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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Blizzard has to come up with a better patch method on consoles. Is there no way to keep this stuff server side so console players aren't stuck with janky balance settings for weeks at a time?

Consoles don't even have the same balances as the PC version, period, so what applies to PC might not apply to consoles at all.


What? What he's saying is correct; maybe it averages out over time because you're going to HAVE to win SOME games, and if you perform really well you will GAIN way more points when you win then you LOSE when you lose.

However, you will never lose a game and gain points, or win a game and lose points. Period.

No but the numbers are almost fully on your performance vs rank.
If you perform at a 70 and are a 60, you'll barely lose anything on a loss and gain a full rank. Winning/losing is a lot less important than playing very well.

But yes you do need to win/lose to gain/lose points, just it greatly determines those points, and besides, playing well gets wins!


If I'm playing as Winston and get hooked by Roadhog, is there anything I can do to survive? It's like a 1 shot insta kill for him!
Consoles don't even have the same balances as the PC version, period, so what applies to PC might not apply to consoles at all.
They seem to have some kind of server side patch ability though as they fixed the Great Wall of Mei glitch within an hour with no new patch required.


^I was so scared the mei patch was going to be up for a week and blizzard couldnt hotfix it lol. The console life.
Like all defense heroes are bad. At defending.

Had attacking numbani sudden death where the other team went mei, bastion, torb and junk.

Just smoked them with pharah.

They would honestly be better off with a soldier and mccree.

Yep. I joke that reapers better at defense since they all have to group up on one spot in most maps (minus like anubis temple part 2)
Attackers>defenders in every way if you're debating picking one up.
Winston is one of the easiest to kill as D.Va tbh. I rarely ever die to Winston and she's my most played. I love seeing a Winston on the other team.

Like, junk is especially useless now with DVa in the scene.

She even absorbs concussion mine when it's still in the air so he can't even use that to escape.

Like, I've blocked 20K+ damage today and I'm pretty sure quite a number of it is from junk. Plus a few barrages and death blossoms here and there.



Consoles don't even have the same balances as the PC version, period, so what applies to PC might not apply to consoles at all.

That's true, but I can't imagine there's a scenario where console players don't need the Ana buff that just rolled out on PC. I've argued that the console/PC games are completely distinct from the start. Regardless, quicker patch deployment would be nice.
It's surprising that they haven't gone ahead and made their planned changes to the competitive modes to get rid of sudden death. The way payload maps go straight to sudden death even if one team plows through unimpeded and the other barely makes it is just dumb (even though I've been on the undeserved winning side of a few of those in the last couple days)

I think they said it would require too much programming work to just get rid of it quickly, and they are probably testing other ideas.

Although since the patch, I don't think I have had a nearly as many sudden death matches anyways.

I've played a little Zenyatta. Definately FEELS like he should be quite viable now, but I just haven't clicked with him yet. Only around and hour played on him though.

Mercy is still my favorite. Had a hard match vs even opponents. First round we barely lost on payload attack, second round on defense I felt like a god, we shut them out and only once person died, and I immediately rez;d them. Had like 16k healing done. Got 8 upvotes on my card at the end of the match, so the other team recognized it too.

Also, fuck the competitive MM. It really needs to limit how many times in a row a team can be "underdogs". We had three underdog matches (3, 2, and 2, tiers below) in which we were soundly thrashed. All three matches were back to back, and it was our first three games. Not a good fun way to start the night. We lost a 4th match, then called it quits and went back to quickplay. After a few games of that, went back and got another underdog match, which we actually won after a stupidly long series with long overtimes.


Like, junk is especially useless now with DVa in the scene.

She even absorbs concussion mine when it's still in the air so he can't even use that to escape.

Like, I've blocked 20K+ damage today and I'm pretty sure quite a number of it is from junk. Plus a few barrages and death blossoms here and there.

Do you ever play support? Like Lucio, Zenyatta, Symmetra or basically anyone else with 200hp or less than tends to hang around on or near the objective on defense? I do. All the time.

Junkrat is one of my least favorite enemies just because I have died so so so many times to grenades from out of nowhere. If all you do is play tank or flanker then you really don't have an appreciation for how annoying he can be for back-line support heroes.

And then there's the tire, which is basically always going to be aimed at a support character. People do a better job at shooting the tire now, especially in competitive, but every once in a while a good Junkrat will sneak a tire in and since I'm nearly always playing support, it's usually my face that it is aimed for.

