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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

I used to love healing and playing as Mercy, but the last few weeks have become so fucking painful.

I am constantly getting spammed by people with 90%+ health requesting healing. Mostly Ganji, but today was McCree's turn.

The other day, I had D.VA spam I need health...constantly, for like 5 min over and over and over. If I took too long, I would get a message on XBL abusing me for not healing. Made it worse when I would die, and have to run all the way back to the beginning objective.

At one point, I switched to DPS, then was sent a message and told me I wasn't allowed to switch to DPS and that I must be retarded, etc. One person was pissed because I didn't save my Ultimate ability for 5 people and only used it when 2 were dead.

This happens in both Quick Play and Ranked Matches.

Need a "Can't Heal. I am Fucking Dead" emote.



I used to love healing and playing as Mercy, but the last few weeks have become so fucking painful.

I am constantly getting spammed by people with 90%+ health requesting healing. Mostly Ganji, but today was McCree's turn.

The other day, I had D.VA spam I need health...constantly, for like 5 min over and over and over. If I took too long, I would get a message on XBL abusing me for not healing. Made it worse when I would die, and have to run all the way back to the beginning objective.

At one point, I switched to DPS, then was sent a message and told me I wasn't allowed to switch to DPS and that I must be retarded, etc. One person was pissed because I didn't save my Ultimate ability for 5 people and only used it when 2 were dead.

This happens in both Quick Play and Ranked Matches.

Need a "Can't Heal. I am Fucking Dead" emote.


Yeah, last season I ended up being a "Mercy main" and enjoyed it a lot (and I dare to say I did a pretty good job). But after so many games FUCKING SOLO HEALING AND SAVING ALMOST EVERYBODY'S ASS and hours playing her, I got tired of my waifu and now I avoid her whenever I can. I got so burnt out of Mercy that even the last games I played with her I made stupid mistakes that I've never done, just because I don't want to fucking play her (unless I'm in a 4-5 stack with friends, in which case I don't mind). But I got tired of "I need healing" or "Mercy you are doing a terrible job". Yeah well fuck you, I'm solo healing in defense and you are a fucking Genji, I'm not going to fly across the map to save your ass.

Now Zen is my support pick, and I stopped giving a shit if people start talking crap and asking me to change to Mercy to solo heal. No man, I'm not doing that, you change your Hanzo, Widow or 3rd DPS, I'm not playing for you or your enjoyment, I'm playing because I want to win, yeah, but also HAVE FUN.


In more positive news, the new crosshair feature has let me make a crosshair for widow that I legitimately think is improving my aiming. So I can lose to m/kb cheaters 9 times out of 10 instead of just every time.


Yeah, last season I ended up being a "Mercy main" and enjoyed it a lot (and I dare to say I did a pretty good job). But after so many games FUCKING SOLO HEALING AND SAVING ALMOST EVERYBODY'S ASS and hours playing her, I got tired of my waifu and now I avoid her whenever I can. I got so burnt out of Mercy that even the last games I played with her I made stupid mistakes that I've never done, just because I don't want to fucking play her (unless I'm in a 4-5 stack with friends, in which case I don't mind). But I got tired of "I need healing" or "Mercy you are doing a terrible job". Yeah well fuck you, I'm solo healing in defense and you are a fucking Genji, I'm not going to fly across the map to save your ass.

Now Zen is my support pick, and I stopped giving a shit if people start talking crap and asking me to change to Mercy to solo heal. No man, I'm not doing that, you change your Hanzo, Widow or 3rd DPS, I'm not playing for you or your enjoyment, I'm playing because I want to win, yeah, but also HAVE FUN.
Where do you find these people? Granted, I'm only lvl 53 and most of those were gained in QP. I used to main Mercy but have also switched to Zen and no one has ever said anything negative about my pick or healing skill. I tend to get top billing as Zen, and several people have added me as a friend because I play well (I assume). A lot of people say that OW is a hostile place but I've never seen it on ps4.


Where do you find these people? Granted, I'm only lvl 53 and most of those were gained in QP. I used to main Mercy but have also switched to Zen and no one has ever said anything negative about my pick or healing skill. I tend to get top billing as Zen, and several people have added me as a friend because I play well (I assume). A lot of people say that OW is a hostile place but I've never seen it on ps4.

Competitive can be a nasty place when you start to climb. High plat low diamond is the worst. But I got more tired of having to play "for them", because they don't give a damn, than the ocassional idiot that trash talks.


Unconfirmed Member
Offense Heroes SR correlation Analysis:


Across the board Elims good and Deaths bad, obviously, but a few interesting tidbits.

