Well thank god they're trying. Can't wait for the "Why are they forcing the Academy to XYZ!" backlash. :/
It's not unreasonable for black actors to advocate for themselves, just like it's not unreasonable for female actors like Patty Ariquette to advocate for women, though. However, a lot of people in the white population internalize a classic narrative that "the blacks are the uppity ones", "always complaining", "nothing's ever good enough", "every other minority is cool with the way things are except for them" etc.It's an old narrative that gets pushed laid quite a bit on black people usually coupled with the idea that "we're always loud". Despite minority representation crossing race, gender, sexuality and even including stuff like representation of the disabled, when complaints of a lack of diversity come up, a lot of people in the majority are already quick to put it on just the black population. Media wise, black vs. white narrative is sold a lot too. There are several gay, Asian, Hispanic, trans etc. who completely agree with the extreme lack of diversity but their voices aren't presented to the public as often so it always seems like it's just the black actors again getting all worked up and going after whites.