If he told an Aussie that, it wouldn't be religiously motivated. Personally, I don't give a damn about religion, but it's clear that this was a religiously motivated slander on the caller. The guy is a douchebag, no doubt, though. He needs to die.
Personally, the only reason this kinda crap pisses me off is because O'Reilly is always the first person to say that he never says shut up, tells people they're stupid or tells them they're wrong, and he more than supports peoples' freedoms as he's a self-proclaimed libertarian. However, we all know he's the first person to tell someone who disagrees with him to shut up, he has no problem abusing his pulpit to make people look bad (oftentimes without giving them a chance to counter), and overall supports every law passed that saps away more and more freedoms of Americans so that stupid rich people can feel safe. He's a damn hypocrite and he doesn't even recognize it, and that's why I can't stand him.