I think the "just following orders" 'debate' completely reduces the climate of total fear, authoritarianism, suppression of freedom, xenophobia, fierce nationalism and indoctrination that went on in Nazi Germany (he's 96 now, so he was, what, 12 when Hitler came to power? If your ideologies were so pure and incorruptible when you were 12, well, you're a better person than I am.) And since the war he was in a POW camp, and risked a shot at a regular life by coming out against Holocaust Deniers.
I find this all to be quite frankly disgusting and endemic of the problematic 'anyone associated with the Nazis = total evil inhuman scum' mantra that totally detracts from just how human a phenomena the movement was (and therefore, something we should be always be very conscious of going into the future).
Let the poor old man die in peace.