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OT | Dutch General Election 2017 | Exit Poll: Major underperformance for Wilders

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The problem is that VVD (the ones that are winning atm) already got a pretty radical immigration policy.They would be considered far-right in Sweden. Holland has been VERY hostile to immigrants ever since the murder of Pim Fortuyn

The left has made gains, though. They'll have more of a say now.
The problem is that VVD (the ones that are winning atm) already got a pretty radical immigration policy.They would be considered far-right in Sweden. Holland has been VERY hostile to immigrants ever since the murder of Pim Fortuyn
I see /pol/ calling them cuckservatives so they're good enough.

How bad is their immigration policy? Straight up "close the borders" is bad, and so is empowering racists, but vetting is not necessarily a bad thing.


The left has made gains, though. They'll have more of a say now.

lol, Wilders party won 19 seata...same as the two left wing parties combined

they have just as much as a "say" as Geert, and when you have the winner appealing to the anti-immigration crowd to keep the far-right parties at bay the outlook isn't good at all


I see /pol/ calling them cuckservatives so they're good enough.

How bad is their immigration policy? Straight up "close the borders" is bad, and so is empowering racists, but vetting is not necessarily a bad thing.

End of the day PVV didn't won so i'm happy about that. Now it's gives me hope for france now.


The problem is that VVD (the ones that are winning atm) already got a pretty radical immigration policy.They would be considered far-right in Sweden. Holland has been VERY hostile to immigrants ever since the murder of Pim Fortuyn

That's why we need a proper left wing party in order to keep them in check. Most likely GL because the PvdA needs a time-out and the SP is being stubborn again.

D66 seems like a shoe-in partner but they're centrists, CDA is conservative as fuck with some left and right tendencies. Neither can really be depended on on some issues like refugee and integration issues. If they somehow manage 76 seats together that would be a bad thing IMO.


Yay, get fucked Wilders. Feels like this may be a turning point in the battle against the pro-Russian far right. So, what's the chances of GL and D66 going into coalition with VVD?
I see /pol/ calling them cuckservatives so they're good enough.

How bad is their immigration policy? Straight up "close the borders" is bad, and so is empowering racists, but vetting is not necessarily a bad thing.
VVD wants to keep out economic immigrants, and refugees should be taken care of in the region, and then through deals with those countries we can sent help there and take in people in certain numbers. It's not far right at all or close the borders. They are also pro-EU and do not want those borders closed at all.


Yay, get fucked Wilders. Feels like this may be a turning point in the battle against the pro-Russian far right. So, what's the chances of GL and D66 going into coalition with VVD?

The Austrian presidential election rerun was the turning point. This election result just makes the whole far right populist movement look weaker then some people have claimed.The French and German election later this year will make the far right populist movement look like a joke.


The Austrian presidential election rerun was the turning point. This election result just makes the whole far right populist movement look weaker then some people have claimed.

no, populism has percolated standard politics and has been standardised and capitalsed by these traditionall avenues that we don't even see its influence any more


VVD is mainly aimed at economical growth as a whole, but they are not even close to being far right. I think they handled the economic crisis and refugee situation pretty well given the circumstances (together with PvdA, that is). Furthermore, Rutte does pretty well internationally. I am fine with him as our prime minister. And from the looks of it, he'll have to figure out a coalition with a couple of left wing parties which will mean compromises (which is good in this case). And I think the VVD is capable of doing that. I am not sure what aspects of them would be radical to be honest.

I am not in agreement with the VVD on many issues btw, but I don't think they are an unreasonable party in most aspects. The main thing that bothers me the most about VVD is how they handle the environmental laws. Glad that Groenlinks has shown the government that a lot of Dutch people worry about that as well.


Hey guys, just saw the result, interesting to see how much of the vote diversified in this election. I saw that post earlier about how the younger vote was more populist, and well.., you'll want to see this;

Europe Elects‏ @EuropeElects 2m2 minutes ago
Netherlands, Ipsos exit poll:

18-24 yrs old:

D66-ALDE: 18%
GL-G/EFA: 17%
PVV-ENF: 12%
CDA-EPP: 12%


Latest prognosis after 28,5% counted

VVD 32
PvdA 10
PVV 19
SP 14
CDA 20
D66 18
CU 6
Groenlinks 14
PvdD 4
50+ 2
Denk 3
FvD 2


Hey guys, just saw the result, interesting to see how much of the vote diversified in this election. I saw that post earlier about how the younger vote was more populist, and well.., you'll want to see this;

Europe Elects‏ @EuropeElects 2m2 minutes ago
Netherlands, Ipsos exit poll:

18-24 yrs old:

D66-ALDE: 18%
GL-G/EFA: 17%
PVV-ENF: 12%
CDA-EPP: 12%

That confirms what was said right,... fewer votes to the traditional parties (VVD, PvdA, CDA) and more to whatever is hot right now(D66, GL) compared to the general population.
CDA is hard right on cultural stuff (Christians...), and conservative on economics, they would never accept this. Also, they would never hang out with a former communist party due to both history and communism being secular by force whereas CDA is religious by volition. This won't happen.
Are you talking about the SP or Groen Links? Because the former communists were merged into Groen Links (CPN: Communistische Partij Nederland) and I don't think Groen Links is a taboo for CDA.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Geert Wilders Falls Short as Wary Dutch Scatter Their Votes https://nyti.ms/2m29Khb

Mr. Wilders noted that his party had gained seats. “Rutte has not seen the last of me yet!” he wrote on Twitter.


This guy is literally an Inspector Gadget villain.


Good thing Geert lost..thank fucking god for that.

