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OS X Mavericks |OT| ... it's not called Liger :(

The Real Abed

You should have BetterTouchTool anyway if you're a Mac user with a trackpad. Otherwise that's what BetterSnapTool is for, though BTT is hella useful even for people without trackpads. It can do so much.
Oh, neat bug I just found out about (no, not the SSL one): after your 10.9 Mac has been on for a while (20-odd days, 23 in my case), it stops being able to make new outbound TCP connections. I can do UDP/ICMP, and existing TCP connections remain up, but no new connections. Found some discussion about it on the Apple support forums so I'm not the only one.

sudo last reboot confirms that this is the first time I've gone this long between boots since I installed 10.9.

Deku Tree

Oh, neat bug I just found out about (no, not the SSL one): after your 10.9 Mac has been on for a while (20-odd days, 23 in my case), it stops being able to make new outbound TCP connections. I can do UDP/ICMP, and existing TCP connections remain up, but no new connections. Found some discussion about it on the Apple support forums so I'm not the only one.

sudo last reboot confirms that this is the first time I've gone this long between boots since I installed 10.9.

Weird. I always reboot my computer so I would never see that.


Weird. I always reboot my computer so I would never see that.

I used to never reboot my laptop. Just sleep. But then I found a weir bug in time machine that caused it to not backup but report it did after certain maintenance routines. So now I always reboot after repairing permissions.

Now that I have an iMac, I shut down every night. Just a precaution since there is no battery backup. And with a fusion drive it boots pretty fast so it's not really an issue.

My wife still uses snow leopard. Man that has ahi a snappy shutdown. Like literally seconds.


Oh, neat bug I just found out about (no, not the SSL one): after your 10.9 Mac has been on for a while (20-odd days, 23 in my case), it stops being able to make new outbound TCP connections. I can do UDP/ICMP, and existing TCP connections remain up, but no new connections. Found some discussion about it on the Apple support forums so I'm not the only one.

sudo last reboot confirms that this is the first time I've gone this long between boots since I installed 10.9.
Same here, just got it again a few days ago while on a trip actually. Incoming connections are fine. I was remoting in to do stuff but was wondering why downloads wouldn't work, then realized nothing else was working and remembered the bug. I forget if it was in one of those Apple discussion threads or where, but someone mentioned it supposedly being fixed in 10.9.2.


Something weird just happened.
My rMBP was at 20% battery, not plugged in. Suddenly, the screen went black - and within a second, the lockscreen appeared. I logged in. A few seconds later, it went black again, but stayed so this time. I pressed a few keys, including the power key, but nothing happened. After about 20 seconds (longest 20 seconds of my life), the empty battery screen appeared. But not even a second later, the lockscreen appeared. I logged in again, and nothing happened since then. I can't find anything unusual in Console.app.

I doubt it was GPU-related, but it happened just a few seconds after I opened this link (in Chrome): http://www.vill.ee/eye/
I just played with a few settings.
I still haven't upgraded my 2013 MBA to Mavericks because of the reported problems with WD external drives getting erased. Anyone know if that's been fixed? The Apple message board seems to indicate no.

The Real Abed

I still haven't upgraded my 2013 MBA to Mavericks because of the reported problems with WD external drives getting erased. Anyone know if that's been fixed? The Apple message board seems to indicate no.
I have 5 WD external drives of various types and have used Mavericks since day 1 and never lost a single file.

For what it's worth.

Deku Tree

I still haven't upgraded my 2013 MBA to Mavericks because of the reported problems with WD external drives getting erased. Anyone know if that's been fixed? The Apple message board seems to indicate no.

Do a clean install. If you don't have any WD crapware installed on your computer then you won't have a problem. I actually had this bug erase my time machine backup disk but after I did a clean install no repeated problems.

The Real Abed

Do a clean install. If you don't have any WD crapware installed on your computer then you won't have a problem. I actually had this bug erase my time machine backup disk but after I did a clean install no repeated problems.
Ah, is that what causes it? I forgot about that. Yeah, I never install the software that comes with a HDD. It's a HDD, I don't need software to use it properly. I have my own backup means.

Especially since I have drives by both WD and Seagate and a LaCie one. I'm not going to install software for every drive maker I get.

