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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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So here's my question. I've put a lot of time with every character in this game. Every character is fun in their own way. Either they have some fun abilities, they've got flourish to them, they're fast or they do a ton of damage or they're a nuisance. Except one.


He's so fun when played aggressively. Slowly becoming my favorite character.

I would like to play more aggressively as Reinhardt but his slow movements really fuck me up.

You don't really have to aim with the hammer. His hitbox is basically all around him except for the back. If someone jukes you, turn with them while swinging his hammer and you still hit them.


the holder of the trombone
I mean, play aggressively when the situation rises sure, but please don't be one of those suicide reins that are pretty much a detriment to the team.


Is it true that the default Lucio costumes are better than the legendaries because his dreads will block headshots from behind? I bought the Ribbit skin and it would be pretty annoying if it was actually a downgrade.
Two tips on Rein, from my experience:

1. Don't hold up the shield for no reason. I witness so many Reins just sitting on a choke with their shields up, letting the enemy whittle it down. Move in front of teammates and shield, or just peak corners turning your shield on and off, letting it recharge.

2. Think about your team when you charge in. Can your team follow up? For example, If you charge on Hanamura A, from the gate to the point, your team can't follow up and get to you. Charge only when it makes sense.
Two tips on Rein, from my experience:

1. Don't hold up the shield for no reason. I witness so many Reins just sitting on a choke with their shields up, letting the enemy whittle it down. Move in front of teammates and shield, or just peak corners turning your shield on and off, letting it recharge.

Also, to add to this one, if your shield is close to breaking, retreat and let it recharge. The broken shield takes longer to recharge than a low health shield.
Won't venture into giving too much advice as I'm not a very good player but it finally clicked for me when I started :

- to stop just standing there with shield up
- backing-up when it needs recharging (recharge starts after 2 seconds)
- dropping shield to swing at people and more importantly firestrike every single time it's up in order to fill up the ultimate (you kill a good number of people/turrets that way too!). Just don't do it when molten core/bastion firing at you in turret form!
- using the charge ability almost everytime there's a relatively safe opening (except on Zaryas, Zaryas are a risky bet) - if protecting your teamates is not more important at the time that is.
- remembering that the charge ability allows you to get back in the game quickly when you die (like to get back in Hanamura A if and only if teamates are already there or able to follow you).


the holder of the trombone
I was just about to say please don't play more risky, but I see that you edited. :p

But no seriously. PSA to all reins out there.

Shield first, others second.


Rein's Firestrike builds 10% ult charge for every person it hits btw. If you hit even 2-3 people at the start of a push you might get an early Ult. It's why you see Reins drop shield sometimes to Firestrike another Rein group, if there are enough people in that group and the shield could be dropped it's extremely worth it since it ignores his shield.

The really good Reins out there are actually the more aggressive ones that understand how to move around other teams and when to drop shield for damage. The hammer hits for 75 with cleave so it's not like he's lacking it >_>

The main use of shield in some fights isn't even to block damage as much as it is to block CC too. If people dive you, you can swing for damage and then pop shield after a swing to try and bait out another Rein's ult or something similar.

Renbot is one of my fave Rein's to watch cause he really knows how to ham it up. Here's a recent-ish archive from his stream https://www.twitch.tv/renbotow/v/76740780


I used to think Reinhardt was boring until I stopped playing like a passive shield. He's so much more fun being in the fray and taking out people with his hammer.
I was just about to say please don't play more risky, but I see that you edited. :p

But no seriously. PSA to all reins out there.

Shield first, others second.

Yes of course, you are right. But walking a slow crawl with shield up is not always the best course of action. I wanted to adress that. You can seriously fuck shit up with a good charge or eartshatter.

Also, I think playing on defense allows for more aggressivness. On payload attack, protection is paramount.

Rein's Firestrike builds 10% ult charge for every person it hits btw. If you hit even 2-3 people at the start of a push you might get an early Ult. It's why you see Reins drop shield sometimes to Firestrike another Rein group, if there are enough people in that group and the shield could be dropped it's extremely worth it since it ignores his shield.

