The "he's supposed to pull people out of position, not kill them" argument is ridiculous. This isn't a moba. When Roadhog hooks someone, you can't SEE anything because Roadhog is so huge, so for anyone but Pharah and Genji, good luck spamming in Roadhog's general direction and hoping to help. Nor is positioning anywhere near like it is in a moba, where being 5 feet away from your team can get you killed instantly and lose a teamfight. All of the tanks have some countermeasure to Roadhog, so unless for some reason Reinhardt has his shield down, he's not going to be able to hook them. As for DPS and flankers, if Roadhog doesn't oneshot them, they basically get away. Soldier has superspeed, Genji has deflect and Swift Strike, all Tracer and Sombra have to do is mash E, McCree can instantly roll back to his team and out of Roadhog's effective scrap gun range, Pharah can do the same with Concussive Blast or boost. As for support, Ana has grenade or sleep dart (and she was already exceedingly difficulty for Roadhog to one shot anyway), Lucio has his right click, Mercy can technically fly away but realistically is at least in a lot of trouble, Zenyatta is screwed as always.
Being "out of position" in Overwatch to the point that Roadhog can hook you just isn't that big of a deal unless you're a tank, all of whom have countermeasures to the hook anyway, except for D.Va, who can save her teammates when hooked. Roadhog has no role anymore. His scrap gun accuracy is still pathetic, now his right click is pretty much useless, and he can't even consistently one-shot people. The character already had plenty of counterplay. Zenyatta is my second-most played character, so I've already had to work plenty on not getting hooked.