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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


Finally put some more time in the PC version, hit level 25 and did my placements. Hit low gold! Was very happy about that considering I am mostly a low/mid silver on Xbox. Got ripped to bits on my two games after though lol :( Not focussing diving Winstons well enough. Still getting used to using KBM after years of controller.

Do you PC guys tend to use text chat to communicate with your team? I use headset and called for ult comboing as I was Zarya, but no one said anything back. Then I got shit next round for not using my ult :/

Using KB/M on console? Shame on you.


To be fair to Blizzard I can sort of see why you might want to rework Roadhog so he isn't so defined by the hook ability, but I can't understand why they'd cripple his hook combo without giving him something positive in return. I hope they don't revert this change but they desperately need to follow it up with a second set of changes.

I'm fairly positive on the other balance changes to McCree and Reaper. Kinda hoping some kind of nerf to the D. Va Winston hegemony is on the way.


I know. Admittedly, most games are a 27-30 SR gain, but when I get to pick Lucio on maps like Lijiang or Illios I get those sweet mvp post game cards and rake in the big gains.

Guy. Similar situation here, but I have simply decided that playing with friends is more fun, period. I simply don't want to be that guy telling friends I don't want to play with them because they bring me down.

That would be shit.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
To be fair to Blizzard I can sort of see why you might want to rework Roadhog so he isn't so defined by the hook ability, but I can't understand why they'd cripple his hook combo without giving him something positive in return. I hope they don't revert this change but they desperately need to follow it up with a second set of changes.

I'm fairly positive on the other balance changes to McCree and Reaper. Kinda hoping some kind of nerf to the D. Va Winston hegemony is on the way.

They reduced his head hitbox to improve survivality and they increased his ammo clip.
So he got positive stuff too.
The "he's supposed to pull people out of position, not kill them" argument is ridiculous. This isn't a moba. When Roadhog hooks someone, you can't SEE anything because Roadhog is so huge, so for anyone but Pharah and Genji, good luck spamming in Roadhog's general direction and hoping to help. Nor is positioning anywhere near like it is in a moba, where being 5 feet away from your team can get you killed instantly and lose a teamfight. All of the tanks have some countermeasure to Roadhog, so unless for some reason Reinhardt has his shield down, he's not going to be able to hook them. As for DPS and flankers, if Roadhog doesn't oneshot them, they basically get away. Soldier has superspeed, Genji has deflect and Swift Strike, all Tracer and Sombra have to do is mash E, McCree can instantly roll back to his team and out of Roadhog's effective scrap gun range, Pharah can do the same with Concussive Blast or boost. As for support, Ana has grenade or sleep dart (and she was already exceedingly difficulty for Roadhog to one shot anyway), Lucio has his right click, Mercy can technically fly away but realistically is at least in a lot of trouble, Zenyatta is screwed as always.

Being "out of position" in Overwatch to the point that Roadhog can hook you just isn't that big of a deal unless you're a tank, all of whom have countermeasures to the hook anyway, except for D.Va, who can save her teammates when hooked. Roadhog has no role anymore. His scrap gun accuracy is still pathetic, now his right click is pretty much useless, and he can't even consistently one-shot people. The character already had plenty of counterplay. Zenyatta is my second-most played character, so I've already had to work plenty on not getting hooked.


People will just need adjust to Hog's changes and play him differently the same way with any other hero changes. People hated D.Va's nerf but she's fine now if you know how to play her current form.


Yo, these Golden Loot Boxes from Twitch Prime rule! Guaranteed legendary I think!

Got me a a B.Va legendary skin for D.Va. Love it.


lol wow, they just added the Oni Genji and Officer Dva Skins to the regular game? 1000 gold? I'm surprised. That's awesome. Really didn't want to play HotS that much.
Still climbing. Blizz thinking lets up the frequency of Horizon so people can play it more. in the back of my head. fuck you blizz. had 2 games on the map very close to each other. first one ended up a draw. second one we won. Just let me play the other maps please.
People will just need adjust to Hog's changes and play him differently the same way with any other hero changes. People hated D.Va's nerf but she's fine now if you know how to play her current form.



