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Otome Community Thread: Happiness isn't a limited commodity, my love is boundless!


The art is tempting me but reading reviews it seems that the translation is both terrible and the type itself is difficult to read. They say there's artifacting and shit :I I'm not sure

There were some unintentionally funny mistranslations in Men of Yoshiwara: Kikuya... such as "another some more" and "red-right district". I didn't have issues reading the font or with any weird artifacting. I think the better idea is hope Ohgiya comes to Steam like Kikuya did.


Neo Member
-snip for less scrolling-

Not rambling at all, I'm very happy reading your impressions! I haven't gotten the chance to sit down and tackle Ieyasu's route, but hearing that he's actually a badass is getting me hyped 8D Agreed about Nobunaga, I thought he'd be a stereotypical loud ore-sama but he's actually... a really charismatic and seductive ore-sama LOL. His voice actor just kills me! Yes, love how he teases (tempts?!) Hotaru but also is very motivating and encouraging.
When you visit him at night and choose the option to put your head on his shoulder.... and he pets you. *dead*

I too laughed when he booted Ranmaru out! Speaking of Ran, aka the purest cinnamon roll, I got all fluffy just playing through his route. Wasn't expecting the high levels of tsun and moe but loved every second of it. lol! I was actually looking forward to Momoji's route the most before playing the game, and it did not disappoint. Many feels were had, via all the memories and nostalgia *wipes tear* :') Hot ojisan with hot voice may or may not have been a contributing factor.

Ooh, about your husbando Mitsuhide. I wasn't sure what to expect going into his route, as you never know with the cool and calculating beautiful ones D= But I absolutely loved him by the end! I think the scene where he
stuffs Hotaru's face with manju because she thinks it's SO DELICIOUS, YES?
made me laugh the hardest in the game LOL. And when
you're about to leave for good and he has the saddest involuntary puppy expression. *grabs heart*

As for our hero Nobuyuki...
I have to admit I was quite taken by his sawayaka princely side with agonizingly seductive bits (Hotaru: "It must run in the family" lol). But when he finally loses it, I actually expected a lot worse. At least it was mainly him screaming at you and no weird sadistic stuff I was bracing for. =[ Keep on keepin' on, Nobuyuki.

Thanks for the Harukanaru and Ken ga Kimi route recommendations! I'm having a very hard time deciding which one to try first! Probably Ken ga Kimi so I can gush at you after I start it, if you don't mind =D I was snooping around the official site and wow, I do love Saneaki's design and voice. Is the Vita port any different than PC?

It's a shame people are reporting Reine des Fleurs is mostly meh =( I was also initially drawn into the promo artwork, and I love knights! Are any other otoges out there featuring knights and western themes? Haha.


Didnt make it in time to start norn9 before the anime but I guess ill just play it afterwards. Yuki kaji voices best boy but everyone is good thus far. 3rd best.

I literally said when I watched the first episode "Oh, well I see the directors knew exactly what we all wanted" in the first three minutes.

I watched the first episode (and forced my bf to put it on and watch it with me as a punishment for making me watch terrible harem animes). Here are my impressions, which I'll put in spoilers just in case:

Seemed alright. The first episode attempted to explain what exactly was happening, which wasn't a bad explanation.

If the opening is anything to go by, there are gonna be shipped couples from the get-go. They are:
Koharu > Kakeru
Mikoto > Natsuhiko (?!)
Nanami > Akito
Unless the opening's lying to me. But when have openings ever lied? :p

90% of the first episode was Koharu and Kakeru having cute moments together (to which my bf was like :mad: lol), and the end had her remembering her name and the ship being attacked.

The elementary school kiddo is nowhere to be seen. They may have cut him out? Not too surprising if that's the case.

Not a bad first episode. I'll have to wait and see how they handle the other characters before making a better decision on if I like it or not though.




I don't think so either. Also, a few years back, people were requesting NISA to license it since NIS is the developer, but they actually said no, that if they had any plans to do that they would have done it already, and then they closed the thread. It was a bit weird because they don't tend to be that vehement against licensing requests.


I don't think so either. Also, a few years back, people were requesting NISA to license it since NIS is the developer, but they actually said no, that if they had any plans to do that they would have done it already, and then they closed the thread. It was a bit weird because they don't tend to be that vehement against licensing requests.
Let's see how it goes this time.


Hey everyone.

My friend is hosting a dating sim gamealong this month and I want to participate but I don't want to spend a lot of money.

Any suggestions? Willing to try anything!


Hey everyone.

My friend is hosting a dating sim gamealong this month and I want to participate but I don't want to spend a lot of money.

Any suggestions? Willing to try anything!

...Anne Lee's? I follow her on twitter and since I'm finally, finally almost done Steins;Gate I was going to join in myself, hah.

(EDIT: Oh, it was mentioned on the last page too, hah.)