Just like Hanzo, skill and intelligence can make or break the character and a good Junkrat on attack is better than an average or bad (insert most other characters here) .


Junkrat is fine and sees play in pro games, dunno about playing him on attack tho. He is mainly used on defense @ big chokepoints on first points like hollywood. Less use on a place like king's row, where it's harder for him to hide, but he has nice spots past that first choke.


Thank goodness they added a 0.5 second wakeup on Ana sleep dart. I don't like control-stealing CC that much (sleep, Reinhardt ult, freeze, flashbang), but if it's going to be in the game it should at least work.

Hitting someone with a 12-second cooldown skillshot, only for them to fall down and instantly bounce back up to fly away, was infuriating.


Last night I lost 10 matches in a row. Screwed up my win percentage.

Also D.VA's ulti is now stupidly OP as I mentioned in an earlier post.


They just can't seem to leave him alone. I actually liked last patch when McCree saw use on PC again and Tracer wasn't everywhere.

They can't leave him alone
>Name is blizzard


Junkrat is fine and sees play in pro games, dunno about playing him on attack tho. He is mainly used on defense @ big chokepoints on first points like hollywood. Less use on a place like king's row, where it's harder for him to hide, but he has nice spots past that first choke.

He's very situational like all the defense heroes. You can't play him the whole game, or rather, probably shouldn't, and definitely isn't the best pick on many maps, especially once with large flanks. This causes offense to be the better choice to learn at non pro levels for doing well.


They can't leave him alone
>Name is blizzard

I've been playing Overwatch for weeks and you're the first person to comment on this! :p You'll probably have to use quote tags since greentext does not work on this forum, however.

Random trivia, my name came from something totally unrelated to the company Blizzard. I'm a very casual Starcraft 1 + 2 fan, I once tried a WoW trial, and I like Overwatch, but that's it for me.


Why do people pick defence heroes? Whole lineup is trash tier.

Because some people want to get good as mei or junkrat or whomever else
It's not that they're awful, it's just a specific setup kills both offense or defensively- why switch for the other side. Players who dominate offense then switch on defense don't really make too much sense. It makes sense if you were say, reaper and you realize pharahs safer as an anti turret switching to offense, but defense? If you outgun them they're already done for.

I've been playing Overwatch for weeks and you're the first person to comment on this! :p You'll probably have to use quote tags since greentext does not work on this forum, however.

Random trivia, my name came from something totally unrelated to the company Blizzard. I'm a very casual Starcraft 1 + 2 fan, I once tried a WoW trial, and I like Overwatch, but that's it for me.

Not buying it. And yeah I use > in the same way they use it on twitter, not to quote lol, just didn't wanna bold.

We here on Neigaf should design a defense hero who's not total crap.

Any ideas?

Theres quite a few
Prenerf McCree
Soldier 76, but not really


Don't all patches need to go through certification?

They fixed the Mei wall and Ana game crashing without a patch somehow.

Hotfixes, they can do a lot server side for numbers or timers or such so they don't need to wait for a patch. Call of Duty and such does it too nowadays. Torb probably could have been a hotfix, it wouldn't have surprised me if it was doable- it probably only wasn't because of something client side. They can't add proper content or larger things in by hotfix, they can only change how stuff works on the server and the info sent back to you or such.

I hope you're sitting down. 'ere ya go luv!


Don't all patches need to go through certification?

Depends because CoD for like what the past 5ish years have been hotfixing problems for awhile. Not the huge ones but balance stuff? yea 3arc I believe admitted they could mess with the stats of a gun fairly quick with it.

I think black Ops 1 was the first to slowly do it? so like 6 years?

I rolled my eyes a bit when they mention character changes coming end of the month for guys like Torb. Like they can probably get in there and do it within a few days.


I rolled my eyes a bit when they mention character changes coming end of the month for guys like Torb. Like they can probably get in there and do it within a few days.

Without a doubt. It's probably easier to fix a lot at once so people don't get annoyed, makes their day less complaint-filled.


We here on Neigaf should design a defense hero who's not total crap.

Any ideas?

Well, yes. Symmetra is more my idea of a defense hero actually. Someone who mitigates incoming damage through additional armor and can create choke points with her sentry turrets.

I also think that Lucio and Zenyatta's ults are extremely defensive because again, they nullify incoming damage or out heal it.