I played about 10 games as Zenyatta today, and we won maybe 8 of them, in QP. It ws a lot of fun when I finally learned that I'm not a tank :lol Staying back and tagging people and doing potshots from a distance was great fun when I got the technique down. Too bad the targeting reticule is stupidly small and twitchy with the aiming requirements on console. The reticule needs a larger "deadzone" so to speak, it flickers away from the character too fast and easy.


Some people so obviously hard waiting for the perfect ult moment can be really painfull.

I was playing as Pharah and my teammate Zarya and me very quickly built up our ults and through spamming the ultimate status command it was pretty clear we both understood we wanted to use it together. So I never lost sight of the Zarya. She waited so long with using it that she eventually had to use it because the round was almost over. She used it when I was dead.

In the time she waited we maybe could've pulled of 2/3 other Grav/Barrage combo's.


It's hard to get even a decent grav with Zarya. If you don't grab more than 2 of the reds it's not really worth comboing, and a lot of enemy teams don't do the group up thing lol


Some people so obviously hard waiting for the perfect ult moment can be really painfull.

I was playing as Pharah and my teammate Zarya and me very quickly built up our ults and through spamming the ultimate status command it was pretty clear we both understood we wanted to use it together. So I never lost sight of the Zarya. She waited so long with using it that she eventually had to use it because the round was almost over. She used it when I was dead.

In the time she waited we maybe could've pulled of 2/3 other Grav/Barrage combo's.

One of the classic mistakes is holding onto your Ult for too long. Some people keep waiting for the perfect wombo combo but it only ends up causing the team to lose.
One of the classic mistakes is holding onto your Ult for too long. Some people keep waiting for the perfect wombo combo but it only ends up causing the team to lose.
They just want to wait until a Lucio or zen get their ult too so it's not able to kill much if any and then they get wiped lul. But it forces enough. Ults out I guess.
Some genji guy told me to hold my grav until he gets in good position and when he Ults I should. You know once he ulted he died lmao


They just want to wait until a Lucio or zen get their ult too so it's not able to kill much if any and then they get wiped lul. But it forces enough. Ults out I guess.
Some genji guy told me to hold my grav until he gets in good position and when he Ults I should. You know once he ulted he died lmao

Coordinated Ults are always a good suggestion but if you happen to see a good opportunity to use it, use it. I really hate when I see people with Ults active and they only used it once in the entire match.


Sucks that the latest update reset my damage stats, but it's nice to finally see total stats across all game modes in one place.

Factoring in the Xbone version and the public beta, I'm certain that I've spent at least 250 hours total playing as D.Va
The thing is, people make fun of solo ulting. As in, using your Ult to get a single kill, but because of the domino effect, sometimes that single kill is all that is needed to win the game, cap a point, start a team kill.

As a McCree if I Ult, you're damn sure I'm aiming for Mercy. If I kill her, it was worth it. Everything else is just gravy.

Several Ults should be treated this way.

On the other end of the spectrum, Mercy's don't need to wait for a 3+ man rez. Sometimes a single person is okay.


Sucks that the latest update reset my damage stats, but it's nice to finally see total stats across all game modes in one place.

Factoring in the Xbone version and the public beta, I'm certain that I've spent at least 250 hours total playing as D.Va

What the hell is this. I would hate the character by now.
I'm only a few games in on the new map but I don't think it's terrible. So far it's been Torb's everywhere. A well-placed turret seems to absolutely dominate point A on defense.


Sucks that the latest update reset my damage stats, but it's nice to finally see total stats across all game modes in one place.

Factoring in the Xbone version and the public beta, I'm certain that I've spent at least 250 hours total playing as D.Va

Seriously, don't you get bored of playing the same character?


