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OT | Dutch General Election 2017 | Exit Poll: Major underperformance for Wilders

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I woke up and a sense of general happiness took over once I read the news. I didn't expect VVD not to win. Most people truly believe that, thanks to the VVD, this country has turned away from the economic crisis and is getting better each day. I can't say I disagree with them.

PVV losing is the moment where I had a smile. 19 votes is nothing if you compare it to last week's polls where they had around 27-29. I am glad his hate isn't going to shine across Europe. We have problems in the world, but those problems do not come from one community.

I guess we could expect VVD, D66, CDA, GroenLinks and ChristenUnie to get a majority. PVDA and SP not having anything to say does sting a little, but they had it coming with their average run of the past weeks.

IMHO Roemer has to go, he is not doing it for the SP.


I have mixed feelings about this result. Of course it's great that Wilders isn't the biggest party, but it's still worrisome that 25 seats went to populist parties (20 PVV, 3 DENK, 2 FvD). That's the time we live in I guess, but it still makes me sad.

And other than that, I dread a VVD + CDA + D66 + CUcoalition. Not only would that be a very right wing combination, it would also have a very strong Christian backbone. Which means goodbye to "voltooid leven" for instance.


Generally happy with the results. VVD the biggest, GL didn't have that great a victory. So luckily the people see Klaver is a fake fool. Denk with 3 is worrisome, shows we have a lot of disconnected muslims here.

Don't you just love democracy? You live in a country where you can say pretty much anything you want without a visit from the authorities to reeducate you. Hahah​a


Lol. At people thinking wilders will be part of the next rutte government if the PVV gets one more seat. That won't happen.


It isn't exactly a resurgent left blowout, this is an acceptable result to wake up to in Limburg today. Good to see the alt Reich crawl back in their sweaty holes and wring their tiny hands.


It isn't exactly a resurgent left blowout, this is an acceptable result to wake up to in Limburg today. Good to see the alt Reich crawl back in their sweaty holes and wring their tiny hands.

I wanted to see wilders party win no new seats but this result is good enough for me. I had a feeling that opinion polls were underestimating the VVD a few days ago and it looks like I may have been right.
Generally happy with the results. VVD the biggest, GL didn't have that great a victory. So luckily the people see Klaver is a fake fool. Denk with 3 is worrisome, shows we have a lot of disconnected muslims here.
With PVV so popular aren't you more worried with the amount of disconnected people in general?
And other than that, I dread a VVD + CDA + D66 + CUcoalition. Not only would that be a very right wing combination, it would also have a very strong Christian backbone. Which means goodbye to "voltooid leven" for instance.

VVD/CDA will block PvdA (if they even would want to govern again) or GL. So, CU will join unless D66 shows some backbone. Which we all know they wont now they finally can govern again.


So sad to see Erdogan now indirectly has four seats in the Dutch government.

Denk did not reject Erdogan's ludicrous statements about the Dutch being Nazi's, Fascists and even his lies about the genocide in Srebrenica. He didn't even allow the press at the Denk event last evening.


People really should stop to put D66 forth as a right wing party (kept hearing this from the NOS lady yesterday night also but it's totally misrepresenting the party).

Their voting habits align most closely with CU and Groenlinks than any other party:


I'd say left/right is still basically 50/50 but with more people in the middle now than before:

Right (58):
FvD 2
PVV 20
VVD 33

Middle Right (19):
CDA 19

Middle Left (24):
D66 19
CU 5

Left (49):
Groenlinks 14
SP 14
PvdA 9
PvdD 5
50+ 4
Denk 3
Generally happy with the results. VVD the biggest, GL didn't have that great a victory. So luckily the people see Klaver is a fake fool. Denk with 3 is worrisome, shows we have a lot of disconnected muslims here.


overview picture from deredactie.be

What kind of party is D66? Lots of Dutch friends of mine said they voted for them.
liberal progressive. The Dutch kind of liberal progressive, that is.
75+% of Parliament is rightwing now
Holland has always been more right leaning then left. Nothing surprising there.

Funny how progress and reasonable proposals always coincidentally fuck over poor people.
Others might say the leftist parties fuck over the middle class. For example, if you are a single parent renting, you might as well not even try to raise your income from the low 20.000 to 30.000, since you will not gain anything but 300 euro due to subsidies and such on lower incomes.