The really good Reins out there are actually the more aggressive ones that understand how to move around other teams and when to drop shield for damage. The hammer hits for 75 with cleave so it's not like he's lacking it >_>

The main use of shield in some fights isn't even to block damage as much as it is to block CC too. If people dive you, you can swing for damage and then pop shield after a swing to try and bait out another Rein's ult or something similar.

Oh right these are seriously the most important tips.




Yes of course, you are right. But walking a slow crawl with shield up is not always the best course of action. I wanted to adress that. You can seriously fuck shit up with a good charge or eartshatter.

Oh right these are like, the most important tips :





I guess the idea to really get across is presence. If you make it a problem that you are just existing somewhere by moving/swinging/shielding in a way that you avoid damage and annoy them, they have to dive or focus you. If they decide to do that you have a ton of damage mitigation if they don't dive all the way in with shield+health pool, and if they do go all in hammer and ult + teammates is an issue.

Like for instance a team with Reaper dives you, there's no point keeping shield up. Back up and swing, if anybody on your team deals damage or if you get a healer on you you can win the fight. If you get them to back off or you get a kill or two you can shield up to protect your team, or you can shield early when Reaper/Rein/some scary dude walks in that you think might ult. Gotta balance all that, shit's hard. Gotta know when it's most likely for them to throw something you need to shield.

If you just shield bot though there's like no reason to dive you. Just wait until shield is low/broken, then they push up and blah blah blah. You only wanna shield bot when there's just damage going both ways and nobody is extending the fight.

Also know Cooldowns. If Roadhog throws hook, you have a chance to drop shield for example. Then you have to decide if there's stuff worth dropping shield for (big firestrike, chance to dive, etc), or if Widow or some shit is still up you might not want to.


the holder of the trombone
There are degrees of playing aggressively though. Don't charge in by yourself. The main role should be to escort your team to the main battlefield, and then co-ordinate an attack from there, which by then go ham with your hammer and charge. I've let too many other people take the rein role only to just constantly charge into point by themselves and then die.

Also learn when you have to put your shield up in the midst of battle to provide cover.

I've also seen so many reins like, charge someone and themselves off a cliff. It's funny, but usually not worth it.


Two tips on Rein, from my experience:

1. Don't hold up the shield for no reason. I witness so many Reins just sitting on a choke with their shields up, letting the enemy whittle it down. Move in front of teammates and shield, or just peak corners turning your shield on and off, letting it recharge.

2. Think about your team when you charge in. Can your team follow up? For example, If you charge on Hanamura A, from the gate to the point, your team can't follow up and get to you. Charge only when it makes sense.

Once we'd cleared one or two defenders off the first point of Hanamura. I'm blocking (attacking) at the gate, and most of my team is behind me. I hear our Genji say "I am on the point" and I jam on Charge.

We took it in like fifteen seconds.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
King R is a hammer metaphorically as well as literally. Yes defend your team but only to manoeuvre them into a position from which you can smash the other team with a well-placed charge (or better, ult and charge). Sitting there with your shield up not doing anything isn't really helping because it will get destroyed and if you haven't smashed the enemy team yet you might as well pick another character.


I've also seen so many reins like, charge someone and themselves off a cliff. It's funny, but usually not worth it.

The only time this is worth it is when you're charging off a well positioned McCree or Soldier starting their ult. Apart from that... yeah don't do it.

I just noticed that I usually only play tank or support. Should git gud with Defense and Attack heroes too...


The main role should be to escort your team to the main battlefield, and then co-ordinate an attack from there, which by then go ham with your hammer and charge.

Ish. I'd personally say your main goal with Rein is to just be a problem by existing so your teammates can do stuff. Usually that means shielding and moving aggressively, then when shit hits the fan you got 200 armor and a hammer.

Charging is just the thing you to engage when you have an advantage or to take somebody out of their own engage.


Finally got 50% of the trophies.

Still so many achievements to go. Some of them are sooo annoying (Lucios wall riding one, Zenyattas Orb ones...)
Maybe it's easier to get them in comp since people tend to bunch more.

Does wallriding while someone falls of a cliff count for Lucio?