I almost can't gain SR when I solo q. It's really insane. I don't think I'm good at this game when I play a hero that has to actually aim. It has to do with the fact that when I move the right PS4 joystick I don't have the ability to make fine movements; it accelerates in whatever direction I am at. Dunno how to get around that.
The big question I have is what is Roadhog's contribution to the team now supposed to be?

Before he was the guy who took out a single enemy allowing for a 5v6 fight to ensue. I mean, sure the infinite variations of mechanics that could go down could lead him to doing other stuff, but in the space of the short term, that's his job, take out one enemy for your team.

Now what is he supposed to be? The enemy depositioner? Because he can still hook people, but he's no longer able to finish the job. Is he supposed to rely on his team to help him finish the job? If all he's supposed to do is fuck with enemy positions, the hook needs to be on a 4 second timer or something.

A lot of people complained that he was a full out DPS that's miscatergorized as a tank just because he has a large health box. Well, if he's no longer DPS, what is he now?

Absolutely agreed on the hook cd. It should be changed back if this is what they want for 'Hog.


I almost can't gain SR when I solo q. It's really insane. I don't think I'm good at this game when I play a hero that has to actually aim. It has to do with the fact that when I move the right PS4 joystick I don't have the ability to make fine movements; it accelerates in whatever direction I am at. Dunno how to get around that.

The key with that is to adjust sensitivity until you can control it the way you want. Go to Practice Range and adjust until you can get consistent shots with it.
Sucks that the latest update reset my damage stats, but it's nice to finally see total stats across all game modes in one place.

Factoring in the Xbone version and the public beta, I'm certain that I've spent at least 250 hours total playing as D.Va


What happens if someone picks D.Va before you? Do you just leave the game?
The thing is, people make fun of solo ulting. As in, using your Ult to get a single kill, but because of the domino effect, sometimes that single kill is all that is needed to win the game, cap a point, start a team kill.

As a McCree if I Ult, you're damn sure I'm aiming for Mercy. If I kill her, it was worth it. Everything else is just gravy.

Several Ults should be treated this way.

On the other end of the spectrum, Mercy's don't need to wait for a 3+ man rez. Sometimes a single person is okay.

Alot of players dont seem to comprehend this.

Instantly being able to wipe 1-2 enemy players from a fight can be way more beneficial in the long run, and you're most likely going to get another ult later in the match.

Everybody always wants that epic 4-5 kill ultimate.
Absolutely agreed on the hook cd. It should be changed back if this is what they want for 'Hog.

This actually makes a lot of sense and would fit with how people are saying to play him.

I just want people to communicate ult usage :'( No issue with using an ult in the right context - but I think learning that context is a big part of growing as a player.
I need to play some more roadhog to really assess things, but it seems like an easy fix they could do would be to drop his hook cooldown back down to 6 seconds, so maybe he can't be a solo assasin anymore, but being able to hook more out of position enemies could still change fights

He will be better in the middle of team fights now for sure with the higher fire rate and extra shots, should be much easier to try to kill flankers
I'm coming around to the notion that Blizzard nerfing high skill cap characters and buffing lower skill cap characters is having a negative effect on the matchmaking. My games (36-38xx, PC) are filled with D.Va, Mercy and Lucio mains that don't have a particularly large amount of general awareness nor the skillset to play anyone else at a high level. If you get more than one of these guys on your team it's usually GG because they can't do anything else.

Losing because you have three support mains is one thing; losing because you have three players that can only really play D.Va is a whole other level.
(Frankly, though, neither is acceptable. If you're playing in comp you should be able to handle filling two roles.)

