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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Oh I thought you meant you died to the hook shotgun combo.

The alt fire is weird. I usually just fire it into a group when they are too far away to do a bit of suppression damage. But if you can make the ball explode right before it hits the enemy so that all the pellets hit them it does a ton of damage (200+) sometimes you think it will happen, and hardly any hit. And sometimes it's just a throwaway shot and you happen to one shot a 200 health character. Sucks when it happens to you though.
The (relatively) slow projectile speed makes it tricky. But damn if it isn't satisfying when you get a perfect hit at the optimal distance and one-shot somebody.


Thought the leaver problem was okay now......

It isn't. Just lost 3 ranks because I had a leaver streak (haven't had a game without a leaver today) :(

Down to 39, my all time low :(
I don't know about Mei. I very rarely die to her, I never play her. My Roadhog can almost never finish her off and it's frustrating as hell. My Tracer is her worst nightmare. But I have to agree that she is just really fucking annoying. The Ice Wall should go down quicker, or have less health so that destroying it is a legitimate option. Her Ult seems to go up way to quick , although that could be my imagination.

The biggest thing for me though (that also seems super easy to fix) is the 'slow down' thing still happens if it's not directly hitting you. I'll blink away as Tracer and still move slow for a moment. It hardly ever gets me killed, but it's annoying as hell. Just make it so the slow down only happens if you are being directly hit. Then make armor lock heal 30% less and you're good.

And make a level 65 competitive rank a requirement to play. A bad Mei teammate is the absolute worst. Stop putting fucking ice walls in front of my ult!


Overwatch has been pretty glitchy for me in general, though mostly user interface stuff rather than gameplay issues.

Sometimes it takes forever for the background to load in the main menu. This means I'm unable to view my Hero Gallery or open my Loot boxes.

Also, every game, it takes the kill cam several seconds to load, so I never see the kill cam of my first death. It's just a black screen for several seconds, then the character that killed me before they killed me, and then I respawn.

And yeah, now this "test psn" thing.
Love and respect to Mei and her players

The little shit I just played even went out of their way to punch me when they froze me and got me down to a sliver of life. They did it out of pure spite, because they know they're annoying little shits. They could have just shot me, but no, they wanted to make it personal.
Admirable effort, but I can't give that Mei full points without putting the OOPS spray next to your corpse, or saying the Sorry voice line. I hope this player can step up his or her game, because I see potential in it.

It's always a Hanzo

Why is it always a Hanzo
I used to think it was the fault of that accused "No Sniper" message, but that message hardly ever shows up, since Hanzo is usually the first instantaneous pick.
People still not abusing the Overtime while teamates respawn



the holder of the trombone


I'm sorry Antiwhippy, but she just does NOT need the kind of survivability that she currently possess. There is no reason she should possess 200 HP. At the very least, her bullshit armor lock should not heal her on top of everything else. And I would really wish she'd stop putting up the moment she gets out of her ice cube so I could just kill her already, but noo, just drags every encounter on for like an hour long with her 500 ways of recovery. If Mei is going to be this unkillable cockroach that just trolls her way out of any damage, atleast compensate it by requiring there to be some finesse in order for the player to achieve that kind of roach status. Tracer can be annoying as shit too, but she atleast takes skill to keep moving through her blinks and stuff. Mei is just...ugh.

The little shit I just played even went out of their way to punch me when they froze me and got me down to a sliver of life. They did it out of pure spite, because they know they're annoying little shits. They could have just shot me, but no, they wanted to make it personal.

Mei Fun Fact #7: She was behind the first fall of Overwatch, the Omnic Crisis, and the Holocaust.

Don't mistake me as a good person.

Salt like this, fuels me.

But yeah I would be cool if they buff mei by reducing her freezey stuff but make her better at killing people faster.


Never thought I would like Zarya this much.

I feel like I say that about every hero after giving them a go for a few hours though.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Never thought I would like Zarya this much.

I feel like I say that about every hero after giving them a go for a few hours though.

zarya is currently the most balanced character in the game. going the fuck off as zarya is the most satisfying feeling of any current hero. she is perfect
remove black hole travel time so that d-vain't and mAIDS can't block it thanks.


the holder of the trombone
You'd have to be super predictable for mei and DVa to react block your black hole.

Genji can reflect it too, btw.

Zarya's shields absorb it too I believe.


I've been seeing some invisible players except for the feet and the weapons lately, has this been happening to anyone else?

Yes. People still potshot just outside of the point instead of extending overtime. If I see another Junkrat walking away from the point and shooting...
I remember a game, in Numbani, at the end. We were defending and everyone was dead save for a Hanzo in our team and two attackers pushing the cart. The Hanzo was bravely falling back while shooting arrows. Until he reached the wall. Then the cart arrived, and we lost. Bravest defeat ever.