McCree - System likes crits and hates fan the hammer

Pharah - System dislikes Pharahs who fight on the objective

Tracer - System likes final hits, especially melee, and particularly dislikes environmental deaths.

Soldier 76 - System likes Helix Rocket kills and dislikes soldiers who solo kill instead of focus firing with team.

Reaper - Nothing interesting, just get elims and don't die

Genji - System again really hates environmental deaths

Sombra - System likes Healling done the most, with EMP and offensive assists secondary. System dislikes Sombras who do a lot of solo kills, but likes Sombra players in general.
I know it wasn't PTR that's my point that the comp would get even stronger once it went to live.

Why are you bringing up month old arguments don't you have something better to do? And if I knew the next hero would counter Winston I wouldn't have pushed so hard for him to be nerfed.

because you were wrong, and it feels good to rub it in. and the fact that dive is counterable without the next hero only proved my previous point even further.


for someone who thought winston was op, you'd be the last person to be captain.

if anyone would be captain it would be anne or anti

(late responses i know, I blame getting an oculus rift recently)


Unconfirmed Member
2cp saved?
I know it'll never get that far, but a 75 second respawn sounds fucking brutal for Overwatch. I've had QP games that were shorter.

I know, sounds insane.

Maybe he meant like 75 seconds of Attacker advantage on the objective is where the respawn timer maxes out? But the wording still sounds to me like 75 seconds to respawn.

Maybe they do want an attacker to respawn and get to the objective faster than a defender at some point of a really long attacker advantage.


2cp saved?
I know it'll never get that far, but a 75 second respawn sounds fucking brutal for Overwatch. I've had QP games that were shorter.

It's not a 75 second respawn
he's saying the 'advantage' caps out after 75 seconds of attacker>defender presence on point B.

The system always existed, but it used to be 30 seconods - 90 seconds
now it's 15 - 75


Maybe he meant like 75 seconds of Attacker advantage on the objective is where the respawn timer maxes out? But the wording still sounds to me like 75 seconds to respawn.

It's not a 75 second respawn
he's saying the 'advantage' caps out after 75 seconds of attacker>defender presence on point B.

The system always existed, but it used to be 30 seconods - 90 seconds
now it's 15 - 75

Ohhh, gotcha. I misunderstood.


Unconfirmed Member
It's not a 75 second respawn
he's saying the 'advantage' caps out after 75 seconds of attacker>defender presence on point B.

The system always existed, but it used to be 30 seconods - 90 seconds
now it's 15 - 75

Ok, thanks, sorry for the confusion.


Competitive can be a nasty place when you start to climb. High plat low diamond is the worst. But I got more tired of having to play "for them", because they don't give a damn, than the ocassional idiot that trash talks.
Ah okay yeah, I'm only in gold, it's my first season. I don't think I've ever heard someone use a mic at all on ps4 so far o_O (me neither, shameful)
Ah okay yeah, I'm only in gold, it's my first season. I don't think I've ever heard someone use a mic at all on ps4 so far o_O (me neither, shameful)

I find PS4 quite placid compared to PC, I am just about to level up in to plat again on PS4 and it's been a generally pleasant experience.

On PC I foolishly do all my placement games with a friend who is complete rubbish so I get the joy every season of climbing through silver and gold and let me tell you the toxicity on PC in those ranks is insane compared to the peace and quiet of PS4. Silver is brutal so I can't even imagine what goes on in bronze.

No text chat makes a huge amount of difference, even I am more relaxed on PS4 because instead of retaliating to the toxicity I just let it go on the console and move on. I have had people use mics on PS4 but it's not normal and often it's small kids that I mute straight away rather than try and talk to them.
Spent like one hour just playing doomfist and I'm starting to get the timings down, also the seismic slam feels much better now that I know how it actually works. What I continue to dislike is the primary fire, only four shots with a considerably long reload time sucks.


Yo is anyone here getting random spikes to 3000 ping in quick play? It's pretty common right now in NZ and I'm wondering if it's the new patch or if something more local is screwing the connection.


semen stains the mountaintops
I hadn't gotten a legendary skin in forever but then the first box I open after true patch has zero repeats and a legendary. I like this patch.
Punching people into walls is the greatest thing ever.

I'm a Doomfist main now. I don't care how shit I am, or if the team needs a healer or what. He's just ridiculously fun to play.

The new highlight stuff is cool but kind on a waste of Xbox. It's a lot quicker to just hit the Home button and tap X to record the previous 30 seconds of gameplay than it is to do it Blizzard's way.
Punching people into walls is the greatest thing ever.

I'm a Doomfist main now. I don't care how shit I am, or if the team needs a healer or what. He's just ridiculously fun to play.

