It's surprising that they haven't gone ahead and made their planned changes to the competitive modes to get rid of sudden death. The way payload maps go straight to sudden death even if one team plows through unimpeded and the other barely makes it is just dumb (even though I've been on the undeserved winning side of a few of those in the last couple days)
I think they said it would require too much programming work to just get rid of it quickly, and they are probably testing other ideas.
Although since the patch, I don't think I have had a nearly as many sudden death matches anyways.
I've played a little Zenyatta. Definately FEELS like he should be quite viable now, but I just haven't clicked with him yet. Only around and hour played on him though.
Mercy is still my favorite. Had a hard match vs even opponents. First round we barely lost on payload attack, second round on defense I felt like a god, we shut them out and only once person died, and I immediately rez;d them. Had like 16k healing done. Got 8 upvotes on my card at the end of the match, so the other team recognized it too.
Also, fuck the competitive MM. It really needs to limit how many times in a row a team can be "underdogs". We had three underdog matches (3, 2, and 2, tiers below) in which we were soundly thrashed. All three matches were back to back, and it was our first three games. Not a good fun way to start the night. We lost a 4th match, then called it quits and went back to quickplay. After a few games of that, went back and got another underdog match, which we actually won after a stupidly long series with long overtimes.