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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Apparently Ana is now saying "You are powered up, get in there" when you use her ult instead of whatever she was saying before.

She says this if she if friendly, right? I imagine if she is on the opposite team she will release her ultimate in her native language like every other character


Route 66 in Comp is either a stomp or not. Played with a Gaffer last night with randoms and we destroyed the other team as Attackers. Once you break through and keep killing a few guys, it's an easy victory. Junkrat seems to be my best hero as Attacker there.

Yeah I've had a lot of trouble stopping attack momentum on that map. Not sure why exactly. I think it may be the openness of the map and thus the lack of real choke points. It's so easy to flank the defenders that the attackers don't really have to plan on it.
I love charging as Rein. I love it so much! Especially when I charge, miss, and get killed, leaving my team unprotected and soon to be dead! I love it when I charge an enemy, miss, and go off the map! Leaving my team unprotected and soon to be dead! I love seeing kill cam replays where the enemy player shoots me once, and just looks in disbelief as I charge off to my death in front of them! It feels great!

I suck.

Or that feeling when you stick someone on a charge and get all excited and then miss the wall and fly off the map.

One more tip for Rein is that I learned not to be afraid to take a little bit of damage when healers are near. One that save my shield and two it gives healers a boost to their ultimate.


Neo Member
Had some pretty interesting experiences today. I played with Neogaf member Forerunner in ranked and then I played quickplay with a group of 3 other people. Playing with people in a group is so much better. I won most of the games. I'm really starting to enjoy and get better with Mei, Zarya, Winston, and Junkrat.

My ranked ratio today was 1-2, and my quickplay was 19-6. :D

Anyway, so during ranked I was either Mercy/Zarya/Mei on Anubis or Volskaya defense. Either way it was a defense or support character. We ended up losing that round and then the people in my team (this was when it was just me and Forerunner) started to blame me. I was like, "Uh? I have gold in both objective kills and elims." And then he proceeded to say "No you don't." ??? I don't understand some people. I'm pressing tab rn and it shows gold in both. People can be so frustrating. Not my fault a defense/support character has more kills than you.

The second experience I had today was quickplay Symmetra on Nunbani defense. I had set up 6 turrets on the right (in that room/hallway) of the first point. Enemy Reinhardt was coming in and he had his shield up, and there were like 3 of us attacking him. I was obviously shooting orbs at him because they go through his shield. Anyway we take his health down pretty low, but there was a Junkrat behind him. I didn't want to go through to try to kill Reinhardt because of that. And so the two people from my team that were attacking (Reaper and Zarya) went in and chased him down. Reinhardt got a health pack but less than 2 seconds later he was dead. I thought all was well but then the Reaper started talking in chat and was like "Sym you p*ssy because you didn't push through he healed". I was so confused???? He died anyway. Why expect a Symmetra to go in after him when there's a Reaper and a Zarya.

Fortunately those were only 2 of the many games that I played today. I made 3 new friends today which was cool.

She says this if she if friendly, right? I imagine if she is on the opposite team she will release her ultimate in her native language like every other character

I don't really get why Dva or Torb don't say it in their native languages, but I guess it's just because Blizzard really wants them to say "Nerf this" and "molten core".


Yeah I've had a lot of trouble stopping attack momentum on that map. Not sure why exactly. I think it may be the openness of the map and thus the lack of real choke points. It's so easy to flank the defenders that the attackers don't really have to plan on it.

Yea, and vice versa, as a good defense team, we managed to keep them from reaching the first checkpoint as well. At first they were pushing through but then I switched to Pharah from Soldier and rained justice on a few of their annoying heroes like Soldier and Zarya. I think that helped.
Yeah I've had a lot of trouble stopping attack momentum on that map. Not sure why exactly. I think it may be the openness of the map and thus the lack of real choke points. It's so easy to flank the defenders that the attackers don't really have to plan on it.

A lot of the problem is that Symettra, Bastion, and Torb can be good to great plays for the opening stage of the map, but once the payload gets up the hill those players need to switch characters to kill that momentum and many times they don't. And they just become paper dolls that get shredded.
Something I'm curious about: whenever I watch comp matches, players will often not stop shooting when Zarya drops her bubble. They'll happily keep shooting her and spamming at the enemy team. Why is that? I thought the accepted strategy is to stop shooting at her for the two seconds that her bubble is actually up.


the holder of the trombone
Something I'm curious about: whenever I watch comp matches, players will often not stop shooting when Zarya drops her bubble. They'll happily keep shooting her and spamming at the enemy team. Why is that? I thought the accepted strategy is to stop shooting at her for the two seconds that her bubble is actually up.

If they know they can kill her before she kills them why not? Reaper can easily out dps her if she doesn't have ult built up from before.


the holder of the trombone
Fuck me zen is still hella OP against tanks.

