So Mercy getting nerfed tomorrow? Back to being pretty crap then.
Shell probably still be very very good. The problem now is if the other team runs Mercy, and your team doesnt, youre going to lose 9 times out of 10.
So Mercy getting nerfed tomorrow? Back to being pretty crap then.
Wraxu is a fucking beast tho, lol. I know youre just being sarcastic but dude is a monster. Ive seen him on Hog and Lucio and he beasts as well. Like he isnt just a Hanzo OTP.
He literally carries every other game lol
So Mercy getting nerfed tomorrow? Back to being pretty crap then.
Joom is always in wraxus chat talking shit good times lolwraxu voice sounds like j00mlah, and they sound like other people i follow.
Overwatch |OT11| NMA is our religion and Icecold is our god
I'll miss the guardian angel acceleration, but she needs to be adjusted. Her ultimate is still going to be strong given the healing and damage potential. I'll be glad to finally stop playing hunt the Mercy for a while.So Mercy getting nerfed tomorrow? Back to being pretty crap then.
Can someone explain what was changed to Mercy's Guardian Angel ability that Blizzard removed in PTR??
I never nothiced any change. :/
Wraxu's Lucio is pretty mediocre, but at least he tries to fill. He's seriously good at Ana, though.Wraxu is a fucking beast tho, lol. I know youre just being sarcastic but dude is a monster. Ive seen him on Hog and Lucio and he beasts as well. Like he isnt just a Hanzo OTP.
He literally carries every other game lol
This is terrible: I have no idea what that means.
This is terrible: I have no idea what that means.
The Mercy changes are not going live tomorrow.
In competitive Overwatch, we have never seen a hero with a near 100% pick rate across every tier - until now. Patch 1.15 was a big patch for Mercy - giving a huge boost to her Resurrect ability and pushing her to a consensus must-pick in the current meta. Support and Tank play have changed the most in the past two weeks, as D.Va's major changes also have shifted her role a bit as a tank, and staples Reinhardt/Roadhog coming back into the meta. As always I hope you enjoy this report!
more like doomedfist. no one plays the newest hero lol.
If you have twitch prime, don't forget to get your 5 free loot boxes! Today is the last day to redeem the codes
That was for the first five right? Next five is starting tomorrow?
Overwatch lOT11l Oh Lord have Mercy on us.
If they get upset tell them to pick mercy themselvesIt's bullshit to be given grief for picking any support (symm excluded) other than Mercy, but this is the world we live in.
Remove the concept of resurrect from the game at this point. I'm sick of it.
So I have the day off work today and spent about 3 hours in FFAs losing over and over again. I told myself this was the last game because my brain was getting so worn out from all the adrenaline I kept feeding it. Somehow... this happened:
I had pretty much given up at the end. I choked what could have been my last two kills, and spawned on the opposite side of the map. I figured it was over. Then I got a free Doomfist kill and went blind rage mode on that Genji at the end.
2 remain: Widow and Lucio
I'm used to being told the opposite. I could feel the eye-roll when I picked Mercy before this patch.It's bullshit to be given grief for picking any support (symm excluded) other than Mercy, but this is the world we live in.
I think it's been happening since the last patch on PC.Is this a new thing? So I've been playing FFA today, and when I enter a skirmish, I fall through the floor constantly. This has been happening almost every time and its getting annoying. I've never seen this until today.
I made a video of it
Honestly the fewer rezzes the better. Itll make life hell for mercy mains because OMG REZZ ME but will make the games quicker and less frustrating.
Honestly the fewer rezzes the better. Itll make life hell for mercy mains because OMG REZZ ME but will make the games quicker and less frustrating.