Ghost is Bad
Are you seriously not able to do team chat when you are in a group? Two of us can't talk to the other four?
you need to manually swap the channels to talk to them.
Are you seriously not able to do team chat when you are in a group? Two of us can't talk to the other four?
Wow, on PS4 I haven't heard a single person speak, started PC version yesterday and I kinda want to forget about 99% of what I've heard. Some vile shit.
Also just had a match with a Genji that spent about 3mins sitting in the spawn area throwing shuriken at arcade machines after the match had started.
We both managed to catch the shiba/lucio environmental death in killcam during the second round, lolA while back AnotherNils posted footage of a GAF V GAF match. Well here is my footage from that match. I was on the same team as Tracer, really fun match.
Overwatch GAF V GAF (King of the Hill)
Are you seriously not able to do team chat when you are in a group? Two of us can't talk to the other four?
You can talk to them, but it is set to group only by default. Open the party channel (P is the default hot key) and click to party instead of group only.yeah by default the randoms cant hear you
Other day my friends forgot that (well me too...)
Are you seriously not able to do team chat when you are in a group? Two of us can't talk to the other four?
yeah by default the randoms cant hear you
Other day my friends forgot that (well me too...)
Okay, when you're against even a halfway organized team, this game becomes pointless solo. Like, seriously pointless. I couldn't get anywhere near the team without instantly dying, it was ridiculous.
Then again, it might just be me sucking.
I wish this game just had a FFA mode.
I got called a hacker while playing zarya you guys
1. ) Come around corner, get shot by Turret.
2. ) Hide
3. ) Try to peek turret and hope you can beat its cold, machine reflexes
4. ) Realize you are, in fact, made of flesh and blood
5. ) Hide like the meatbag you are
6. ) As soon as you lose eye contact with turret, instantly forget any lessons learned and try to peek again without healing up.
7. ) Repeat until int player_health = 0
I thought the Competitive mode as out already?
I don't see it as an option on my screen?
I noticed that too when I watched your video lol.We both managed to catch the shiba/lucio environmental death in killcam during the second round, lol
Played some matches tonight with fellow GAF people - had a KOTH match on Lijiang Tower that was probably the most epic, brutal fight I've played yet. I think there was something like four switches at 99% in Overtime before we managed to win.
It was pretty awesome. It's fun playing as a group of six, even when you lose. Much less frustrating than losing with a random team in a public game.
u deed etI got called a hacker while playing zarya you guys
I got called a hacker while playing zarya you guys
Pharah counters everything there
best post i Have read on the Mccree situation. This guy is currently ranked 106 in total points earned with McCree. And he echoes what i have been saying. At the current given time McCree is a useless hero. No point in picking this guy when others do it better and easily. BTW before you flame me that post at this given moment got 91 thumbs in Blizz forums. Thats right a pro Mccree post that has almost 100 thumbs up in a battle net forum. Read it if you can. Also seems to me lot of pro players are dropping this character too.
I thought it did but I couldn't shoot down the turrets while ignoring roadhog/zarya.
Ideally your team should be taking care of them also.
My team were SHITheads.
The dream.
The other team went 4 McCrees and 2 Lucios, got a 24 killstreak with Zarya. Also teamed up with a Genji for the 6 man double ult, it didn't count the sextuplet because one of the Lucio's dropped the beat, so 2 of them survived a bit longer.
That team also went 3 Genjis, 3 Symmetras, which we won Anubis on attack in 1:30, and then they went 6 Soldiers, and we wrecked them again. Was really fun.
Are there benefits to using this set up or were they just being silly?
So now you aren't sending people back to spawn that easily huh? haha
Why you a cheater, Satch?
Also, it's wierd seeing you without Makorra.
Also, are you playing on PS4 by chance?
Competitive is neat but oh lord is sudden death silly. They go through all of this effort to give both sides an even shot and then leave the final result up to a coin flip? Blizzard is not correctly interpreting the data on attack versus defense.
Why is Torbjorn such a huge threat in the PS4 or Xbox version? Torbjorn is not that big of a deal in PC. Usually having a good widow or pharaoh does the job.
That's not the reason. Lack of communication is.The turret has the same aim on the consoles but players have just a controller. Go figure.![]()
Why is Torbjorn such a huge threat in the PS4 or Xbox version? Torbjorn is not that big of a deal in PC. Usually having a good widow or pharaoh does the job.
I saw 2-3 people tonight that were like 230+, what the fuck. I play this game a disgusting amount and I'm only 89, lol.
A while back AnotherNils posted footage of a GAF V GAF match. Well here is my footage from that match. I was on the same team as Tracer, really fun match.
Overwatch GAF V GAF (King of the Hill)
Also here some other videos, each includes gaffers:
A collection of POTGS
Reaper going full EDGE