I think you unfortunately just missed some sales- I know Amnesia got very cheap on Steam and there were some PSN sales a while back as well. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, since I haven't actually played any yet myself, but currently the cheapest well regarded titles might still be Sweet Fuse and Hakuoki for PSP, since they're $10 each on PSN.


...Anne Lee's? I follow her on twitter and since I'm finally, finally almost done Steins;Gate I was going to join in myself, hah.

(EDIT: Oh, it was mentioned on the last page too, hah.)

I think you unfortunately just missed some sales- I know Amnesia got very cheap on Steam and there were some PSN sales a while back as well. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, since I haven't actually played any yet myself, but currently the cheapest well regarded titles might still be Sweet Fuse and Hakuoki for PSP, since they're $10 each on PSN.

Yes, haha.

Definitely is Annes!

Yeah she mentioned Amnesia but I just can't justify the price right now. I'll check the other two out :). Thanks!


Get Sweet Fuse.

I forgot to ask- Sweet Fuse is relatively short, isn't it? I got Code Realize at release and then thanks to all these (dangerous) sales I have both of the PSP games and Amnesia as well. I'd usually prioritize Code Realize, but I don't think I have the time for another long VN right now, so I'd like to play whatever's shortest.


I forgot to ask- Sweet Fuse is relatively short, isn't it? I got Code Realize at release and then thanks to all these (dangerous) sales I have both of the PSP games and Amnesia as well. I'd usually prioritize Code Realize, but I don't think I have the time for another long VN right now, so I'd like to play whatever's shortest.

It depends if you want a single route or experience them all.


Then it's not all that shorter compared to C:R. It's shorter, but not considerably.

VNDB has Sweet Fuse as being 10-30 hours (HowLongToBeat has 25 hours as its estimate) while Code Realize is 30-50, but if it's closer to 30 then it's really not much of a difference, yeah. Guess I'll just decide between those two when I'm ready to start something, then.


VNDB has Sweet Fuse as being 10-30 hours (HowLongToBeat has 25 hours as its estimate) while Code Realize is 30-50, but if it's closer to 30 then it's really not much of a difference, yeah. Guess I'll just decide between those two when I'm ready to start something, then.

Yeah, I'd typically take HLTB's estimates over VNDB's simply because VNDB give really broad estimations for times (which is understandable). Code: Realize might be in the 30-50 range, and while I didn't track my time, I doubt I spent more than 30-32 hours on it.


How do people know the licensing cost for port of a game thats many years old?

I've heard that it has to do with the voice acting and the songs. Apparently licensing JP voices/songs can be expensive in certain cases (more than anime probably), which is why some publishing companies don't include Japanese voice acting in some licensed games (like Cold Steel and SN5). Plus, UtaPri is the most popular otome series so Broccoli probably won't let it go for cheap, but it's not guaranteed that popularity will equal enough sales in the west to cover the cost of licensing and translation.


@Gaiages - <3 Thanks for the info! I'll have to pick it up the next time it's on sale.

@Westraid - Still haven't because I'm pissed off at my Vita still with my memory card and everything ;_; I really should try again soon. I was in the middle of the prologue when it decided to die on me, but the game is beautiful!

How's RdF treating you? :p

Sorry for the late response! Been dealing with a lot of health issues this past week, so haven't been feeling all that great :(

I couldn't agree more with everything you've said about all the characters. I love them all so much <3

For Nobuyuki -
I fell for it too, lol. He was my bias going into the game. If I would have studied up on my Japanese history, I probably would have seen it coming from a mile away though, whoops

I agree, I'm glad they didn't make him that bad. His yumeakari route is a nice follow up too.

What did you think of Hideyoshi? He was probably one of my least favorites of the game, but I still liked his character quite a bit. It's funny that his seiyuu went on to voice Impey in Code:Realize, so when Impey popped up I was like "Hideyoshi?!" xD

I'm excited for the Geten project on Vita (I still haven't been able to see if it's a sequel/fandisc or just an extended port) but hoping they put some kiss CGs in there. Ruby Party didn't start that(at least I think? I haven't played all of their series) until Haruka 6 actually. I gasped when I saw one for the first time xD Only 3 of the characters get one though in that game, but I was still pretty surprised!

It might be good to use Ken ga Kimi as a refresher before you play yumeakari! Full warning though, I haven't finished all of the routes yet still (the language is so hard for me, and each character has 4 different endings so it's long!) but I still would really love to hear your thoughts on them! The game and its presentation are just so beautiful.

There's a bit of extra content in the Vita version :D New CGs added into the original story and some new date events, plus some new scenarios and an extended prologue for all 4 endings for each character. As for which routes to do first/last, I would recommend at least leaving Tsuzuramaru until last/near last (he's the marketed canon for the game and has more stuff revealed in his routes)

I don't actually know of many otoge with knights off the top of my head.. maybe Princess Arthur, but that's pretty old and I've heard really conflicting things about it.