I remember a game, in Numbani, at the end. We were defending and everyone was dead save for a Hanzo in our team and two attackers pushing the cart. The Hanzo was bravely falling back while shooting arrows. Until he reached the wall. Then the cart arrived, and we lost. Bravest defeat ever.
Some say his ult still hasn't charged to this day.



Seriously, this game.
Leavers on both sides, Torb AND Bastion on attack. Was Mercy on Defense and got 11 elims from people running away from me and leaving me alone with their Reaper lol...
This has been 90% of my games today. I guess I'm done, this cost me so much rank today.

Zarya's shields absorb it too I believe.

Yes, it does. I think you can even just walk out of it if you shield once it has hit you.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
You'd have to be super predictable for mei and DVa to react block your black hole.

Genji can reflect it too, btw.

Zarya's shields absorb it too I believe.
The issue with Mei isn't the enemy blocking it, it's your own special needs Mei blocking it
Yes, it does. I think you can even just walk out of it if you shield once it has hit you.
You would have to be playing against a special kind of team for them to not have at least 200 damage lined up the second the black hole is out.



Zenyatta on Attack can make for some awesome pushes. And even moreso once the buff hits live.

The issue with Mei isn't the enemy blocking it, it's your own special needs Mei blocking it

You would have to be playing against a special kind of team for them to not have at least 200 damage lined up the second the black hole is out.

So... every pub team ever. I have never once died to a black hole combo as a Tank tbh.
Loving this Mei bashing tbh <3

I really don't understand the slow down shit. I feel like I get affected by it even when I'm out of range/not ticking health.
Never thought I would like Zarya this much.

I feel like I say that about every hero after giving them a go for a few hours though.

Yeah, I was dire with Zarya when I first started with her, but now she's probably my go-to for "The other team has a great comp and nothing we're throwing at it seems to work... time to pull out Zarya and at least make them have to watch their fire." Had a KotH match last night where it was literally the last second before we lost the second round, and I rushed in and hit an ult. that the rest of the team capitalizes on, and we managed to pull off the win. Everyone in the chat afterwards was like "clutch Zarya saved us."

But yeah, part of the joy of this game, at least from what I've found, is that how almost every character can be fun to play. I started out being big on Pharah and Widowmaker, but I've rotated through Zarya, Symmetra, Tracer, Reaper, Winston... hell, even had a few good matches with Zenyatta a while back that are making me look forward to the buffs from PTR reaching the live servers. I think I enjoy playing just about all of these characters.

Except Hanzo. Fuck Hanzo.
Yup, Zarya's ult can completely change the tide of things, it's awesome. I also feel like she has a perfect balance of survivability. She can still go down pretty quick if she's isolated, even with the shield, but if she's fighting in a skirmish alongside teammates, protecting the squishy ones and shielding herself too, she is crazy.
It's just the mei getting into your head man.

Exactly as planned.
That cute little voice as she heralds your imminent death... &#128529;


Feel the most comfortable playing as D.Va and Symmetra.

Lost 3/4 battles I played last night but had a bloody good time. Still haven't touched competitive mode.


the holder of the trombone
One thing about zarya though is that i wish that there's a macro for "no, i messed up" much like the ult % text. Sometimes i or the friendly zarya gets a bad black hole and i want to not waste 2 ults. Like one time i saw the zarya blackhole from afar, opened my barrage, but only got one lucio.


I dropped some ranks lately and now I'm stuck in leaver hell.

It's so terrible. People leaving when we are winning, people leaving when we about to start, people leaving when it's a tight game and people leaving when we just lost the first round on KOTH.

At least I got to play 1 vs 6 one time. Was fun to try.
The issue with Mei isn't the enemy blocking it, it's your own special needs Mei blocking it

You would have to be playing against a special kind of team for them to not have at least 200 damage lined up the second the black hole is out.
Was watching a stream yesterday they had a Lucio trying to move backwards from the enemy team on point b of hanamura but their mei put up a wall right behind him. Rip. I guess she didn't see him since she left it up lol
Luckily he wasn't a crazy player who became toxic after that move
I dropped some ranks lately and now I'm stuck in leaver hell.

It's so terrible. People leaving when we are winning, people leaving when we about to start, people leaving when it's a tight game and people leaving when we just lost the first round on KOTH.

At least I got to play 1 vs 6 one time. Was fun to try.

Gain some ranks and you'll be in leaver hell too. Rank 65 and I had 3 games today where people bailed midway. :l


I dropped some ranks lately and now I'm stuck in leaver hell.

It's so terrible. People leaving when we are winning, people leaving when we about to start, people leaving when it's a tight game and people leaving when we just lost the first round on KOTH.

At least I got to play 1 vs 6 one time. Was fun to try.