Deku Tree

Ah, is that what causes it? I forgot about that. Yeah, I never install the software that comes with a HDD. It's a HDD, I don't need software to use it properly. I have my own backup means.

Especially since I have drives by both WD and Seagate and a LaCie one. I'm not going to install software for every drive maker I get.

Yup. The old WD software was not properly checked against Mavericks. Their software can even cause the spontaneous erasure of a non-WD external HDD. WD released a program that is supposed to erase all the problem programs. But I just did a clean install.
If any of you guys still aren't using Facetime Audio--try it. The sound quality is amazing.

I wonder if Apple has made the API available on Mac the way they have on iOS. In other words, I wonder if we can expect an upgrade to quality in Skype like what happened with iOS?


sputum-flecked apoplexy
does anyone else find that their mac is chugging a lot more than it used to? tabs in safari seem to crash a loooooot more than they ever used to and i see the beachball and the whole system hangs a lot more than it ever used to. i dunno if it's since i installed mavericks but it seems like it? i've got a 2011 MBP with 4GB of RAM installed.

i thought that maybe mavericks was using a lot of RAM/paging a lot more or something but the memory pressure graph in activity monitor is never anything other than green so it doesn't seem to be that?


After some time, I can safely say that all discernible Finder glitches I've had are no more since the new update. That was my only problem, so I'm happy.

Deku Tree

does anyone else find that their mac is chugging a lot more than it used to? tabs in safari seem to crash a loooooot more than they ever used to and i see the beachball and the whole system hangs a lot more than it ever used to. i dunno if it's since i installed mavericks but it seems like it? i've got a 2011 MBP with 4GB of RAM installed.

i thought that maybe mavericks was using a lot of RAM/paging a lot more or something but the memory pressure graph in activity monitor is never anything other than green so it doesn't seem to be that?

No not me. I have been using Mavericks on many computers of several different ages and none of them seem to be having any worse chugging than pre Mavericks. Actually I feel like the opposite is true in my case.

You might try to up your ram if you can.

The Real Abed

After some time, I can safely say that all discernible Finder glitches I've had are no more since the new update. That was my only problem, so I'm happy.
What glitches did you have? The major one I had was the Finder turning into a Zombie if I have to quit it for any reason and semi-related any minimized windows would disappear if left minimized and then restored. (But they'd still be there, but you wouldn't see them until you rebooted because restarting the Finder would turn it into a Zombie.)

I don't think the Dock/Dual display bug was fixed though. My Dock will still stay hidden if I switch to Finder on display 1 and have a fullscreen app on display 2. At least it did the other day and I believe I was on the update at that time. (I forget)


What glitches did you have? The major one I had was the Finder turning into a Zombie if I have to quit it for any reason and semi-related any minimized windows would disappear if left minimized and then restored. (But they'd still be there, but you wouldn't see them until you rebooted because restarting the Finder would turn it into a Zombie.)

I don't think the Dock/Dual display bug was fixed though. My Dock will still stay hidden if I switch to Finder on display 1 and have a fullscreen app on display 2. At least it did the other day and I believe I was on the update at that time. (I forget)
I've had windows disappearing (although restarting Finder fixed it usually). When playing music through the finder, often the circle play button in the middle would disappear until I close the window and open it again, and the most annoying one, I'm using Column-Kind view, and 2/3rds of the time if I click on a folder, it won't be in Column inside the folder or it will be but it will be some random order and not by Kind or Name or anything, and I would usually have to click back as far as root to bring it back.

The last one is just bizarre because sometimes I still catch it open normally, then switch to a random order of the items, then switch back to the good order after a split second. I guess they coded a quick fix on top of the bug or something.

My dock is always hidden so I never noticed the dual display bug


sputum-flecked apoplexy
The bug seems to have been with Adblock for Safari. Even though it wasn't running on GAF I guess it was still causing problems. I uninstalled it and now everything's fine (although covered in ads).


So how do you Safari user's deal with having no flash? I recently switched and can barely watch anything on Youtube.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Looks like the support well has run dry.

I'd upgrade tot his but I'm afraid I'd both miss Rosetta, and get crummy performance on my 2009 MacBook Pro 15". Advice?

