It's pretty weird there's no screenshots in this thread, right?
UPDATE in OP. Enjoy!
It's pretty weird there's no screenshots in this thread, right?
But Crysis remastered runs like shit does it not? It's not even better looking than modded versions of the original based on what I've seen.
Totally forgot about this one, this is true.The most accurate representation of lighting is a path traced minecraft
VFXVeteran When are we getting you views on the PS5 demons souls footage?
I think it’s indisputably Minecraft. Regardless of how one feels about the art style, it is, by far, the most impressive, wide-ranging implementation I’ve seen.
The OP puts a game to each category (and generally, each game only does that category), but Minecraft seems to be doing it all, and more ambitiously than anything else. Which, it kind of helps when you look, in some ways, more primitive than an N64 game, but still. I think it’s a sneak peak at the future of the tech, when it’s not so restricted.
Only the DF thread.
Opinions and facts. What happened to that thread you was going to make with your opinions on both consoles games.
My favourite looking game with Raytracing is Battlefield.
If we are talking the one I feel benefits most from RT It would be a hard choice between Control and Metrod
That's about to change real quick though Ratchet and Clank: RIft Apart along with Demon's Souls has already blown everything else out of the water.
Just gotta wait a month for it to actually release but there's noway they could be downgraded enough to not look several times better than anything else we have right now.
I distinctly remember this and being able to see Mario reflected in it was in the original GameCube version too. Not sure if it's cube-mapping because I've never seen characters reflect in the mirrored images using the technique (only the background and at a lower resolution).
I distinctly remember this and being able to see Mario reflected in it was in the original GameCube version too. Not sure if it's cube-mapping because I've never seen characters reflect in the mirrored images using the technique (only the background and at a lower resolution).
Roughly one month and change before that list looks completely different.
I know but I've always been curious about it. There were some other games that utilized the same dynamic mirrored reflections like Bully, Hitman 2, maybe Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, but it was always one small part of the level. Anyway, I wonder ifI just posted it for a joke, as you can see from the spoiler text at the bottom. I don’t know what it is though, but those are actually some crazy reflections.
Phew, good thing there's no poll option so that everyone here can prove you wrong...I'm sorry, but Metro Exodus RT GI is way better than the one in Crysis remastered.
I know but I've always been curious about it. There were some other games that utilized the same dynamic mirrored reflections like Bully, Hitman 2, maybe Splinter Cell; Chaos Theory, but it was always one small part of the level. Anyway, I'm curious ifVFXVeteran knows what I'm talking about.
What games are you waiting on?
3 new benchmark setters, Spider-Man Miles Morales, Demon Souls Remake, Godfall.
All of those games are using just reflections for RT. They can stand alone on their own merits with SSR.
Clearly if you are going for a pure technical interpretation of that then Minecraft with full-path ray tracing would be at the top. But your thread clearly says "Best looking Ray Traced Game" Those will apply and take the crown easily.
I was wondering if it had a name. It reminds me of ray-tracing but at a much lower resolution.Rerender the scene to texture. Pretty simple.
I was wondering if it had a name. It reminds me of ray-tracing but at a much lower resolution.
Minecraft could go up there because it's using RT heavily. The last 3 games I mentioned were using 1 feature from RT - hardly a significant impact to the overall look of the game. I mentioned them for completeness. If you plan on crowning those games as the best looking just because they have RT reflections in them and could stand alone without using it - it's a little disingenuous.
It's not disingenous when the end goal is to improve the visual quality of the game. Ray tracing is not implemented as a purity contest, it has a purpose - which is to improve visual fidelity. To imply otherwise is what's disingenuous.
Yes, it does improve visual fidelity when using it with several rendering algorithms - not just reflections. The games you mentioned will only apply to various props that wont even take up 10% of the world. The visual fidelity of water or mirrors? That doesn't make a relevant impact in the game's visuals - and that's not an opinion. If you went SSR in either of those games you menioned, they would still have great visual fidelity. But I digress. I can tell I'm about to waste my time trying to explain.
You're right in that you should not waste your time. It's clear to me you're creating caveats and criteria on the fly to leave certain games out of the discussion. The overall argument and point is clear and reasonable. Ray-tracing as a technique is a mathematical algorithm used to more acurately portray bounce lighting. The end goal is improving visual fidelity and realism. Those games I mentioned use Ray-tracing as well as other techniques to reach that end goal of improving visual fidelity while working under hardware contraints. Each developer weights the costs of each technique in their overall mix as they search for the optimal visual fidelity output relative to performance in their games. The end result is what ultimately matters. If you wanted to discuss purity, you could have worded your thread title differently, including your OP, to better describe your criteria of what counts and doesn't count. Definitely, in my opinion, not |OT| worthy under those arbitrary personal conditions.
Here's an example of what I mean:Yea, it's really a trick. What's sad is that most of the RT reflections in the newer games will look no different - and yet, that's not how RT reflections look in the realworld because most materials are not complete mirrors. Water puddles and mirrors are OK for it, but putting it on metal and other objects will look wrong.
I mean, this is a subjective thread as OP said, but you clearly missed the "uses RTX heavily" part.
So I've played the new Crysis Remastered and thought I would open up a thread for comparing and contrasting current games using RT and see what opinions people have on which one looks the best at this current time (no future games should be compared unless they have been released). This thread is purely subjective although any objective tech comments are welcome.
What is it about the games I mentioned having Ray-tracing and qualifying not a subjective take?
So?Having it is not Using it heavily.
OP literally has 2-3 games on his comparison list that are in line with Miles Morales, Demon Souls Remake and Godfall.