I sooo regret playing comp right away. I lost 10 ranks (50-40) the first day because leaver rank loss/wins were bugged and I didn't realise...

I'm still trying to get back up but with these team mates in the 38-42 bracket it's kinda hard.
Was watching a stream yesterday they had a Lucio trying to move backwards from the enemy team on point b of hanamura but their mei put up a wall right behind him. Rip. I guess she didn't see him since she left it up lol
Luckily he wasn't a crazy player who became toxic after that move

I had a game like that yesterday too. The enemy Mei blocked off her Lucio from the point, giving me an easy kill.


Yes. People still potshot just outside of the point instead of extending overtime. If I see another Junkrat walking away from the point and shooting...

Same feelings. I usually play Junkrat in KOTH cuz I like to get in and destroy fools. When someone else choose Junkrat and only attacks from afar and not keep OT going, I wanna slap them.


Same feelings. I usually play Junkrat in KOTH cuz I like to get in and destroy fools. When someone else choose Junkrat and only attacks from afar and not keep OT going, I wanna slap them.

Every hero, even a Hanzo or Widow - if we're in Overtime and multiple people are getting back, get on that point. Even if only for a second.

It's really aggravates me when we're in overtime, 2 people are near the point, 4 are coming back and they don't extend overtime (especially if it's someone like Tracer, no excuses)


Matchmaking is some insane shit right now. Finding games takes at least 2-3 minutes and it's hell-bent on placing me with people who have absolutely no fucking idea what are they doing. So my Overwatch experience lately is "3 minutes to find a game -> crap match with total wipe -> lobby dissolves -> 3 minutes to find another match -> repeat". Absolute crap.
Fun fact: Playing on PS4, and I had no idea Pharah's hover was also mapped to L2. My ability to play her went from middling/mediocre to amazing with that revelation. I'm dumb, I know, but it is now so much easier to wreck people while hovering since I can aim properly now.

I dropped some ranks lately and now I'm stuck in leaver hell.

It's so terrible. People leaving when we are winning, people leaving when we about to start, people leaving when it's a tight game and people leaving when we just lost the first round on KOTH.

At least I got to play 1 vs 6 one time. Was fun to try.

I'm so glad I managed to avoid leaver hell. I started at level 46 and worked my way up to mid-50s and have just kind of been hovering around there. I do get salty leavers on occasion, but only once in my 50 or so matches have I been on a team where everybody left leaving me and one other person to fend for themselves. I've played against a few salty leaver teams, but in general my comp experience has been great.

One of the best matches was a time where we went up 2-0, a guy on our team left (I guess he DC'd) and I threw a tantrum, then almost immediately after a guy from the other team left making it 5-5 so we had an even matchup again. Made the game pretty interesting and also made me look like an idiot, heh.
I won Hanamora last night in a time of 1:31, That's got to be some kind of record.
Ive done it a few times on Volskaya but never Hanamora.

Our mercy had a 47% heal factor after the game with 2700 healing :p


Dropped to 38 and climbed my ass through the muck to 51


I can probably reach level 1 at this point, things are going so terrible for me. But I have no one in my timezone to play with when I am online, so I always just solo my way down. It's almost making me sad. lol


Mine is pretty and pink

I can probably reach level 1 at this point, things are going so terrible for me. But I have no one in my timezone to play with when I am online, so I always just solo my way down. It's almost making me sad. lol

I dropped 58->50 followed by a climb to 58 again. this matchmaking system is weird.

I can probably reach level 1 at this point, things are going so terrible for me. But I have no one in my timezone to play with when I am online, so I always just solo my way down. It's almost making me sad. lol

It can be done. I dropped 10 levels once and managed to climb 15 levels playing solo mostly.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
As I've been playing a lot of Genji recently, I can escape from Mei pretty easily as long as I have a wall or my shift off of cooldown.

However, in the occasion I do get frozen, I prefer to get killed from behind. When Mei's smiling face comes up to you head-on as you're frozen and just head shots you, it creeps me out. A little bit of my soul dies.

Also, went from 57 to 51 and back to 57 yesterday. Had a pretty solid win streak. This game is dumb.


I'm thinking of just not playing support in Solo Q any more unless absolutely necessary.

It just makes me angry, and I can seemingly rank easier as DPS/Tank


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Everyone's hate is real. And here I just hate bullshit mechanics that need fixing

My true 100% hate is reserved for Hanzos. I combo them, they're at like 5 hp, and right before my melee hits them, they just turn around and shoot a random desperation shot that headshots me.


I'm thinking of just not playing support in Solo Q any more unless absolutely necessary.

It just makes me angry, and I can seemingly rank easier as DPS/Tank

I'm tired of being the guy who will play support cuz everyone else won't in solo. Will play whoever I'm good at. If they have trouble, learn to lose.
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