Unconfirmed Member
Chilean 2 reporting in.thanks for that link!
chilean here too btw
Even after last night's haul I still managed to get an extra game this morning. Thank you based Wario for the tip.
Chilean 2 reporting in.thanks for that link!
chilean here too btw
Wow, you can't give people anything without them abusing it. 40 games?
You are delusional if you think people wouldn't have exploited this to kingdom come on steam just because they like valve. It would have been worse because more people and more games.
I also find your constant antagonism towards EA highly amusing considering the thread.
Hell, just look at what happened with the humble bundle during the winter sale.
I wouldn't try to pull anything when it comes to Steam. I actually value my Steam account.
Why not?
It's all digital release of Old Ass games
I wouldn't try to pull anything when it comes to Steam. I actually value my Steam account.
While they are old games, we all buy the shit out of older games every Steam sale and Origin have had some big sales. So, there have still been some lost sales here. We'll see whether those lost sales are worth the good will from existing customers and the number of new customers to EA.
wonder if i could keep going if i just created new accounts.
Steam prices them reasonably, EA doesn't
I highly doubt someone was contemplating and mulling over buying say Mass Effect 2 on Origin, due to all the savings
Shit happens on rare but constant basis gaming wise, you should see websites dedicated wholly to companies fucking up
The fuck-ton of points GAF accumulated from XBL giveaways, remember Costanza
The PSN giveaways of codes DLC/Cross marketing, guilty as charged, gave out like 200+ KZ3 codes, by refreshing website and giving GAF freebees
Best Buy Buy 2 Get 1 Free, glitch in system, gave you B2G2 free (again, some abused the ever living shit out of this)
Yeah could only get Dead Space 2 for my account.
The Target buy 1 get 1 free glitch and people figuring out how to manipulate Target's coupon printer to give $100 off a PS3 were also some classics.
I hate the store, every time I get redirected to Spain, I am from Costa Rica, why I have to be charged on Euros?.
What do I put if I'm not in the US as customer information? Must it be true? or can/must I fake it?
So...this hasn't expired yet, right?
While they are old games, we all buy the shit out of older games every Steam sale, and Origin has had some big sales. So, there have still been some lost sales here. We'll see whether those lost sales are worth the good will from existing customers and the number of new customers to EA.
lol just tried it again with spore just for fun and it went through.
i got 4 games using tunnelbear, this link http://store.origin.com/?ipr=ty and different browsers and i don't feel bad at all, actually i feel good yay!
Eh...of the 4 games I managed to get (Burnout Paradise, NFS: Hot Pursuit, Bulletstorm and Mirror's Edge) the only one I'd have ever considered realistically buying would be Mirror's Edge. The others were games that have looked somewhat interesting but I'd never have bought. So if I end up liking Burnout or NFS, then maybe I'll be more likely to buy the next Burnout or NFS new. I did try the Bulletstorm demo and I didn't like it so maybe the full game will change my mind.
But I wouldn't consider most of these a lost sale. If anything it might get me more willing to be ok with Origin since the client has held up ok for me in all of this.
Although, EA really needs a better way to search and sort through their games on Origin. Its dreadful.
Try from the client, try from their website. I was able to get in two this way this morning (my third and fourth order).
Just got emails for games I ordered earlier.
Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box
Just got emails for games I ordered earlier.
Burnout™ Paradise The Ultimate Box
I got a good 19 games with this thing... All worth around 345$ without the code
Should I feel bad?
Does this work for Europe?
How did you do this?
20 dollar off code isn't working for me.
EA closed from Friday Night till like Monday Morning or some shit?
Fucking Hilarious!
?Thank you for your order. Your order is being processed and you will be notified of the result shortly.
How did you guys do it with more than one game? Proxy?
Got Hot Pursuit. Was trying to get another game and i was seemingly able to go through the process but i got this message:
Try this one.How did you guys do it with more than one game? Proxy?
Buy a game using that link, remove the cookies, buy another one.
I'm using it from Turkey.
What do you use as addres info?
Anyone recommend a racing game?
Buy a game using that link, remove the cookies, buy another one.
Bunch of us got this. Servers are just getting hammered. You'll get the email eventually. Mine took a couple hours, others took 8 hours.
Yeah but Hot Pursuit was added to my Origin client right away. Will the second game be added later on?
Does this work for Europe?
How did you do this?
it worked, now i'am starting to feel bad but that won't stop me