I freaking destroy winstons even if they did the perfect jump in at full health.

Son Of D

Something I'm curious about: whenever I watch comp matches, players will often not stop shooting when Zarya drops her bubble. They'll happily keep shooting her and spamming at the enemy team. Why is that? I thought the accepted strategy is to stop shooting at her for the two seconds that her bubble is actually up.

Get the shield down faster and if they can out DPS her then might as well keep the pressure on.


Speaking of Mei, I hate Mei players on Defend who decide to wall in their teammates and ruin their ability to get set up properly. This asshole Mei in our team did it constantly at every chokepoint. Bitch.
Worst are Meis who block YOUR OWN EXIT DOOR

Friendly note to all Meis on Defense: when you so wittily put up your ice wall in front of your teammates and block their paths as they're running to the first point, check to see if there is a Symmetra on your team. Because if there is, her player is currently thinking about the best way to murder you and get away with it. Thanks!
Had a teammate Mei block my escape path while I was running away as Mercy. :<

Proceeded to not heal said Mei afterwards for the whole match.


Speaking of Mei, I hate Mei players on Defend who decide to wall in their teammates and ruin their ability to get set up properly. This asshole Mei in our team did it constantly at every chokepoint. Bitch.
I played with a Mei today who walled me and 3 other team mates in with an ulting Reaper.
Speaking of Zarya, had a comp game on Lijiang where I went 52-2 and got a card for 42 high energy kills.

How much energy is considered a high energy kill? 50? 60?

also, Zarya is amaze balls.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Ice Wall going up at spawn will reap you a

'Freeze don't move'
I played with a Mei today who walled me and 3 other team mates in with an ulting Reaper.
She was clearly helping!
the other team lol
Friendly note to all Meis on Defense: when you so wittily put up your ice wall in front of your teammates and block their paths as they're running to the first point, check to see if there is a Symmetra on your team. Because if there is, her player is currently thinking about the best way to murder you and get away with it. Thanks!
do it

send her to the depths
They should really up the penalty for the first person who leaves during a match in competitive.

So annoying when someone on your team leaves when the match is actually competitive.
Apologies if this has been asked a million times, but do we know when Ana is going to be released for PS4? Tried googling this and could not find an answer.
Ah got it, thank you! Should have figured when I didn't find an answer right away. The wait for the update is killing me
Yeah, it sucks.

I wonder if Blizzard will ever open test realms on the consoles? I guess it might be too much for them to manage, or too much red tape with the manufacturers, but I imagine it would be useful to get feedback on the changes - especially now that they're doing things like the Torb nerf to show that they are open to console specific changes.

I wonder if Ana's sleep dart will be easier to land on consoles. It's already pretty damn tough on PC :p


The game's unplayable today for me. I can play fine until I die and the ping starts going crazy high lagging all over the place and I either respawn late or just get kicked out of the game.


Don't you LOVE it when you play KotH and have a Zarya who is actually a pretty good Zarya player in terms of staying alive and killing enemies, but plays TDM instead of KotH? Both rounds, couldn't keep the point because Zarya would wander off and kill enemies instead of standing her ground even though she's the ONLY tank in the group. T_T
Don't you LOVE it when you play KotH and have a Zarya who is actually a pretty good Zarya player in terms of staying alive and killing enemies, but plays TDM instead of KotH? Both rounds, couldn't keep the point because Zarya would wander off and kill enemies instead of standing her ground even though she's the ONLY tank in the group. T_T
what was their username?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Friendly note to all Meis on Defense: when you so wittily put up your ice wall in front of your teammates and block their paths as they're running to the first point, check to see if there is a Symmetra on your team. Because if there is, her player is currently thinking about the best way to murder you and get away with it. Thanks!

Yeah, I was gonna say the same. I notice even the Mei players that are generally fine in game and not intentionally trolling still do this running from the point at the match start, but SERIOUSLY don't do that if a Sym is on your team since she needs to get the first turret set up ASAP to start the cooldown.

Son Of D

Speaking of Mei, I hate Mei players on Defend who decide to wall in their teammates and ruin their ability to get set up properly. This asshole Mei in our team did it constantly at every chokepoint. Bitch.

I tried competitive recently and had a Mei on Gibraltor attack. Me and a team were on the way to get to the payload during Overtime but then our Mei put an ice wall in the way so we couldn't reach the payload in time. I thought that it might have been an accident but when we swapped sides it happened constantly and wasted our Soldier's ultimate a couple of times by blocking his sights.

We still won but it was a nuisance.
Had some pretty interesting experiences today. I played with Neogaf member Forerunner in ranked and then I played quickplay with a group of 3 other people. Playing with people in a group is so much better. I won most of the games. I'm really starting to enjoy and get better with Mei, Zarya, Winston, and Junkrat.

