I'm caught up! And my opinion stands, God this show is is good.
I'm not the biggest fan of Helena, but it's good to see her still kicking around, now with the creepy ass Prolethians, led by Peter Ousterbergeerroeuhtrweuhwhatever. I've always liked that dude. Good to see he's still getting steady work. I like that the Prolethians have a real villain with a face. He seems interesting... a mad religious cultist that loves science. Wonder how Helena will do with them.
Allison + Felix continues to be the best pairing anywhere ever in the history of man. My heart broke for Allison when Felix just left her on the phone. You son of a bitch.
Also, DONNIE. FUCK YOU, MAN. If I was married to Allison, I'd worship the ground upon which she walked, you duplicitous son of a bitch.
Pro-Clone Rachel grates. Her face looks weird.
Cosima is such a terrible judge of character. Does Delphine have a magic fairy vagina or something?
Mrs S was a poor judge of character this time around, but she finished off being badass. Is it too much to ask for all the clones to just live under one house with her, with all of them just being snarky at each other forever?
Things Paul didn't do during hiatus: more acting classes
I shouldn't laugh, but I did.
Starling City didn't do wonders for him.
I won't stand for tumblr gifs.
All hail legit GIFs.