflected in the 'Spirit of Christmas Present' in Charles Dickens' famous story, A Christmas Carol.

I really don't know what fucked-up stories you're hearing about Santa, Fleming


Honorary Canadian.
Shinobi said:
And I hate O'Reilly's guts, but big fucking deal to what he said. If he'd told an Aussie to go back down under, nobody bats an eyelash. But because he told a Jew to go back, it's something bigger? Come on.

If he told an Aussie that, it wouldn't be religiously motivated. Personally, I don't give a damn about religion, but it's clear that this was a religiously motivated slander on the caller. The guy is a douchebag, no doubt, though. He needs to die.

Personally, the only reason this kinda crap pisses me off is because O'Reilly is always the first person to say that he never says shut up, tells people they're stupid or tells them they're wrong, and he more than supports peoples' freedoms as he's a self-proclaimed libertarian. However, we all know he's the first person to tell someone who disagrees with him to shut up, he has no problem abusing his pulpit to make people look bad (oftentimes without giving them a chance to counter), and overall supports every law passed that saps away more and more freedoms of Americans so that stupid rich people can feel safe. He's a damn hypocrite and he doesn't even recognize it, and that's why I can't stand him.
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