Ana control scheme suggestion:
Okay, so if you're like me, you fiddle around with the control scheme on your console a lot. One of the first things I changed was Genji's jump to L2/LT, because being good with him kind of depends on your ability to move vertically while aiming. Well, having jump bound to that just straight up feels good, like you have more control of the character and occasionally helped you dodge some bullets. I decided to do that with every character I could, which at first seemed only a few characters, like Winston, D.Va and Hanzo, who basically has a free shoulder button because they lack a secondary fire. But then it became a problem because my muscle memory didn't give a fig what character I was playing, it thought jump was L2 for all characters. So eventually, I've mapped all non-aim dependent abilities to a face botton (usually X) and L2 to jump for nearly all characters. In most cases, this is easy and I got nearly all characters to make it work. Some were harder, but Ana was the absolute worst.
ALL her abilities are aim dependent, even her ultimate. You see plenty of Boostio's on PC, but I imagine it's even harder for console players who have to take their thumb off the stick to hit triangle/Y to activate nanoboost. For a long time, I was resigned to the idea that Ana just won't work right on a controller, because something has to give. Until I came across a Halo video. Halo clicked the right thumbstick to zoom into it's sniper. I thought "Boy, I wish I could just do that with Ana" and then "wait, CAN I do it?" And then I found out the answer is yes!
Now, holding down R3 is awkward and wouldn't be something that worked. BUT! There is an option in the control menu that I forgot about that lets you turn the zoom into something you toggle on and off rather than have to hold it down. So one click of the thumbstick and you're looking through the scope. Even better, this is really easily canceled, since you can either click R3 again or just jump, which is what you're gonna be doing if an enemy dives onto you. For me, it feels very natural and easy to use.
From there, the rest of the mapping is easy. L1 to grenade and R1 to sleep dart. Nanoboost goes onto L3, which isn't a problem because you use it sparingly, but it allows you to retain your ability to aim. The only thing that you lose out is binding melee to O/B, so you'll have to take your thumb off the stick to punch someone. But chances are that if you can't use any abilities and you're reloading a gun, a melee isn't going to save you anyway. For some characters, easy access to Melee is crucial and needs to stay on R3, but I don't think it's a big loss for Ana.
So this is the ideal control scheme for console Ana's, I think. With this, you have as much control over all your movement and abilities as you can have at all times. The only thing you'll have to take your finger off the thumbstick for is to reload and melee. I cracked the code and wanted to share with anyone interested.