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OS X Mavericks |OT| ... it's not called Liger :(


Seeing as my current MBP has 16GB, and the new MBPs seem to max-out at 8GB, that's a good thing. :p

(I'm still bitter about the retina models have ZERO upgrade ability.)

the new retina Macs max out at 16 GB but you gotta pay a ridiculous $200 Apple tax to get it.


Finally got it. Took mad long.

So far, I've noticed swiping gestures is kinda jerky. I've had Mavericks for about half an hour now and Mission Control, Expose and Launchpad take a little longer and jerkier than before to execute.

I also find it annoying that I have to raise my hand to swipe back down to close Mission Control. Before I could just swipe up and down in one motion to execute and back but I cant seem to do that anymore.

My machine in general just feels slower. I dunno why. Well I guess its not done optimizing yet.

I'm having the same issues. I had to change my trackpad and scrolling speed and its a little better now but most gestures seem like they take an extra half second.


They've got all the links here: http://www.macrumors.com/2013/10/22...iwork-and-ilife-begin-appearing-in-app-store/

Is it possible to turn off the Top Sites button in the bookmarks bar in Safari?

Thanks, I saw that but it brings me to the same iPhoto '11 in the App Store. I see that it was updated today for version 9.5. So I am assuming there is no "new" iPhoto, just an update.

I have iPhoto '11 but it came with my new mac, and I didn't download it from the App Store. It is telling me from within my iPhoto that it is the latest version, but obviously not.

I guess I'll need to bite the bullet and get the App Store version? How does that work? I don't get why I need to buy the same thing over again when it's just an update.
Just installed Mavericks. Geek Tool RAM indicator is not running on it. The clock does, but my RAM status does not. :(

Also, one the boot screen I noticed I got mad image retention on my monitor (2009 iMac). I had the problem over a year ago and had the monitor replaced, but it is back. Oh well, early next year is MacBook time.

Fix this dock


Am I the only one who have had a tiny bit of a hard time navigating OS X Mountain Lion with a touchpad to a Mac Mini (2010) on a HDTV? It just feels kinda sluggish and imprecise.

Does Mavericks make it perform better? And with less loading?

On ML I often get the rainbow loading circle ugh.
About 9 months ago I posted that the days of charging for an OS are coming to an end. Now with Win 8.1 free, this, among others I guess it is coming true.


they changed how the dock works so you have to hold the icon off the dock for a couple seconds before the icon “poof” will show up and then the icon is gone.

It’s to prevent people form accidentally dragging apps off the dock, but it’s confusing for people who are used to flinging stuff off it to clean the dock.
Scrolling through Finder is atrocious. In ML, with the 'Arrange By'..view, this was how it reacted, so i always set the Arrange By to NONE; the performance would then return.

Now, however, despite it being set to NONE, it is jerky when scrolling down my files in List View.


Wait I'm curious, should I have taken a backup of my Mac Mini before updating to Mavericks through App Store? I forgot. I hope it won't have erased my settings and such in apps like Plex and EyeTV.


Maturity, bitches.
they changed how the dock works so you have to hold the icon off the dock for a couple seconds before the icon “poof” will show up and then the icon is gone.

It’s to prevent people form accidentally dragging apps off the dock, but it’s confusing for people who are used to flinging stuff off it to clean the dock.
Oh thank heavens for that.

The Real Abed

Wait I'm curious, should I have taken a backup of my Mac Mini before updating to Mavericks through App Store? I forgot. I hope it won't have erased my settings and such in apps like Plex and EyeTV.
It won't.

It won't touch anything that's not part of the system.

You don't actually HAVE to backup. It's just a safety. Just try to remember next time because you never know IF something will happen. Which it rarely does anyway.
So, scrolling through Finder, my CPU shoots on average between 30-40% but has gone up to as high as 102%; it is noticeably jerkier when scrolling through a list of files.


Liking it so far, but already ran into two problems:

First, about 20 minutes ago at random my Dock disappeared completely. I don't keep it set to hide, but I put the cursor at the edges of the screen just to check anyway. No dice, reloading the Finder didn't help. Ultimately fixed it by killing the Dock processes in Terminal.

Second problem I've noticed, and it is ongoing, it takes a long time to populate the window when I double click my hard drive in the Finder. Window comes up and no icons for like 15-30 seconds, I'm guessing because of Remote Disk? No idea thus far.

