Do you wanna comp or just qp/arcade?
First official Overwatch League team name has been revealed: Shanghai Dragons.
Logo and team skin(!) for Mei here
I like the look of that logo a lot. Apparently the same guy made the logos for all the teams so I have pretty high hopes for that now.
Looks damn good.First official Overwatch League team name has been revealed: Shanghai Dragons.
Logo and team skin(!) for Mei here
I like the look of that logo a lot. Apparently the same guy made the logos for all the teams so I have pretty high hopes for that now.
I guess I'll just post the picture here because why not
If skins end up being the thing that makes Overwatch esports popular I'm gonna laugh, but hey it worked for CS:GO.
I like the logo a lot.
I guess the skins will only be epic though judging by that one, with a recolor and logo on them.
First official Overwatch League team name has been revealed: Shanghai Dragons.
Logo and team skin(!) for Mei here
I like the look of that logo a lot. Apparently the same guy made the logos for all the teams so I have pretty high hopes for that now.
San Francisco NRG has announced its final roster for Overwatch League. Here's a fun video introducing them all:
I'll put the final roster here along with some history of the players
...until their other players come of age I think they will really struggle in the beginning. They have some good players though, and other players have said they've been good in scrims, so we'll see.
Dont dash in unless you know that it will kill to reload your dash. Always try to save it to escape if you can.Don't think I'll ever know how to play genji
First official Overwatch League team name has been revealed: Shanghai Dragons.
Logo and team skin(!) for Mei here
I like the look of that logo a lot. Apparently the same guy made the logos for all the teams so I have pretty high hopes for that now.
happy to see danteh, super and dhak get a spot in the league. when did harbleu get dropped from nrg? feels bad.
I think you're right about the recolors, it should help with spectating too as each team will have their own skin set they can use.
I assumed only Mei would get a skin in that team, like each team would choose a character to serve as a "mascot" or something like that.
Are you saying there's a possibility that all the characters in the game will get a skin from each team, so they can also use them on tournaments instead of the regulars?
That would be pretty cool.
I think it's possible you are right, but it makes so much sense for each team to get their own skin set so each team has their own colors for official matches it has to happen.
It's so crazy to me to see these 8 figure investments in OWL teams. Don't get me wrong because I really enjoy watching the pro scene, but with the current interest level and stream numbers it's wild to see so much money been thrown around. Like, even if they pulled in 100k viewers every week on twitch for 5 years is that big enough to recoup the $240 million investors spent on the franchise spots alone? I hope i'm wrong but imo there's a big chance the league is a huge failure.
How active are you on r/COW? I swear I see your name in every comment thread
Lol I check it multiple times a day nowadays with all the news. It helps that I follow a few people on Twitter who will tweet out news for competitive Overwatch so I'm generally always in the loop. How much I end up posting there though depends on the day and how much time I got.
If you look really hard you can find me in Twitch chat for Overwatch streams sometimes too haha
Where's the secret quick play mode where I don't get matched up against masters/grandmasters stacking while running actual comps?
Latesoloqwatch was a disaster, I reported a duo, one guy started the game by picking hanzo and saying annoying things in a strange voice. Game was trash. Boooo overwatch.
I went from not wanting to report people after a game to reporting them quickly during the game while I remember their name.
I think I'm going to try this.
RIP to both of us when we have to win with Lucio and Mercy though.
Wow that NRG roster is really nothing to get excited about. Won't touch the Korean teams and also no chance against Envy and Misfits imo
Replying to @SeamooseA
I can create a team with more talent with current F/As
seems kinda right
Wow that NRG roster is really nothing to get excited about. Won't touch the Korean teams and also no chance against Envy and Misfits imo
Replying to @SeamooseA
I can create a team with more talent with current F/As
seems kinda right
Yeah, it's much better than Tracer's. The magnetic arm is stupid tho. Just why, Blizzard?Got the widowmaker statue in the mail yesterday. Its much better then I was expecting.
Are voice commands disabled in quick play? I haven't played that mode in months, and it didn't seem to let me use any of the commands.
Now people will hope youre good when they get grouped with you.Im 50 lvls until i get silver border. no more doo doo bronze.
My thoughts are it's too fast and pixely to give any insight.