The new highlight stuff is cool but kind of a waste of Xbox. It's a lot quicker to just hit the Home button and tap X to record the previous 30 seconds of gameplay than it is to do it Blizzard's way.

Yeah.. the highlight thing is cool but as you said. share button then square is all i need.

That, and you can set your own recordings at the tap of a button.. a button i dont have on ps4 because there aren't enough buttons. I was gonna set touch pad to record but touchpad is cancel the key bind. lol.

Why this game doesn't have halo-style whole match replays i don't know. Would love that.


New default crosshair is so ugly. Why couldn't they keep the short crosshair as one of the defaults. I thought it was fine. Had to go in and change it back.
Can't even show off my Doomfist skills with my PS4 squad tonight, oh well.

I got on last night and played one Doomfist 6v6 elim before I was too tired to function properly and quit out. But I'll be on tonight for some proper fisting.

Got POTG in the 6v6 elim though so I'm already on my way to being a Doomfist main. So far it's super fun to uppercut then charge fist somebody into a wall in the air.


Tried Doomfist last night, looks promising. The best thing about him is that I don't think he's a dive hero, more like a "counter-dive". "But Yager, he's got so much mobility, he's a fucking olympic diver!"...yeah, he's got mobility, but to get in you have to basically use all your abilities, and also he isn't really "fast" when moving, unlike Tracer or Genji, who can just basically come in, get a pick and disappear.

Zarya seems like a good partner for Doomfist, and her ult's change is great. I bet we're going to see a lot more of her on comp (specially now that Mercy can't escape her ult. get rekt).

Agreed on Zarya + DF, he's so in the mix he feeds her ult quite nicely when bubbled.


Doomfist's achievments are rough.

Killing with the Slam is easy. Got that many times in Elim. The killing 6 people with the Ult is gonna be tough esp with heroes that go invincible to escape like Reaper or Zen etc. Haven't bothered playing QP for trophies cuz I don't wanna waste time trying to instalock him.
Killing with the Slam is easy.Got that many times in Elim. The killing 6 people with the Ult is gonna be tough esp with heroes that go invincible to escape like Reaper or Zen etc. Haven't bothered playing QP for trophies cuz I don't wanna waste time trying to instalock him.

killing slam is with 125 power. not just killing them with it.

the 6 one.. i realised its actually hit 6 enemies with his ultimate. so they dont need to die. still hard though.


killing slam is with 125 power. not just killing them with it.

the 6 one.. i realised its actually hit 6 enemies with his ultimate. so they dont need to die. still hard though.

Oh ok, just hitting them should be easier. Altho stupid ass Reaper going wraith form would annoy the shit outta me.


Back to 3000 for not playing feelsbadman

Loving Doomfist at the moment, just feels fun to dive in punch

I took 10 days off last season to finish uo grad school projects, dropped me from 3700 to 3000. Like, ok I'm sorry I can't commit to playing 7 games of comp a week sometimes.
Highlight of the day for me was playing Hog again lol

He continues to be extremely fun, landing those hooks is one of the best feelings in the game. I don't care if people think I'm throwing, I'm going to start playing him again.

So much this, holy shit there's just no excuse for those garbage comments saying they don't want a one-shot ability like that in the game.

Today I got lots of kills where my victims didn't have any time to react and was also killed without being able do absolutely nothing, the speed is insane and there's no Zarya/D.Va that can save you. The hook is a joke compared to this.
For real.



I took 10 days off last season to finish uo grad school projects, dropped me from 3700 to 3000. Like, ok I'm sorry I can't commit to playing 7 games of comp a week sometimes.

I feel like the threshold for dropping rank should be a bit higher...I was only at 3500, don't feel like it should go all the way down to diamond lower limit


I used to love healing and playing as Mercy, but the last few weeks have become so fucking painful.

I am constantly getting spammed by people with 90%+ health requesting healing. Mostly Ganji, but today was McCree's turn.

The other day, I had D.VA spam I need health...constantly, for like 5 min over and over and over. If I took too long, I would get a message on XBL abusing me for not healing. Made it worse when I would die, and have to run all the way back to the beginning objective.

At one point, I switched to DPS, then was sent a message and told me I wasn't allowed to switch to DPS and that I must be retarded, etc. One person was pissed because I didn't save my Ultimate ability for 5 people and only used it when 2 were dead.

This happens in both Quick Play and Ranked Matches.

Need a "Can't Heal. I am Fucking Dead" emote.


Honestly at this point wanting to be petty would ultimately be my motive, and not winning. I don't have time to entertain assholes constantly messaging and spamming, so yes. I'll switch to DPS and shit I'll spam I need healing too just to piss them off even more.
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