Does anyone have Microsoft Office '11? I want to make sure it'll work on my dad's 2010 MBP if I upgrade him.

Working for me.


Finally got it. Took mad long.

So far, I've noticed swiping gestures is kinda jerky. I've had Mavericks for about half an hour now and Mission Control, Expose and Launchpad take a little longer and jerkier than before to execute.

My machine in general just feels slower. I dunno why. Well I guess its not done optimizing yet.

Perhaps Spotlight is reindexing? Whenever I upgrade the OS there is a period of reindexing (which is mitigated somewhat by SSDs now, but still chews up CPU).
Looks like they're rolling out some iLife and iWork updates. Check your App Store.

right click -> options -> remove from dock

That doesn't work?

Tried that. It didn't work.

Did you drag it far enough and wait for a cloud to appear?

But this did. Most things I only have to drag a small bit away from the dock to remove them, but this one I had to yank about halfway across the screen before the cloud appeared. Thanks. Either way, it is gone from the dock.


dafuq? I can't get 2d dock to work anymore. Terminal commands for it don't work(just pops right back with the 3d).


edit: apparently this was true for the GM too.

Well shit, wish I had known about this earlier.


Incidentally, they said iWork/iLife are free now, right? I just purchased this Mac about 2 months ago, but Pages, Keynote, etc. still show up as $19.99 in the App Store for me. Have they just not updated them, or is there gonna be some kinda claim process involved or what?

Edit: D'oh, sounds like they meant it's included for free with new Macs sold from today and on.

The Real Abed

dafuq? I can't get 2d dock to work anymore. Terminal commands for it don't work(just pops right back with the 3d).


edit: apparently this was true for the GM too.

Well shit, wish I had known about this earlier.
Nope. The 2D bottom Dock no longer works. I wanted to turn it on too but no dice. It's only in side Dock. I keep mine hidden anyway and don't really hate the 3D, but was still wanting to use it. I kinda like how the new 2D Dock looks.


So iWork is only free if you've already bought it in the past. I thought it was free for anyone that owned a Mac.
They're free for macs and iOS devices purchased on or after October 1st aren't they? That's what is recall them saying in the keynote.

The Real Abed

Trying to get my RAM status to show in Geek Tool, but it just doesn't work anymore. Tried downloading a few new scripts and still no dice.
RAM is handled much differently now. Whereas the original return would be:
PhysMem: 993M wired, 2962M active, 2448M inactive, 6403M used, 1787M free.

Mavericks returns it as:
PhysMem: 5862M used (1111M wired), 1824M unused.

I use this command:

top -ocpu -l1 | grep 'PhysMem'
And just forget about parsing it.
RAM is handled much differently now. Whereas the original return would be:
PhysMem: 993M wired, 2962M active, 2448M inactive, 6403M used, 1787M free.

Mavericks returns it as:
PhysMem: 5862M used (1111M wired), 1824M unused.

I use this command:

top -ocpu -l1 | grep 'PhysMem'
And just forget about parsing it.

Forgive my stupidity in this, because all the geek tool settings I have are just downloads since I don't know shit about making scripts. What should I copy and paste into the script box for Geek Tool then?


My installation is stuck on "Time remaining: Less than a minute" for about 20 minutes.

Is this normal?

Edit: lol a minute later and it finishes. Ignore me :p
Also, my Time Machine back up time is taking forever. I did a backup before downloading and installing, but doing one after installation is taking forever.

The Real Abed

Forgive my stupidity in this, because all the geek tool settings I have are just downloads since I don't know shit about making scripts. What should I copy and paste into the script box for Geek Tool then?
Just the command at the bottom.

What is the output you're looking for?

Mavericks uses memory much differently from anything else. People don't have to watch it like a hawk anymore. But anything that used the original Top output will be broken if they need to parse the string. But if you're just using the whole string then there's no problem.

I only have it visible for visual effect. But I don't need my memory showing.


Safari 7 is absolutely fantastic!
"Open in new tab" is in the first place when you right-click a link! I waited this for so long ;___;

But i have a feeling that the scrolling moves slower than normal... not the inertial scrolling though that works fine, any way to fix that?


Safari 7 is absolutely fantastic!
"Open in new tab" is in the first place when you right-click a link! I waited this for so long ;___;

But i have a feeling that the scrolling moves slower than normal... not the inertial scrolling though that works fine, any way to fix that?

I want safari to have tabs on top already. Their beta some years back had it and they pulled it and haven't seen it since.
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