Yeah, that would suck all right. I think you're a victim of Blizzard's wishes for balance. They've stated that they want the dead-center average player to be 2500, but didn't it come out that the 50% mark was actually around 2400 or something? That could explain their buff/nerf game recently.
Coordinated Ults are always a good suggestion but if you happen to see a good opportunity to use it, use it. I really hate when I see people with Ults active and they only used it once in the entire match.
i really haven't played much zarya in comp. this is probably the only season where i played her more than past seasons combined but then again i only played her 9 times this season (7-2). don't really have much a combo the few games. i just have high energy to wipe them out so i go for it.

also i wonder why some support are literally up my ass. i try to turn around to bubble them but somehow idk why they decided to run around me. bitch stop please.

at least i can Ana more now. since i can get more SR points per win than Zen.


What is Roadhog's hook for, if not punishing poor positioning? Obviously, it does that now, but only for a second so that the player thinks "doh, shouldn't have been there" then they run off without a care in the world. Not much of a punishment at all.

If they don't want Roadhog to be the oneshot character, then they should add a substantial stun to the hook. Like, 2 seconds. This way, Hog's teammates can actually capitalize on his hooks, the enemy player is actually punished, and the enemy team has a reasonable chance to save their teammate if they're paying attention.

Alternatively, they can keep the hook's functionality as it is now, and make him a very strong disruptive character by halving the cooldown. Every 4 seconds, the enemy team is all over the fucking place, even if they aren't necessarily dying immediately.

Also low-grav is the best thing that ever happened to this game


What is Roadhog's hook for, if not punishing poor positioning? Obviously, it does that now, but only for a second so that the player thinks "doh, shouldn't have been there" then they run off without a care in the world. Not much of a punishment at all.

If they don't want Roadhog to be the oneshot character, then they should add a substantial stun to the hook. Like, 2 seconds. This way, Hog's teammates can actually capitalize on his hooks, the enemy player is actually punished, and the enemy team has a reasonable chance to save their teammate if they're paying attention.

Also low-grav is the best thing that ever happened to this game

You're in the minority here.
Hog is now more of a tank than tank/DPS. He can still take the same amount of hits with his fat ass. He's just way less lethal.

But he's the only tank with NO defensive/support abilities for other teammates, especially now that his hook can't even punish people. He has no barriers, he has no bubbles, he has no DM, he has no armor, he has no shields, he has a huge hitbox and he has no movement abilities. He sucks.

He's not a tank, he's a giant ult charge.


Whatever man, my McCree in lg is off the fucking chain

Also Junkrat is crazy fun when his mine sends people to Horizon


But he's the only tank with NO defensive/support abilities for other teammates, especially now that his hook can't even punish people. He has no barriers, he has no bubbles, he has no DM, he has no armor, he has no shields. He sucks.

He's not a tank, he's a giant ult charge.

And all is right with the world.



Try it out my dude. Projectile arcs are much less severe and when everybody's floating it's super easy to read where they're going. My buddy (who rarely plays Junk) got a triple with the RIP tire cause everybody floated away too slowly to escape


The thing is, people make fun of solo ulting. As in, using your Ult to get a single kill, but because of the domino effect, sometimes that single kill is all that is needed to win the game, cap a point, start a team kill.

As a McCree if I Ult, you're damn sure I'm aiming for Mercy. If I kill her, it was worth it. Everything else is just gravy.
Several Ults should be treated this way.

On the other end of the spectrum, Mercy's don't need to wait for a 3+ man rez. Sometimes a single person is okay.

I've gotten 2 Mercy PotGs in the last week off solo rezzes and a bunch of assists after.
Saw a pretty good New Roadhog strat this morning:

Attack on Hollywood, we kill 3 spawn-camping enemies (why do people still do this?) and, as we're going through the first choke, a hook comes whizzing in front of our faces from the right.

The entire team rounds the corner, thoughts of blood and revenge for all the cheap-ass hooks and the insta-gib alt-fires blazing in our minds.
There he was, in the corner. He even says hi in between shots as we charge.

There was a damage-boosted Bastion hiding behind 'Hog. Cue my team dying in a hail of bullets. PotG. 'Hog throws in a belly laugh at the end of it.
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