Huh, the escort maps are distance-based now.
Jesus, the rewards for competitive play are terrible. Icons, sprays and... golden guns. Wow.
How about some skins?
I mean for competitive. Golden guns aren't exactly an incentive to me.New skins coming this summer.
What do you mean?
I mean for competitive. Golden guns aren't exactly an incentive to me.
Jesus, the rewards for competitive play are terrible. Icons, sprays and... golden guns. Wow.
How about some skins?
I think you underestimate how bad some of us are 🤔Came to chime in, That I, Kayo Police will have the lowest MMR rating (NA) in competitive ranked![]()
Don't worry there's no way yours will be worse than mine.
In competitive, hybrid is scored by distance. We failed to get to the end, so we only scored 2 (one for capturing the point, one for reaching the checkpoint). The scoreboard showed our distance, though, and once the other team passed that--but before they reached the end--they won.What do you mean?
You could still buy them with the new currency.Good that it's not any skins. Them locking skins away for only a handful of players was what I feared most. I can live with golden weapons, sprays and icons, though.
This may be old for several players here, but I just found it, and as a huge fan of D.Va, I think this is fucking awesome
Good lord why?
Good lord why?
Good lord why?
This may be old for several players here, but I just found it, and as a huge fan of D.Va, I think this is fucking awesome
You could still buy them with the new currency.
My point is that, right now, it's: "Hey, you're the best OW player ever. Here's a golden gun and animated sprays." It doesn't seem that rewarding to me.
Nobody appreciates MercyI kept everyone alive and damage boosted a Bastion helping that player get player of the game. Think I'm going to main her because I am really good at medic classes.
GMT/EU people add supremeplatypi#2348
It's amazing how many people will never go towards you when they're almost dead. There's also those teammates who run away from enemies and leave a Mercy alone, that's always fun.
It's good that they made the Medic a such a nice or humble character, because anyone else would be somewhat rightfully pissed/depressed at how little appreciation they get for saving everyone's bacon.
what if there was a pissed off healer tho
Reaper as a medic:LIVE LIVE LIVE
Those are just the rewards for playing, there will be exclusive cosmetic items available to only the best players.Jesus, the rewards for competitive play are terrible. Icons, sprays and... golden guns. Wow.
How about some skins?
A good support knows his job is to make someone else look good, keep someone else safe, help someone else do what they're suppoused to do. Support stays out of the spotlight. If he is doing his job properly, at the end of the match you won't even remember he was there.
Support is your gurdian angel. So the next time you feel like blaming him for everything or just ignoring him, remember what burden they take for you. Simply saying ''awesome supporting there mate!'' Will make a support very happy.
what if there was a pissed off healer tho
Reaper as a medic:LIVE LIVE LIVE
Tsundere healer.
Tsundere healer.
In competitive, hybrid is scored by distance. We failed to get to the end, so we only scored 2 (one for capturing the point, one for reaching the checkpoint). The scoreboard showed our distance, though, and once the other team passed that--but before they reached the end--they won.
Capture seems to be time-based: you keep playing back and forth until one team runs out of time, and you can score multiple points within that time.
King of the Hill is best three out of five, as far as I can make out.
Those are just the rewards for playing, there will be exclusive cosmetic items available to only the best players.
Good that it's not any skins. Them locking skins away for only a handful of players was what I feared most. I can live with golden weapons, sprays and icons, though.
Just had our first sudden death on Hollywood. We both finished the game on attack, so it was 3-3, but we did it about 12 seconds faster, so we got to attack the first point again. Kind of a weird way of deciding it, but we got it.Those rules seem reasonable.
Trust me, as someone who's been on both sides of that situation it just isn't feasible.
Zarya's barrier doesn't last long enough to be effective, though having a team of five Zarya's with a Lucio or Mercy could possibly work but I'm not super confident.
Winston's bubble shield just folds from the turret fire and with that many turrets you have little chance to get to destroy them or their Torb.
Reinhardt is just useless in that situation, his shield breaks almost instantly from all the turret fire and a smart Torb will try and rush behind him and hit him with his alternate fire, especially if their molten core'd.
Widow has a real hard time since, smart Torb teams will place their turrets in view of any potential snier spots and since Torbs primary fire is so accurate he can essentially counter snipe Widows and Hanzos.
It's just a shit situation all around.
This may be old for several players here, but I just found it, and as a huge fan of D.Va, I think this is fucking awesome
Listening to DSP in 2016