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Otogi 2 - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


Otogi 2 is a satisfying follow-up to a great game. Though sheer originality was one of the main strengths of the original Otogi: Myth of Demons, Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors retains much of its predecessor's unique and awe-inspiring style, thanks to a great new cast of characters, some completely new types of challenges, and a presentation that's second to none. So, especially if you enjoyed the original or if you're dubious of all the cookie-cutter action games out there, you'd do well to check this one out.


not an idiot
I hated the demo on OXM, and also hated the first game. Can't really say I understand what is to like here, but I guess we all differ. Pretty good score there from GameSpot. Enjoy your game.


Been playing the Otogi recently, and I hope they fixed the dizzy camera + sloppy controls in the sequel. I'm stuck at the last boss now, and I fucking hate it. It wouldn't even be half as hard if the camera worked fine and the controls were more responsive and thought-through.



i can't wait to get it :p


The ghost of Dreamcast past
... getting to smash a huge army like that into a pile of bones is the kind of use today's enormous computing potential should be put to more often.
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