I got 3 games before it quit letting me. If they take them back, oh well, might be even more fun reading the comments about it than actually playing the games I got.
can they charge you for this latter?
Ah so they're on to it and are removing games already?
This doesn't work for the Arkham games I'm assuming
Unless they somehow know my Credit Card info, No, if they do, Lawsuit!
(Never gave EA my CC info ever)
Cause $0.00 items can't be charged
Ah ok.He's talking about a different experience.
Nope. EA wants people to take from them and only them alone this time.
where the fuck is the list of all games on origin..
Ah ok.
This wasn't all part of the plan though was it? People are getting a lot more than $20 worth. I look forward to the official reply.
You aren't going to be banned for exploiting a coupon. Honestly I doubt they will even remove games (the amount of fucks they care about older <20$ games is probably about 0).
guys is dead space one better than 2.. I just got 2 because if one is better I wont know what I'm missin.... but is dead space 1 needed to understand DS2 > PC tab > left side, all pc games
If I get banned the biggest sting will be I can't play Most Wanted with Gaf this year, not having Origin wouldn't phase me in the bit. EA should reflect and question why people are willing to do this, if this situation happened with Valve only a small fraction of people would try to get free games.
How is everybody getting more than one game? multiple accounts?
It doesn't let me use the code again.
How is everybody getting more than one game? multiple accounts?
It doesn't let me use the code again.
How is everybody getting more than one game? multiple accounts?
It doesn't let me use the code again.
You aren't going to be banned for exploiting a coupon. Honestly I doubt they will even remove games (the amount of fucks they care about their older <20$ games is probably about 0... especially since this coupon was going to give you a free game basically anyway).
Last night was the bomb if you wanted to get multiple games, some people left with 30 or 40 games.
is this working with console game?
Are there any Steam games?
And can i use it from any other country?
It works in chile, bro. Go here and try with different browsers.
How is everybody getting more than one game? multiple accounts?
It doesn't let me use the code again.
Yeah, no way we get banned. Small chance they remove the games, but I doubt that for reasons that have been said in this thread a billion times. The idea of paying employees to remove these games and deactivate the CD keys seems crazy. It is EA though, so you never know.
How is everybody getting more than one game? multiple accounts?
It doesn't let me use the code again.
Why don't get both?
Last Night
You could fill your cart up to as much games as you wanted
Apply code, rather than 1 game getting knocked off to $0.00, all games up to + under $19.99 got knocked to $0.00
Some did 5-7+, I personally did 10 (copied shaggy's list, sorry buddy), some went above and beyond the battlefield and grabbed 30+.... LAWL!
I'm using different browsers and it doesn't let my use the code again :/
If I get banned the biggest sting will be I can't play Most Wanted with Gaf this year, not having Origin wouldn't phase me in the bit. EA should reflect and question why people are willing to do this, if this situation happened with Valve only a small fraction of people would try to get free games.
Yup. If anything it shows how broken Origin really is, magic promo codes that grant you whole free games constantly is something out of Willy Wonka.
You are delusional if you think people wouldn't have exploited this to kingdom come on steam just because they like valve. It would have been worse because more people and more games.
I also find your constant antagonism towards EA highly amusing considering the thread.
Hell, just look at what happened with the humble bundle during the winter sale.
Holy crap Origin is slow as shit. Is it usually like this?
Holy crap Origin is slow as shit. Is it usually like this?
Last night was the bomb if you wanted to get multiple games, some people left with 30 or 40 games.
Wow totally didn't think I would still have all my free games when I woke up today. Awesome!