Guys, I think I just had the single worst played match I've ever fucking seen with this game.
Attack on Hollywood.
One player picks Symmetra, because of course they do.
But the truly fascinating thing is how they kept us at the spawn point and played things out from there. They just kept flanking us around the paths that we, the attacking team, were meant to be taking. Even their Torbjorn was getting in on this action, without his turret, without his Molten Core and he still won out against our soldier. So I thought "Well, bad start, but this is an easy counter, surely my team will know they need to just charge ahead so that atleast the defenders will have to pull back or else lose the objective."
No. NO.
For some bizarre reason, they basically turned it into a TDM in the open area near the spawn point. I was shooting at a Roadhog that was right behind my team's McCree, and he didn't turn around. Somehow he didn't hear his snorting, reload animation, the fact that he was firing at me, or anything. He wasn't even busy firing at someone else at the time, it was just....
And then the D.Va who decided to Self Destruct in a room in the shop. Right as the enemy turned the corner and was safe. But hey, it's not we needed to clear that choke point where 3 enemies were or anything, right?
The Symmetra is the one that amazed me. Yeah, go ahead, set up the teleporter in the shop area, it's not like the enemy is downstairs or that it's not even far from the checkpoint.
I'm not a great mercy, but I don't think I was doing that bad. But there was literally nothing I could do to save a team that is obviously playing the game for the very first time, whatever their level may be. I have no other explanation for what I witnessed. I'm not even mad, just....shocked.