Deku Tree

Looks like the support well has run dry.

I'd upgrade tot his but I'm afraid I'd both miss Rosetta, and get crummy performance on my 2009 MacBook Pro 15". Advice?

I got a 2008 MBP 15". And man, compared to modern machines with SSD's this computer is is slow as molasses in the winter time (as my grandmother used to say). But if I compare the performance of my computer pre-mavericks vs. post-mavericks IMO the computer actually runs a tad faster than it used to do if you ask me.

The Real Abed

So how do you Safari user's deal with having no flash? I recently switched and can barely watch anything on Youtube.
By using Flash of course. You need to install it. Go to Adobe's website. Apple doesn't put Flash on their computers for you, same with Java, for security reasons. But they also don't prevent you from using it. (I assume you switched from Chrome? Chrome has Flash bundled with it so it'll have Flash no matter what. Which is why you are used to having Flash and now are surprised you don't. The secret is you never had Flash in the first place. Chrome just lulled you into a false sense of security. Unless you used Firefox in which case I can't explain it. I don't think FF does the same thing.)

Also, YouTube doesn't require Flash. Their HTML5 player will work well enough for pretty much any video uploaded in the past few years.

Check out an extension called YouTube Options. And turn on the HTML5 player (Among other cool features) and it'll make YouTube as well, as many other video sites, much better.

Personally I keep Flash disabled for all sites by default and only enable it for certain ones when I encounter ones that have content that requires it. (Preferences > Security > Manage All Websites > Flash) It keeps Flash from running about 90% of the time. My battery life loves me for it.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I got a 2008 MBP 15". And man, compared to modern machines with SSD's this computer is is slow as molasses in the winter time (as my grandmother used to say). But if I compare the performance of my computer pre-mavericks vs. post-mavericks IMO the computer actually runs a tad faster than it used to do if you ask me.

Any way to get me some Rosetta with Mavericks?

The Real Abed

That's what I thought I was doing already!
I mean like really old. Something that can't even run Lion. You know, something from a billion years ago in computer years. Or just never upgrade.

What do you need Rosetta for? What could possibly still need Rosetta that doesn't have an update or alternative program available? It's been like a billion years. Surely things are sorted out by now.


I mean like really old. Something that can't even run Lion. You know, something from a billion years ago in computer years. Or just never upgrade.

What do you need Rosetta for? What could possibly still need Rosetta that doesn't have an update or alternative program available? It's been like a billion years. Surely things are sorted out by now.

Dvd Studio Pro has been annoying to try and replace. I don't like Adobe Encore.


Alternatively you just create a Snow Leopard partition. That's what I've done for my Mac Pro.

We're going to just keep a Snow Leopard Mac Pro kicking around at work.

Alas we aren't buying the new Pro in the end, just going to get a 27" iMac instead.. Siigh.


We're going to just keep a Snow Leopard Mac Pro kicking around at work.

Alas we aren't buying the new Pro in the end, just going to get a 27" iMac instead.. Siigh.

With the new Mac Pros, I definitely think you're paying a premium for potential that can't be tapped fully until the developers get their rears in gear. A lot of cases an iMac would be faster so it's not exactly a bad buy.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I mean like really old. Something that can't even run Lion. You know, something from a billion years ago in computer years. Or just never upgrade.

What do you need Rosetta for? What could possibly still need Rosetta that doesn't have an update or alternative program available? It's been like a billion years. Surely things are sorted out by now.

Star Trek: Elite Force 1 and 2. Think Activision will patch them for me?


I'm tempted to finally make the jump, but I just wanted to know if Adobe's CS3 Suite works on Mavericks?

I also need to ensure Maya isn't bugged at all...


I'm tempted to finally make the jump, but I just wanted to know if Adobe's CS3 Suite works on Mavericks?

I also need to ensure Maya isn't bugged at all...


Don't appear to be any major issues, although you should really start thinking about upping to CS6 as it's likely going to be the standard for holdouts for a while and you'll see some pretty good updates.

Haven't run into any issues in Maya 2013 but I've been switching over to Cinema for more and more stuff so I can't really say I've run it through its paces.
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