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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


How dow you even lose 40 points in a post-placement match when you are supposed to be on bonus sr?

Tell us how much sr you gain after the next win. That seems really weird.
I don't think you get bonus SR after your first placements. The game is still trying to figure out where you belong, so the swings are pretty large from both wins and losses.
I moved this weekend and there's no internet yet at my new place because Verizon sucks butts. So no Summer Games for me for the foreseeable future. Sad times.
Yesterday a Rein on my team got a sharpshooter POTG!

Two fire-strikes = two dead pharas

Never seen one of those, he wasn't even aiming for the second one though. What are the odds lol

LOL, I guess the payload had some invisible hitbox that blocked your Ult.

Yeah I'll go with this too, it was locking into him before he went a bit lower.
I'm wondering if all the skins will be based on greek gods.

That would be cool. Though I guess this one is there because of the "victory" part and how it relates to sports.

Came here to ask that very question. Our group-chat has been talking about what hero fits what God/Goddess all morning.
Need the Zeus Soldier, Dionysus Hog, Hades Reaper, Apollo McCree or Hanzo and most importantly, Demeter Bastion.

Yea, I haven't received them either. I wonder if I need to do anything for them.

It's on the 10th, isn't it? I'll have to see if I can find where I read that.
Came here to ask that very question. Our group-chat has been talking about what hero fits what God/Goddess all morning.
Need the Zeus Soldier, Dionysus Hog, Hades Reaper, Apollo McCree or Hanzo and most importantly, Demeter Bastion.

Icarus Pharah
Medusa Sombra
Make Reinhart Zeus so 76 can be Odysseus
Athena Ana, or would Bastion make a better Athena with Ganymede as an owl?
Ares Doomfist
Reaper already a Hades like skin, so let Mei have Hades.
Chiron Orisa
Icarus Pharah
Medusa Sombra
Make Reinhart Zeus so 76 can be Odysseus
Athena Ana, or would Bastion make a better Athena with Ganymede as an owl?
Ares Doomfist
Reaper already a Hades like skin, so let Mei have Hades.
Chiron Orisa

Icarus Pharah would be an instant credit buy. Rein would be a great Zeus, Eros or Posideon, make his hammer a trident. Ganymede as an owl is great but he wouldn't work as Athena. Initially, I thought Mercy was Athena but I see people here saying it is Nike. Chiron Orisa is brilliant, didn't even occur to me.
Sombra could go the Titan route and be Cronos with her time-based kit. Not to mention Lucio Hermes.
Icarus Pharah would be an instant credit buy. Rein would be a great Zeus, Eros or Posideon, make his hammer a trident. Ganymede as an owl is great but he wouldn't work as Athena. Initially, I thought Mercy was Athena but I see people here saying it is Nike. Chiron Orisa is brilliant, didn't even occur to me.
Sombra could go the Titan route and be Cronos with her time-based kit. Not to mention Lucio Hermes.

Oh, duh!

Zarya for Hercules of course.


Man, I was hoping for this.:(


Oh well, her skin looks good anyway.


On PC? I placed around that too, highest rank on PS4 was Diamond.
Gold is hell, I hope you have that Ekim luck.

Yea, PC, the highest I've ever hit on PS4 was 3978 or something like that.

Don't feel bad if you're on a fresh account. Unless you absolutely destroy getting higher up is p difficult. My smurf where I went 8-2 in placements and had top 1% stats in QP and ranked got put at 2980~ somehow. I dunno how people get placed into the diamond tiers without just going off nonstop.

This was before they made placements more strict btw. I'm p sure placing on newer accounts these days is quite a bit more strict unless you are a blatant top level smurf.

Cool, good to know! This is definitely some of the worst OW I've ever seen in my own matches.

People really do not have any game sense at this level and just roll with whatever the fuck they want to. My first placement had a Pharah berating me because I wouldn't switch to Mercy and pocket them. I was Lucio with silver elims and 33% team healing done, I wasn't comfortable playing any support, but no one else was going to, so I did. The Pharah just suicided from round 2 onwards, lol.

I'm finding the text chat allows people to be even more tilted and toxic than what I encountered on ps4, heh.
If there's one thing Graffiti Tracer and Cruiser D.Va have shown it's that the community is ravenous for "casual"-looking skins, and Badminton Mercy woulda' filled the bill...

Yeah, but characters like Mercy aren't ever going to be able to have Casual looking skins, because their gameplay mechanics require certain asthetics.

Mercy needs to have wings to fly in all outfits. Just like Reinhart will always have a Hammer (Or equivalent), or Roadhog will always have a hook.

Now, obviously some Blizzard has some artistic freedom there. Reinhart has an Axe, and Roadhog has a rake, but they still have something there.

It wouldn't really work to throw Mercy in a t-shirt and shorts, because she needs her wings.


Well, if they're going to do swim suit outfits, I guess Widowmaker makes more sense than the rest of the cast. While not the exclusive sexual fanservice cast member, she seems to occupy that position more than anyone else.
That McCree looks dumb af

Can't say I dig the skins besides Widow.

But the Mercy one seems so different compared to those that I'm wondering if it's real.


Will Pharah finally get a new skin that looks different and not just particle effects?

Edit: Junk looks fucking stupid.
Junkrat being the Lucio ball goalie would be a cool change. Super immobile but tosses grenades to block shots. I think they've already announced everything on lucioball tho?
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