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OS X Mavericks |OT| ... it's not called Liger :(

Is Chrome running like shit on Mavericks for anyone else? There's an always not responding process called "Google Chrome Helper" that seems to be running. The menu under the battery claims that it was always using significant energy. I'm back to Safari for the mean time, which is really great. Scrolling performance is glorious.

Really wish Chrome was up to snuff though, I love all of its features.


I disagree.
Did a clean install of 10.9 on my rMBP downloaded newest mplayerx and it keeps crashing during videos. I have it set to go into full screen mode in options menu. :(

Anyone else having this problem? If not could you let me know If you're using newest mplayerx or an older version?
This is my 2nd install of Mavericks and I noticed this time around Apple didn't force a "thunderbolt firmware" update on me. It might have installed last time around which is probably why it isn't bothering to now, but the process of doing so really messed up my system.


Wow, Mavericks is so smooth. Really improved the animations' performance in my late 2012 Mac mini @ 1080p.

edit: Holy shit, even in full screen, scrolling in Facebook with Safari is just perfectly smooth. Wow.


the only thing i've noticed is that it seems scrolling via trackpad (particularly in safari) is a lot slower/clunkier and almost stutters. am i crazy? i'm on a 2012 air.

edit: 'new tab' now being above 'new window' in safari is annoying as fuck.


The iWork Trial exploit seems to be hit and miss from what I read. Works instantly for some while it doesn't work at all for others and/or requires stuff like creating a new user account to get the updates to appear, etc. Looks like a few legacy users that installed iWork from a DVD before MAS are facing issues too.

From what I gather if it still doesn't work you have to change the system language to English, reboot and it should show up. Still doesn't switch the store country to US by hitting the flag. It should then show up and when you press update it will switch you to the correct store with the updates still there.
Still getting used to new tab/window being switched, still used to the pre-Mavericks way of doing it.

Dat smooth scrolling in Safari. And no crashes yet either.
I'm on a 2011 iMac (27") running Mountain Lion. Is there any compelling reason to/not to upgrade to Mavericks tonight? Will I notice any difference? The changes mentioned in the OP seem really minimal to me, I don't think I'd really notice anything new. Are there any other new features?


Setec Astronomer
Did a clean install of 10.9 on my rMBP downloaded newest mplayerx and it keeps crashing during videos. I have it set to go into full screen mode in options menu. :(

Anyone else having this problem? If not could you let me know If you're using newest mplayerx or an older version?
Having similar issues.


Still getting used to new tab/window being switched, still used to the pre-Mavericks way of doing it.

Dat smooth scrolling in Safari. And no crashes yet either.

If you're using a Magic Trackpad, download BetterTouchTool and set three-finger click to open links in a new tab. You'll never have to think about where the "open link in a new tab" option is ever again.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
If you're using a Magic Trackpad, download BetterTouchTool and set three-finger click to open links in a new tab. You'll never have to think about where the "open link in a new tab" option is ever again.
This. Although if you're used to tapping instead of clicking I suggest four finger tap if you like using the dictionary, since three fingers tap is the shortcut for that. BTT makes trackpad-only browsing delightful. My added gestures for Safari (I have tap to click turned on):



This. Although I suggest four finger tap if you like using the dictionary and are used to it, since three fingers is the shortcut for that. BTT makes trackpad-only browsing delightful. My added gestures for Safari:


I use the three-finger tab gesture to define words, too, and it doesn't interfere with the three-finger click used to open links in tabs. But BetterTouchTool just give you so many options that, even if it did interfere, it woudln't be a problem! It and Alfred are the best free tools on OS X.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I use the three-finger tab gesture to define words, too, and it doesn't interfere with the three-finger click used to open links in tabs. But BetterTouchTool just give you so many options that, even if it did interfere, it woudln't be a problem! It and Alfred are the best free tools on OS X.
Yep. I use four finger tap because I always tap and never click on the trackpad, but if you do use clicks to navigate then three finger click will work great for new tabs.

And agreed, Alfred and BTT are must haves. Custom web searches on Alfred makes everything way faster for me.

Deku Tree

Mavericks is estimating that I have between 8-12 hours of battery life depending upon how many apps I have open on my Haswell MBA 11". I'll take it.


Using BTT, I just set fingers on the trackpad to be middle click. then I can easily open stuff in new tabs and it can work across apps.

