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OT | Dutch General Election 2017 | Exit Poll: Major underperformance for Wilders

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Given the direction the CDA has taken this election cycle, I am not sure that would work out. Could be wrong, but Buma has presented the party as clearly right wing during the debates. Now I get that this was to pander to potential PVV voters, but I am not sure if the CDA would work that much better with left parties than the VVD at this point. Especially the SP seems far out there for it to work.

CDA has always been conservative, there's no need to watch a debate to know that. Most of their (former) base is in the catholic south and holds autoritarism in higher value as a result. Which is also why they turned on them and went to PVV in the last election (or second last? I don't recall.)

A non-VVD cabinet is impossible, so center-right with some inclusion of left points is going to the goal of the formation process.
Today I can say that I am proud to be from the Netherlands. Today we said Wilders can only go so far and enough is enough. We learned from the fuck up named Trump and I hope the rest of Europa follows suit. Today we where affraid and the true voice came around in masses we voted. Just proud



Wilders didn't win. He did grow to 19 seats according to the exit polls..

No victory, but definitely the sign of a worrying trend.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior

Wilders didn't win. He did grow to 19 seats according to the exit polls..

No victory, but definitely the sign of a worrying trend.

He got those seats because of the climate in Europe, the tragedies that occurred, the bump of Brexit, the bump of Trump, the bump of the Turkish VS Netherland's row that occurred just a few days ago.

He had all of the sugar and spice he needed to win or at least be a strong second, but he didn't. He won't get bigger than what he got today come next election, he needs another series of fuck ups, one after another, for him to stand a chance again.

It is also important to note that the big gainer in this election is the Green Party.


He got those seats because of the climate in Europe, the tragedies that occurred, the bump of Brexit, the bump of Trump, the bump of the Turkish VS Netherland's row that occurred just a few days ago.

He had all of the sugar and spice he needed to win or at least be a strong second, but he didn't. He won't get bigger than what he got today come next election, he needs another series of fuck ups, one after another, for him to stand a chance again.

Yeah. The people saying that him or Marine Le Pen(if she loses the french election in may) are going to do better next time don't recognize that this is wilders and Marine Le Pen's only shot to win an election. If they don't win their elections this year they won't win next time.



Wilders didn't win. He did grow to 19 seats according to the exit polls..

No victory, but definitely the sign of a worrying trend.

This is not a trend,... he is not trending up, he went up this time. Last time he went down. The big two ruling parties had massive loses, and basically everybody else won seats. Most parties won more than he did.

There's a solid base for the party, and next elections he'll may win some or may lose some, nobody knows.


I'm really proud of my Dutch people in here for letting reason prevail and not fear or hate.

Rent going up, healthcare going up etc. we will all live and be fine in this nation that takes care of everyone either way. The government in the past 4 years have done well. It's the viewpoint of the nation that was the most important part of this election at such an important time as sadly shown with brexit and Trump. So yes that makes me proud to be among majority of people who can see past what is being presented to us, to make us fear or seggregate and separate from eachother. We didn't fall for that and this basically says we are one no matter what and propaganda etc. is not going to change what we feel. Here's to all of you...



Lol, called it. My father is already shouting on FB that the elections are rigged. And that Erdogan and Rutte worked together to prevent the PVV from winning... Ugh 😥😂


Although Wilders has pulled everyone to the right for the last couple of years, this election makes me fucking proud. Especially the fact that parties that put a lot of effort into combatting climate grew a lot is a good thing.

Well done, fellow Dutchies.
Going to mangle a quote to express how I feel atm:
"There are two things I love in this world. Those who are tolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch."


So not worth it
Where did this come from? I thought one of most mentioned things by parties was the softening of the current healthcare system?

My rent increased by 100 euro a month over the past few years so I highly doubt the next cabinet is gonna be worse for me in that respect as well.


My rent increased by 100 euro a month over the past few years so I highly doubt the next cabinet is gonna be worse for me in that respect as well.
Oh yeah rent has definitely gotten the end of the stick. Healthcare has also been a nightmare in comparison to the 00s. I am not expecting things to get significantly better but I'm also not expecting it to get worse.


Where did this come from? I thought one of most mentioned things by parties was the softening of the current healthcare system?

It's more of an example of we won't lose much besides little things here and there as opposed to what we really could have lost...the nation itself, unity etc. Not that rent healthcare is going to go up or anything. I was just using that as an example (worst case scenarios etc.). Sorry for not making that clear enough and causing confusion.


Second prognosis after 10% counted (and accounting for exit poll)

VVD 33
PVV 18
CDA 25
D66 18
GroenLinks 13
SP 13
PvdA 9
CU 6
PvdD 5
50Plus 4
Denk 1
FvD 2


It's more of an example of we won't lose much besides little things here and there as opposed to what we really could have lost...the nation itself, unity etc. Not that rent healthcare is going to go up or anything. I was just using that as an example (worst case scenarios etc.). Sorry for not making that clear enough and causing confusion.
Oh well I'm sorry for not getting what you meant haha, I was worried for a second there. To be honest, I'm quite positive about the future. These past few years have been pretty hard for our country with all the sacrifices that have been made and I think we can only go up from here, and without the PVV trying to fuck up our country.


Second prognosis after 10% counted (and accounting for exit poll)

VVD 33
PVV 18
CDA 25
D66 18
GroenLinks 13
SP 13
PvdA 9
CU 6
PvdD 5
50Plus 4
Denk 1
FvD 2

Yeah I saw it on TV as well, yikes. But I'm assuming some large cities are excluded in this, parties like GL and Denk skew towards urban areas and are much lower in this prognosis and the CDA is particularly popular in rural areas.


Media loves Wilders grabbing headlines just as much.

Figures. If the idiots from Vlaams Belang start yelling 'Minder XYZ' they'd be on that in seconds in Belgium too.

Hey, at least the Go Back Bus made international news, so glad I could tell people I'm from there :^)


Yeah I saw it on TV as well, yikes. But I'm assuming some large cities are excluded in this, parties like GL and Denk skew towards urban areas and are much lower in this prognosis and the CDA is particularly popular in rural areas.
I'm assuming GL and D66 in particular will gain a lot more after some more counting.


bittersweet victory, not a vote for the far right but a vote for the right nonetheless and not worth of any celebration

equivalent of ignoring UKIP but voting Conservative anyway


The problem is that VVD (the ones that are winning atm) already got a pretty radical immigration policy.They would be considered far-right in Sweden. Holland has been VERY hostile to immigrants ever since the murder of Pim Fortuyn
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