So I gotta ask for context here because this seems blatantly different from their usual thing. Are they just jumping on an IP cause it's popular right now, because this is outlandish.


So I gotta ask for context here because this seems blatantly different from their usual thing. Are they just jumping on an IP cause it's popular right now, because this is outlandish.

They did a K anime game, so it's not that that outlandish for them.


Neo Member

I hope you're feeling better! No need to apologize/no pressure at all on responding! I liked Hideyoshi as a character, and loved his voice actor, but yeah I felt his route was kinda ho-hum lol. I thought he was funniest when he was trolling the other charas in their routes (cough Ranmaru). It was an interesting twist when
he discovered Hotaru's true identity! so early on
, but I felt that they didn't do as much as they could have with that plot point in the rest of the route xD Oh, are they bringing GnH to Vita?? Awesome! The lack of kiss scenes didn't detract from the game for me, but I'm curious why Ruby Party wasn't big on them until recently as you said, haha.

I started Ken ga Kimi-- all I can say is wowwww O_O. I went in not knowing anything besides your recommendation, but now I'm 100% engrossed! A couple chapters into the common route and I was seriously wanting to know more about each character and their backstories. Can't wait to tackle all of them. The art, interface and music is beautiful too and enhances the overall story!

I just finished all 4 of Kei's routes and man like you said, it's loooonngg lol. But it was also super fulfilling to go through the worst end to the best, and feel like you got to know the character well along the way :') I just started Sakyo's route, and am looking forward to finding out what exactly his, erm, issues are!
Gentle princely characters with sadistic streaks are my thing now... Nobuyuki, what have you done to me D8
. I think the character I'm most curious/interested in is Tsuzuramaru, which is killing me because I must wait awhile to find out his mysteries! I love how silly and helpless he seems (and his soothing voice just kills me, ugh) but I just know there's gotta be a pile of dark backstory and angst behind there... I CAN FEEL IT. Lol. If you don't mind me asking out of curiousity, around how far would you say you are in the game? Do you complete each character before moving on to the next one? =)

Thanks for the Princess Arthur pointers! I'm doing some research, and may just end up playing it in the future if my medieval mood is too strong lol.

Since no one cracked the title for the OT, here it is:
This looks like an important confession scene, but I'm laughing because of the heroine's expression! Makes it look like Sakuya is saying this ironically haha. (I haven't played the game, so please excuse my lack of context xD)

Wow, Osomatsu sure is popular lately... watched a couple eps when it came out and not sure what all the fuss is about. I feel like this otoge would need to be more of a comedy/parody theme to work out, haha...


Hatoful Boyfriend Holiday Star was a surprise. I thought it'd be a silly fandisc, but the game has the same twists and alluring story as the first game.


I started playing The Blind Griffin and my first ending was really, really awful.

I was expecting a game full of cute love scenes and ended with something tragic.

The next ending I viewed was so much better!


Finished Hatoful Boyfriend Holiday Star today, now I just have to get Norn9's platinum trophy and I'll be ready until OZMAFIA.


Are you studying Japanese too? We need like an otome specific Japanese study group, lol.

Spent a semester studying Japanese, although that was years ago. Been attempting to slowly get back into it these past 3 months. Lack of motivation sucks :(.

Hopefully your progress is better than mine :p.


I've been studying on and off for years myself, but I'm such a very lazy person that it's a miracle I even managed to learn English. Anyway, if you guys need a website to practice reading Japanese then I recommend the Satori Reader. It's in beta so it doesn't have that much content yet, but it's very usable since it has a built-in dictionary and a srs to review vocab.
I'm quite lazy in getting myself to study too, but I would like to think that my regular fanfic reading on pixiv and keitai novel sites keeps me from getting too rusty, lol.
Spent a semester studying Japanese, although that was years ago. Been attempting to slowly get back into it these past 3 months. Lack of motivation sucks :(.

Hopefully your progress is better than mine :p.

It's all been self-study, I'm most of the way through Genki I and like level 25 in wanikani, which means my kanji knowledge vastly outweighs my grammar. So I can use compex kanji to express very simple baby sentences. 8D I was trying to study for JLPT N4 but I was cramming so badly because I procrastinated that I forced myself to quit because I knew I would forget everything and here we are, I've already started forgetting what I had learned after I stopped doing Japanese for hours every day in a fear-induced mania. I need a proper teacher to sit down with once a month or something like that but I can't find any local tutors and all the online tutor things I've looked at kind of fucking suck :I

The most amazing thing I did when my brother-in-law was here over Thanksgiving was sit down and play Hakuouki: SSL with him and I would sort of hazard a guess at the text and then he would read it for me. If I had some system like that where I could be practicing that way I'd be a pro (and I'd be progressing through that game at a reasonable pace, haha).
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