What kind of party is D66? Lots of Dutch friends of mine said they voted for them.
Pro-EU, social progressive, economic right leaning. Also one of the parties that doesn't go along with Wilders rethoric and stands up to him.


overview picture from deredactie.be

What kind of party is D66? Lots of Dutch friends of mine said they voted for them.
Intellectualist, progressive, social-liberal.

Participated in the purple cabinet's in the 90's that arranged for positive law's on donor-registration, euthanasia and gay-marriage.

Most recently managed to pass a law on cannabis legalization through the second chamber (still needs to be ratified by a majority in the first chamber which isn't there).


If the PvdA gets their act together they can perhaps win back DENK's seats next election. Get Aboutaleb ready to head the party.

They won't. From this day onward DENK will always be in the second chamber. There is enough people in the Netherlands that will vote for DENK just because their leaders are Turkish/Muslim to grant them at least 1 seat in perpetuity.


Pro-EU, social progressive, economic right leaning. Also one of the parties that doesn't go along with Wilders rethoric and stands up to him.
D66 is economically just left of the center

D66 heeft een uitgesproken positie op de verticale tegenstelling tussen hervormen en behouden, ver van de SP en de PVV, die samen opkomen voor het behoud van de AOW, de WW, de studiefinanciering en het ontslagrecht. We zien hier duidelijk de hervormingsgezinde positie die D66 de laatste jaren heeft opgeëist. Op de horizontale dimensie die links (GL, PvdA en SP) scheidt van rechts (VVD, SGP en CDA) neemt D66 een positie nét links van het midden in. Deze dimensie hangt samen met uitgaven aan cultuur en media en ontwikkelingssamenwerking, door Wilders vaak aangeduid als 'linkse hobbies'. Hierop heeft D66 een linksere positie dan VVD en CDA. Op vraagstukken van inkomensherverdeling, die ook onderdeel van deze dimensie vormen, zoals de inkomensafhankelijke zorgpremie, is D66 overigens lang niet zo links als PvdA, SP en GroenLinks. De culturele links-rechts tegenstelling loopt overigens bijna gelijk op met de horizontale economische dimensie. Een opvallende uitzondering is D66: economisch nét centrumlinks maar cultureel zeer links.


Here's hoping Rutten actually has the balls to form a coalition with Wilders. Despite the mans anti-Islam campaign he does have a few good points.

But it'll never happen. Like. Never. Which is funny concerning you are the 2nd biggest party. I really hope Rutten remains the bad-ass he was when he needed to be against Turkey.


Gold Member
They won't. From this day onward DENK will always be in the second chamber. There is enough people in the Netherlands that will vote for DENK just because their leaders are Turkish/Muslim to grant them at least 1 seat in perpetuity.

And that's fine. DENK uncovers the ideals of many Dutch Turks. Already blocking almost all journalists from their election party, DENK will only isolate themselves more and give other parties a good focus to attack their backward values.


They won't. From this day onward DENK will always be in the second chamber. There is enough people in the Netherlands that will vote for DENK just because their leaders are Turkish/Muslim to grant them at least 1 seat in perpetuity.

THey are also protest votes against Wilders, since all parties started catering to the "sad little white heterosexual male, that needs cuddles and cookies!", some of the "sad little minority heterosexual males, that also need cookies!" want a party to vote for. That's where Denk comes in, PVV for Heterosexual males that aren't white.


They won't. From this day onward DENK will always be in the second chamber. There is enough people in the Netherlands that will vote for DENK just because their leaders are Turkish/Muslim to grant them at least 1 seat in perpetuity.

Yup, just like the SGP will always be there (for the foreseeable future).


I think it's much better to have the migrant-based vote be out in the open.

With DENK at least we can see how many voters there are that still haven't integrated well into dutch society. When those people voted for PvdA they where still kinda invisible among the rest of the pvda voting crowd.


Others might say the leftist parties fuck over the middle class. For example, if you are a single parent renting, you might as well not even try to raise your income from the low 20.000 to 30.000, since you will not gain anything but 300 euro due to subsidies and such on lower incomes.
That's just shit policy design, policy made in coalition with the right.


