Listen, I know Scott Pilgrim's got no chance of ever winning a major category, even if it was the biggest money making film of the year and it was promoted by the Weinsteins or whatever, but for love of god, utter shit like Transformers and Spider-man 3 have been nominated in the special effects category before and this year? Hereafter (which had CG that was noticeably atrocious even in the commercials) got a nom over SP? Jeez. JEEZ.
Anyways, like how the biggest story on people's lips this morning is a Nolan snub. I'm sure everyone else has conveyed my sentiment, so yea. Award shows have come to regularly blow these days and this one probably won't be any different.
Also, what in the hell at anyone thinking HTTYD was better on just about any level than Toy Story 3. HTTYD is a notably exceptional movie with a fairly standard concept, exceeding beyond the basic premise as best as possible. But man, TS3 is some life affirming SHIT!