Love it, get blamed for losing the game because I play Zenyatta. Proceed to the next game with the guy on the other team and they lose with me on Zenyatta. Funny how things work.
Love it, get blamed for losing the game because I play Zenyatta. Proceed to the next game with the guy on the other team and they lose with me on Zenyatta. Funny how things work.

Even if you had really sucked, a single bad player is generally not the reason for a loss.


Charging is better close range honestly, or when your team is already in the fray.

I love charging as Rein. I love it so much! Especially when I charge, miss, and get killed, leaving my team unprotected and soon to be dead! I love it when I charge an enemy, miss, and go off the map! Leaving my team unprotected and soon to be dead! I love seeing kill cam replays where the enemy player shoots me once, and just looks in disbelief as I charge off to my death in front of them! It feels great!

I suck.


What's the point of playing 76, McCree etc if you're not going to freaking push? So sick of people that are scared of dying. I put my barrier as Zarya on a 76 going into the fray only for him to run away and hide at almost full health.

I can't push the objective against turrets and sentries unless you're helping damnit.


Even if you had really sucked, a single bad player is generally not the reason for a loss.

Obviously, but people are quick to blame others instead of reflecting on what they could do better. I'm more or less past that stage and trying to improve every game with my aim, situational awareness and so forth. I assume it's working because I'm rising up through the ranks fairly quickly in solo queue. Or I'm just getting lucky with good teammates.
Man what is up with pub competitive? My win rate is horrendous. I started off having some nice games in the 50s but now my ranking is just plummeting and I'm back to seeing attack Hanzos again.

Hyun Sai

I don't know if it was already mentioned here, but console players who linked their account to battlenet can now post on the general forum of Overwatch and are no longer limited to technical forum.


I have some questions:

1. When does the Weekly Brawl change again?

2. Anyone else really digging this Mobawatch one? All the others were gimmicky "use this hero only" unbalanced bullshit. But this one, I like. Hero stacking is bullshit, but also being committed to the hero has forced people to choose their teams more carefully and work with greater cohesion. Some people were obviously in a party chat, but even casual players, with no mics, showed some teamwork.

3. Does Genji's melee do more damage because he uses his knife? I feel it doesn't, but also feel it should.


Man what is up with pub competitive? My win rate is horrendous. I started off having some nice games in the 50s but now my ranking is just plummeting and I'm back to seeing attack Hanzos again.

Think it's just luck of the draw really.

Played comp solo last night for the first time in weeks since the leaver fix (rank 50) and got into a great group, got complimented on my Mercy play and they invited me after and we played some together, winning all.

Sadly I do not think my ventures will be nearly as good in the future.


I have some questions:

1. When does the Weekly Brawl change again?

2. Anyone else really digging this Mobawatch one? All the others were gimmicky "use this hero only" unbalanced bullshit. But this one, I like. Hero stacking is bullshit, but also being committed to the hero has forced people to choose their teams more carefully and work with greater cohesion. Some people were obviously in a party chat, but even casual players, with no mics, showed some teamwork.

3. Does Genji's melee do more damage because he uses his knife? I feel it doesn't, but also feel it should.

1 - Tuesdays at 22:00 UTC;

2 - Not really. No hero stacking is good, but no hero swapping is not. Changing and adapting is a fun part of the game, and there's just so much you can adapt without changing characters;

3 - Nope.


2 - Not really. No hero stacking is good, but no hero swapping is not. Changing and adapting is a fun part of the game, and there's just so much you can adapt without changing characters;

Well....I agree with that.

That said, I think there are some perks. For one, there isn't as much a need to hero swap because people are more intent on making a well rounded team. For another, the commitment I feel pushes them to perform better. I would be interested in a limited swap mode. Maybe something like you only get 3 swaps before you aren't able to anymore. per game

But yeah, for me, this is the most fun game mode at the moment.


2. Anyone else really digging this Mobawatch one? All the others were gimmicky "use this hero only" unbalanced bullshit. But this one, I like. Hero stacking is bullshit, but also being committed to the hero has forced people to choose their teams more carefully and work with greater cohesion. Some people were obviously in a party chat, but even casual players, with no mics, showed some teamwork.