A shame FvD got seats there PVV Lite in a sort of way..a shame my party didn't get any. But oh well better luck next time i guess?

And PvDA holy shit well deserved they where the worst and Asscher? Not any better anyway.

I do congratulate PvDD for there new seats, they are excellent.


One thing needs to be noted about many of these elections in Europe; people are for the most part voting right to avoid the far right, but in the end that allows politics keep drifting further right. At the same time, this is mostly centering on the immigration issue, while on economic issues the narrative is more left-leaning. I can't see any other outcome over the long term than both issues continuing to be fueled. Essentially, down the line parties that are anti-immigration and anti-rich class will likely gain strong support, while right now the immigration aspect is at the forefront, so you have these one-issue parties. That's why FN is where they are now in France, they are a bit ahead on this and have mixed both issues. If they lose, it will likely slow those parties' progress, but the two main issues will remain and won't subside, they will just become part of the main platforms of parties that won't be only about one or the other.


The left needs to stick together. I think it was Roemer who said it earlier this evening, and I think he's right. GroenLinks, D66 and SP need to hold their own, and resist the temptation of forming a coalition. Maybe this way the left can get a majority alongside VVD without CDA, but then again VVD will probably demand another centre-right party, so VVD + CDA + D66 + GL seems like a more realistic scenario.

But for the sake of discussion, how does a coalition of VVD (33) + D66 (19) + GL (14) + SP (14) sound on paper? 80 seats. Assuming all parties that excluded to rule with PVV stick with that promise, there wouldn't be a good majority possible if D66/GL/SP stick together, or it has to be a 5 or 6 party coalition, but I'm not seeing that happen.

NOS has a nice little tool to mess around with forming coalitions, pretty fun.


The left needs to stick together. I think it was Roemer who said it earlier this evening, and I think he's right. GroenLinks, D66 and SP need to hold their own, and resist the temptation of forming a coalition. Maybe this way the left can get a majority alongside VVD without CDA, but then again VVD will probably demand another centre-right party, so VVD + CDA + D66 + GL seems like a more realistic scenario.

But for the sake of discussion, how does a coalition of VVD (33) + D66 (19) + GL (14) + SP (14) sound on paper? 80 seats. Assuming all parties that excluded to rule with PVV stick with that promise, there wouldn't be a good majority possible if D66/GL/SP stick together, or it has to be a 5 or 6 party coalition, but I'm not seeing that happen.

NOS has a nice little tool to mess around with forming coalitions, pretty fun.

SP and D66 have as much in commom as GL and PVV...


Semi-happy with the results. On the one had glad to see PVV was nowhere near being the largest party. On the other hand, Knowing they got 20 seats is still depressing. I'm also bummed that VVD remains the largest party. In terms of social and climate issues I would have liked to see more influence from the left.


Ehhh talk about hyperbole. Economically they may be somewhat distanced from each other (EU scepticism versus pro-EU/increasing taxes versus decreasing them, etc.), but they're a lot closer socially.

Roemer already claimed he wasn't going to join a coalition with VVD in it.


Roemer already claimed he wasn't going to join a coalition with VVD in it.

And that hurt him in the election.

The latest results:

- VVD: 33 seats (-9)

- PVV: 20 (+5)

- CDA: 19 (+6)

- D66: 19 (+7)

- GroenLinks: 14 (+10)

- SP: 14 (-1)

- PvdA: 9 (-29)

- ChristenUnie: 5 (0)

- Partij voor de Dieren: 5 (+3)

- 50Plus: 4 (+2)

- DENK: 3 (+3)

- SGP: 3 (0)

- Forum voor Democratie: 2 (+2)


If the PvdA gets their act together they can perhaps win back DENK's seats next election. Get Aboutaleb ready to head the party.
Generally happy with the results. VVD the biggest, GL didn't have that great a victory. So luckily the people see Klaver is a fake fool. Denk with 3 is worrisome, shows we have a lot of disconnected muslims here.


Generally happy with the results. VVD the biggest, GL didn't have that great a victory. So luckily the people see Klaver is a fake fool. Denk with 3 is worrisome, shows we have a lot of disconnected muslims here.

GL went from 4 to 14, which is a really great result all things considered. They had the biggest win in party size of the election. If they keep up like this they have the possibility to grow even more in the future.
I woke up and a sense of general happiness took over once I read the news. I didn't expect VVD not to win. Most people truly believe that, thanks to the VVD, this country has turned away from the economic crisis and is getting better each day. I can't say I disagree with them.

PVV losing is the moment where I had a smile. 19 votes is nothing if you compare it to last week's polls where they had around 27-29. I am glad his hate isn't going to shine across Europe. We have problems in the world, but those problems do not come from one community.

I guess we could expect VVD, D66, CDA, GroenLinks and ChristenUnie to get a majority. PVDA and SP not having anything to say does sting a little, but they had it coming with their average run of the past weeks.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Rutte is firm in telling Erdogan shills off and the emphasis on accepting Dutch values. Take it or leave it. His party doesn't really fit me in other respects, but if I was Dutch he'd have my vote.


So not worth it
Rutte is firm in telling Erdogan shills off and the emphasis on accepting Dutch values. Take it or leave it. His party doesn't really fit me in other respects, but if I was Dutch he'd have my vote.

You'd find a home in pretty much any party in that regard, so that wouldn't really be a deciding factor in your choice if you were Dutch, really.


Generally happy with the results. VVD the biggest, GL didn't have that great a victory. So luckily the people see Klaver is a fake fool. Denk with 3 is worrisome, shows we have a lot of disconnected muslims here.

How is tripling in size not a great victory??
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