Similarly, I also set a middle click tap region on the surface of the magic mouse but that one's a little more finicky to setup. took a few tries to adjust the zone so I didn't get false primary or secondary clicks when I wanted a middle click. I wouldn't recommend this setup to everyone.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Clicking on the Macbook trackpad feels so barbaric to me for some reason. :lol I only do it when I have no other choice.


Maybe GAF would be able to implement a push notification for every time the server comes back online after a crash?


Maybe GAF would be able to implement a push notification for every time the server comes back online after a crash?

This would be cool. Also, push notifications for PMs would be awesome. "Who quoted me" as well, but seeing this feature isn't even on the website anymore, probably won't happen :/
Clicking on the Macbook trackpad feels so barbaric to me for some reason. :lol I only do it when I have no other choice.
I use steermouse to map buttons on my logitech mouse. It allows me to navigate through the OS and different apps a lot more quickly. Using the trackpad feels like a burden.


this is my first time using the app store.

it downloaded about half of it, then it cancelled it, and now i'll have to download it all over again?



I thought they were supposed to sync back notifications when you read it on one device, so you don't have to deal with it over and over again, but my phone still is full of notifications I've already dealt with on my Mac.



ok free aperture, iWork worked for me now. I had to not only switch the system language to eng. but also the location to us too. Awesome :O


I don't know if I dare to try that. Is Apple as benevolent as Microsoft when it comes to people abusing their mistakes?
I thought they were supposed to sync back notifications when you read it on one device, so you don't have to deal with it over and over again, but my phone still is full of notifications I've already dealt with on my Mac.


They claimed that they were, but I've been dealing with having to remove the same notifications from my Mac, iPhone, and iPad.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Any idea if it will work with a Final Cut Pro trial, or would that be asking too much???
I got it to work with Aperture and iWork but no dice with Final Cut Pro. I tried with two versions of the trial, the one offered on Apple's site and a previous one downloaded from elsewhere.
I got it to work with Aperture and iWork but no dice with Final Cut Pro. I tried with two versions of the trial, the one offered on Apple's site and a previous one downloaded from elsewhere.

I had it work with Aperture and I actually had a copy of iWork that I bought on DVD years back that updated just fine. No luck with Final Cut Pro here though.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
That's not what I'm worried about. Microsoft banned accounts that abused some price loophole on Xbox Live.
I wouldn't worry, Apple has been getting more and more lax when it comes to DRM on OS X, which is the opposite of MS on the Xbox front.

If it comes to that, I think at most they'll remove licenses from accounts instead of outright banning.


That's not what I'm worried about. Microsoft banned accounts that abused some price loophole on Xbox Live.
I don't think benevolent is the word you're looking for then lol.

They won't do anything. The reason it's possible is because Apple have started allowing people who bought physical copies in the past to upgrade to App Store versions. The thing is these trial versions are identical to those - they can even be unlocked by entering a serial code. The App Store can't differentiate between a legit copy and a trial version.
That's not what I'm worried about. Microsoft banned accounts that abused some price loophole on Xbox Live.

In Microsoft's case, they had a ton of people creating accounts for different regions to take advantage of cheaper pricing in places like Indonesia. If you live in the US and took advantage of the Apple loophole, I'm not sure you have much to worry about since it doesn't look like you were purposely trying to subvert different regions pricing differences. People could plead ignorance and say that they had no reason to think it wasn't legit since it popped up in your App Store updates.

i don't think apple is going to do this. apple doesn't care for software licensing to mouch

I believe you are correct since they allow you to install software using one license on unlimited machines if you want.

Mr. F

This battery life, Jesus. I'm pretty sure there must be something wrong with my Macbook because this is crazy otherwise. 75% charge with 1 hour 5 mins estimated.


The Aperture trial requires a serial number to activate, yes. I'm sure you can find one on google (I know you can).



So after the first crash I tried again. My MacBook Pro crashed again,and now when I turn it on the hard drive makes whirring noises.i guess it's time to get a SSD.

Question,once I swap the hard drive and turn the MacBook on, will I able to download OSX on the recovery page?
Yeah, same here. :/

The Aperture trial requires a serial number to activate, yes. I'm sure you can find one on google (I know you can).

I found a key that seemed to work and now it just gets to the end and say Installation Failed because "Installer can't locate the data it needs to install the software."

I have no idea haha

Edit: Never ind...I had moved the installer out of it's folder and...it hated that.

The iWork stuff worked for me on the other hand.
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