Anyone that watched Ernest & Celestine would agree with you.
Which makes roughly two dozen of us.
Here, here! It even got a wonderful dub that is now available on Netflix.
Anyone that watched Ernest & Celestine would agree with you.
Which makes roughly two dozen of us.
The Wind Rises came out and it didn't winThey should make a 2d period piece about WW2
Foreign Films have been nominated for other categories despite not being nominated for Best Foreign Film.
City of God is a good example and it was actually selected by it's country but it just didn't get nominated by the Academy, and then it made a qualifying theatrical run in America the following year and got nominated for 4 Acadamy awards; which is legal as long as it wasn't nominated for Best Foreign Film the year before.
Those examples are few and fair between, of course. Personally I think The Handmaiden should have gotten a few technical nods at least, but it didn't, of course.
I couldn't believe when I found out that voting committee members aren't required to watch the movies they are voting on.
Imagine a panel judge missing 4 of 5 performances and voting to give the award to the one they watched.
The only bias is pro-Pixar/Disney.What about fixing the anti Japanese bias?
I mean they would probably win every year but still
The only bias is pro-Pixar/Disney.
I guess. I just think there are a lot of Western animated films that get shafted too.I mean there probably is cultural and national bias as well.
What about fixing the anti Japanese bias?
I mean they would probably win every year but still
I guess. I just think there are a lot of Western animated films that get shafted too.
True, but I think foreign animated films get shafted worse especially the year Big Hero 6 won when Song of the Sea and The Tale of Princess Kaguya were much better and more interestingly animated and culturally important films than a bog standard super hero origin story.
Oscars are a marketing machine used to promote US movies. That is why studios spend lot of money to push their own movies. They expect more money back.
Oscars always had a biais. You can not be nominated for best movie if the movie is not in english (then when a french movie like The Artist has no sound, it wons)
And of course, you can not see everything. Voters receive tapes (at least from the nominees) but do the have time or taste to get it right ?
A lot of films and performances get snubbed every year. Some films get more momentum than others like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, City of God, and Pan's Labyrinth. The Handmaiden had no momentum during Awards season. It happens.
It won as an act of publicity though. You could tell they would have given it to La La Land if they felt like they had a choice.
It won over both Song of the Sea (fantastic) and The Tale of Princess Kaguya (masterpiece), yeah.
Read the title and just naturally assumed they meant a negative bias against 2D movies, but that's not the case? Lol what? I especially love the part about how academy judges showed a preference toward stop motion.
Paranorman and Kubo were robbed.
Flashback to that Oscar voter who literally called Princess Kaguya, one of the most powerful animated features in recent memory 'some Chinese cartoon' and said he just voted for Big Hero 6 because his kid liked it.
They're a joke.
Bias in nomination process. If everyone gets to vote for the winner of best animated picture and they often complain that the film they want to vote for isn't even nominated why not give them the opportunity to change that? I mean yeah you are giving into these babies and their possible shit tastes but as you can see by many of the actual winners the end result will probably be pretty similar.
I'm high of the opinion that Ernest & Celestine should have won that year. That movie was magical.
Anyone that watched Ernest & Celestine would agree with you.
Which makes roughly two dozen of us.
Every award show has a bias. If you have an opinion, you have a bias.
When was the last time a 2D animated film won an Oscar? When was the last time an American studio made a 2D animated film, period?
How about the bias against stop motion?!
Fantastic Mr Fox > Up
Kubo > Zootopia
Big difference is that Disney spend money promoting their movies for the award selection. Call that lobbying. The japanese company do nothing except say "hey, we are nominated".
For Studio Ghibli, this is a lose situation considering Disney is distributing them in the US, and no way they will get first priority over Disney internal production.
Disney is not distributing Ghibli films in the US anymore; GKIDS is. But Ghibli will probably never come out with another film, so they don't have to worry.
Hayao Miazaki is developing a film as we speak. Dude can't retire, I think it physically pains him or something, lol.