I quite enjoyed it honestly, played one round earlier yesterday and it forced people not to go double Hanzo so that won me over haha. Since it's just a side match I'm up for it.


Two questions:
1. How long do people think it will be before we get Ana on PS4?
2. I heard that hero stacking is finished. Is there a link to a dev post explaining why? I find this really disappointing, tbh.


Two questions:
1. How long do people think it will be before we get Ana on PS4?
2. I heard that hero stacking is finished. Is there a link to a dev post explaining why? I find this really disappointing, tbh.

1. When they have tested her enough on PTR to release it officially. Maybe a week, maybe two weeks, maybe a month. No one knows. Probably not even the devs. Ana isn't available on regular play for PC either, she's only on the PTR now.

2. Only for Competitive games, and that's also still being tested on the PTR. The why is basically that they feel that they did not account for the fact that on Competitive given how rounds and sudden death works, it can be a lot more frustrating when teams stack to get a cheap victory since there isn't enough time to counter it.
Not sure why but I NEVER get good games on Friday nights on solo queue :(

Same. I haven't had a good Friday since release.

Also, Rein tips: charge into the middle of the point. It doesn't matter that you got burned down before your charge even finished. Respawn and do it again. Keep doing this. Occasionally, you'll hit someone for damage. Mostly, you won't. Under no circumstances do you wait for your team. Pretend they don't exist. What is existence, anyway? Charge!


1. When they have tested her enough on PTR to release it officially. Maybe a week, maybe two weeks, maybe a month. No one knows. Probably not even the devs. Ana isn't available on regular play for PC either, she's only on the PTR now.

2. Only for Competitive games, and that's also still being tested on the PTR. The why is basically that they feel that they did not account for the fact that on Competitive given how rounds and sudden death works, it can be a lot more frustrating when teams stack to get a cheap victory since there isn't enough time to counter it.
Thanks. I suppose their reasoning makes sense. 😞


Same. I haven't had a good Friday since release.
It's pretty bad. The quality of the solo queue seems to go way down. Of course the enemy teams seem crazy good but I think that's just because my team mates have all been mostly terrible with a few exceptions.


Probably because everyone can get together on Friday nights. It's the night where most of my friends can sit and chill without worrying about other responsibilities so everyone gets into a 6 man group and plays.


1. When they have tested her enough on PTR to release it officially. Maybe a week, maybe two weeks, maybe a month. No one knows. Probably not even the devs. Ana isn't available on regular play for PC either, she's only on the PTR now.

2. Only for Competitive games, and that's also still being tested on the PTR. The why is basically that they feel that they did not account for the fact that on Competitive given how rounds and sudden death works, it can be a lot more frustrating when teams stack to get a cheap victory since there isn't enough time to counter it.

Good answers.
Once we'd cleared one or two defenders off the first point of Hanamura. I'm blocking (attacking) at the gate, and most of my team is behind me. I hear our Genji say "I am on the point" and I jam on Charge.

We took it in like fifteen seconds.

I had a good one a couple of days ago on Dorado, I was Reinhardt on Defense coming back from spawn. Going through the first main chokepoint before the village square, I hit my charge just to get back into the fray quicker. I hadn't realized, though, that the fighting had moved up as far as it did, and suddenly I found myself with an enemy Reaper pinned in front of me, and then smashed him into a wall. Hit him totally by accident, and was so amused I almost forgot to put my shield up as his teammates started shooting at me.


Probably because everyone can get together on Friday nights. It's the night where most of my friends can sit and chill without worrying about other responsibilities so everyone gets into a 6 man group and plays.
True, guess that could explain why some of the teams I've been put against work so well together. In comparison our teams are a mess. Tried to communicate with mic or commands but no one really takes notice. They'd rather go off and get frags.


Route 66 in Comp is either a stomp or not. Played with a Gaffer last night with randoms and we destroyed the other team as Attackers. Once you break through and keep killing a few guys, it's an easy victory. Junkrat seems to be my best hero as Attacker there.
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