THey are also protest votes against Wilders, since all parties started catering to the "sad little white heterosexual male, that needs cuddles and cookies!", some of the "sad little minority heterosexual males, that also need cookies!" want a party to vote for. That's where Denk comes in, PVV for Heterosexual males that aren't white.

Not really sure what you even mean by this post. What does sexuality and gender even have to do with these elections?
I think it's much better to have the migrant-based vote be out in the open.

With DENK at least we can see how many voters there are that still haven't integrated well into dutch society. When those people voted for PvdA they where still kinda invisible among the rest of the pvda voting crowd.
At least there is someone representing the people from immigrant descent that are not happy now. We might not agree with their reasons or solutions, but at least this way they can be debated and hear what they think exactly and try to combat that or convince them.

That's just shit policy design, policy made in coalition with the right.
So you agree that we should tax less on the middle class then? Or give the lower class less subsidies? That sounds more center / right wing actually.

Those things are the result of the kind of income policies the (far) left wants.
With the PvdA in shambles, they could have done far better.

They could have, but the are still the biggest winners of this election. Which is important, because we really need to pay more attention to environmental issues. In that respect, it's a good thing Partij voor de Dieren did really well too. And to a lesser extent the Christen-Unie, who are one of the greener parties. And D66 I guess, though I expected a bit more from them when it comes to the environment.


So, its breaking down to probably this:

Realistic coalition, my preference:

85 seats: VVD – GL – CDA – D66
(Eerste Kamer: 39 / 75 seats)

Realistic coalition, not my preference

76 seats: VVD – CDA – D66 – CU
(Eerste Kamer: 38 / 75 seats)

Unrealistic coalition, focus on center + left parties:

80 seats: CDA – D66 – GL – SP – PvdA – PvdD
(Eerste Kamer: 45 / 75 seats)

Unrealistic coalition, focus on center + right parties and the worst timeline (and no Eerste Kamer majority):

77 seats: VVD – PVV – SGP – FVD – CDA
(Eerste Kamer: 36 / 75 seats)

VVD – PVV – CDA – FVD – CU is also possibility, but I can't see CU agreeing with that.
I don't know much about Dutch politics, but I was also under the impression that you can not really categorize D66 as "right wing". Socially they're liberal, and economically they seem to be a mix of social-democratic and liberal aspects.

Also a bit disappointed to wake up to one seat extra for PVV and one seat less for GL. I would have loved for the PVV's already sour mood to get worse by underperforming from the exit poll.
The biggest left wing party lost 30 seats and what seemed to be the golden boy only managed to get 10 of those. That's not the great victory everyone was expecting.

It's still a great victory, the biggest of them all. And an important one, as mentioned before, because we really need parties that put climate change, which is the biggest problem facing the world right now, on the map.


Man, all those Facebook posts that are floating around with 'HOW COME THE PVV DIDN'T WIN?! EVERYONE I KNOW VOTED PVV AND YET THE VVD WON? THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!!' are just too fucking hilarious.


Man, all those Facebook posts that are floating around with 'HOW COME THE PVV DIDN'T WIN?! EVERYONE I KNOW VOTED PVV AND YET THE VVD WON? THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!!' are just too fucking hilarious.

Haha, I have one of those people on my Fb.


So, its breaking down to probably this:

Realistic coalition, my preference:

85 seats: VVD – GL – CDA – D66
(Eerste Kamer: 39 / 75 seats)

Realistic coalition, not my preference

76 seats: VVD – CDA – D66 – CU
(Eerste Kamer: 38 / 75 seats)
I think the most likely.

Unrealistic coalition, focus on center + left parties:

80 seats: CDA – D66 – GL – SP – PvdA – PvdD
(Eerste Kamer: 45 / 75 seats)
Forget it. CDA isn't left enough and PvdA wants to be opposition.

Unrealistic coalition, focus on center + right parties and the worst timeline (and no Eerste Kamer majority):

77 seats: VVD – PVV – SGP – FVD – CDA
(Eerste Kamer: 36 / 75 seats)
Fortunately no Eerste Kamer majority means no go.

VVD – PVV – CDA – FVD – CU is also possibility, but I can't see CU agreeing with that.
Yeah CU isn't going to do this.
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