My ranked ratio today was 1-2, and my quickplay was 19-6. :D

Anyway, so during ranked I was either Mercy/Zarya/Mei on Anubis or Volskaya defense. Either way it was a defense or support character. We ended up losing that round and then the people in my team (this was when it was just me and Forerunner) started to blame me. I was like, "Uh? I have gold in both objective kills and elims." And then he proceeded to say "No you don't." ??? I don't understand some people. I'm pressing tab rn and it shows gold in both. People can be so frustrating. Not my fault a defense/support character has more kills than you.

The second experience I had today was quickplay Symmetra on Nunbani defense. I had set up 6 turrets on the right (in that room/hallway) of the first point. Enemy Reinhardt was coming in and he had his shield up, and there were like 3 of us attacking him. I was obviously shooting orbs at him because they go through his shield. Anyway we take his health down pretty low, but there was a Junkrat behind him. I didn't want to go through to try to kill Reinhardt because of that. And so the two people from my team that were attacking (Reaper and Zarya) went in and chased him down. Reinhardt got a health pack but less than 2 seconds later he was dead. I thought all was well but then the Reaper started talking in chat and was like "Sym you p*ssy because you didn't push through he healed". I was so confused???? He died anyway. Why expect a Symmetra to go in after him when there's a Reaper and a Zarya.

Fortunately those were only 2 of the many games that I played today. I made 3 new friends today which was cool.

I don't really get why Dva or Torb don't say it in their native languages, but I guess it's just because Blizzard really wants them to say "Nerf this" and "molten core".

People just like to complain and blame someone when they are losing or doing bad! In our Lijiang tower game, the one guy was like "I guess our DPS can't do anything" or "I wish we had DPS," I was at 60 kills on Reaper when he said that. Like what more do you want from me, but yeah people just like to bitch a lot and I just tune it out.


BTW, when the patch drops, of you're a quick player, get ready for a minim of 2 Ana's in both sides and two d.VA's and being just terrible matches. Way too many people ignore that and is under support.
as a part time mei player. i don't even use my ice wall anymore unless dva decides to ult and no one is trying to run behind me (because most likely i'm going to ice wall it up in front. and depending on the situation when zarya ults (if other teams are like literally there to blowshit up i might ice wall it up if someone else on their team decides to ult as well. other than that. if they just shoot us i leave it down and hope for the best.


Yeah, it sucks.

I wonder if Blizzard will ever open test realms on the consoles? I guess it might be too much for them to manage, or too much red tape with the manufacturers, but I imagine it would be useful to get feedback on the changes - especially now that they're doing things like the Torb nerf to show that they are open to console specific changes.

I wonder if Ana's sleep dart will be easier to land on consoles. It's already pretty damn tough on PC :p

While it would be nice, I don't see Sony or MS allowing it for a long time, possibly never.


Those feels when you basically carry a team as Zarya, working your ass off to defend the payload when everyone else has died several times... and then people vote for the Torb LESS kills than you.

So unappreciated.
i don't see how it would be an issue to run PTR on console. it just would be like the game but it's own app. they would still have to go through certs to push patches which sucks they have to go through the process. but it would be nice to have to test these stuff then than later when it's live on console.


i don't see how it would be an issue to run PTR on console. it just would be like the game but it's own app. they would still have to go through certs to push patches which sucks they have to go through the process. but it would be nice to have to test these stuff then than later when it's live on console.

It's a pointless resource drain. PTR isn't just for players, it's only worthwhile and useful if someone is paying attention to what people are playing on it and crunching the numbers and replays. They already have teams dedicated to the PS4, Xbox1, PC, and PC PTR community sets. Do you really think it makes sense to put more resources into looking after 2 more just so some people can play new content earlier? This is the same reason why Evolve's F2P test phase is on PC only.
While it would be nice, I don't see Sony or MS allowing it for a long time, possibly never.
I would've agreed with this a few years ago but now I honestly think it MIGHT be something they can do. With Destiny, Street Fighter V and many other online games "patching" without having to download an actual patch, it could be possible to update it quickly. That said, it might be a lot of work for Blizzard - much more so than to make it worth it.
It's a pointless resource drain. PTR isn't just for players, it's only worthwhile and useful if someone is paying attention to what people are playing on it and crunching the numbers and replays. They already have teams dedicated to the PS4, Xbox1, PC, and PC PTR community sets. Do you really think it makes sense to put more resources into looking after 2 more just so some people can play new content earlier? This is the same reason why Evolve's F2P test phase is on PC only.
I would argue that it's less about new content and more about the balance changes, like the Zen and D.Va buffs, which might get approved on PC only to be completely broken on console (I doubt this specific case will happen, but Torb is a good example of this). But I do agree, it's probably too much work.


Anyway, game seems dead on EU PC just now, maybe cus of my low amount of matches played still, but I just get bumped to Skirmish after pretty much every match.
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