Blizzard's existing defense heroes seem to be more about area denial than outright defense (Hanzo's ult, Widow's sniping, Junkrat's entire kit) and I think there are some gaping holes for characters with abilities that are actually defensive in nature.

I'd like to see someone who could create slippery or dangerous surfaces or areas (similar idea to Mei but instead of blocking the area, they make the hero who passes through it take damage over time or suffer status effects).

If Sombra can grant temporary invisibility or cloaking to team mates, as has been speculated, then that would be an interesting ability for avoiding or nullifying damage.
:( RIP in peace.

It'd be nice to have a defense character who actually excelled on defense and was bad on offense. With a kit that actually made it feel like you could very effectively defend a control point or stop a payload.

Create a Portal hero who can create 1 way portals on the floor. So when an enemy walks over a "portal" they pop out the other side.

So like, imagine putting a portal on a choke point that forces the player to a different side of the map.

Would have to be very mobile so they could place their portals in unique locations.


Incidentally, symmetra was used in yesterday's tourney in a 3 support attack strat on numbani, using the shield to help punch through to the first point

Not that this is relevant to symmetra in normal games

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Why, so people can be even more toxic than they already are?

There's nothing positive that can come from letting people "see if their team was shit"

Except exposing the shit tier Genji that thinks he was carrying his team and is at the bottom of the scoreboard with no contribution.

All a lack of scoreboard does is instill false confidence in Rambos that think they're doing good.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I hope you're sitting down. 'ere ya go luv!

While not downright hilarious as I was hoping the difference is night and day, you have to compensate for the controller by playing so much slower than you'd like as Tracer, if you watch someone play her with KB+M it's like a different hero, they're zipping in and out constantly, just a complete pest and almost impossible to hit while dropping people left and right, but you just can't do that with a controller. It was very interesting to watch though, did you mention before why you play with a controller? Is it due to a disability or just a choice?

Thanks for delivering!


Really Really Exciting Member!
I have yet to see Ana get POTG in my games. Considering all the other heroes who can easily kill 3+ people in a short amount of time, it's not too surprising...


Want to elaborate on that?

Just using the extra 25 health advantage as extra wiggle room to get picks on the first point, they put in a symmetra in the place of what would usually be second tank, i forget which tank they went with though, prob dva or rein. I think it was c9 vs. envyus but im not 100% sure


I have yet to see Ana get POTG in my games. Considering all the other heroes who can easily kill 3+ people in a short amount of time, it's not too surprising...

They should give support people an assist nod or something when ults are comboed or support ults happen.


Why do people pick defence heros? Whole lineup that is not Junkrat and Mei is trash tier.


Junkrat's skilllsets and attacks are bloody good. You can barrage enemies with mines and your grenades, eat through reinhardt's shield easily and kill alot of 200hp characters heck even some tanks.

Mei is good when she accompanies her teammates. Freeze enemies and let your teammates help you finish them off. Not to mention her ice wall can artifically make a choke point.
While not downright hilarious as I was hoping the difference is night and day, you have to compensate for the controller by playing so much slower than you'd like as Tracer, if you watch someone play her with KB+M it's like a different hero, they're zipping in and out constantly, just a complete pest and almost impossible to hit while dropping people left and right, but you just can't do that with a controller. It was very interesting to watch though, did you mention before why you play with a controller? Is it due to a disability or just a choice?

Thanks for delivering!

Well I'm glad it wasn't as awful as you expected, I have won a few POTG's and had the opposing team calling me out for being a pain in the ass so I can't be doing too bad. t have tried playing with KB+M but my mouse is really bad will stutter with use sometimes, normally not a problem with anything else but of course it's a huge issue playing games; it was far more intense to play like her like that though! But I totally prefer using a controller and don't mind the disadvantage it brings, aiming is the biggest problem but I'm not having much issue just jumping around behind enemy lines and being a nuisance.


Actually many character related balance changes that does not involve in client side logic can easily be patched from the server side if the game is designed that way, and it makes business sense to do so. The server can present the clients with character settings very easily, from weapon spread to range and damage for example.


I'd like some second opinions please. Zenyatta in competitive: Viable?

Absolutely. He does stupid amounts of damage for a support while still being able to heal a decent amount. He shouldn't be the only support on the team, but he's great when paired with another.


Hotfixes, they can do a lot server side for numbers or timers or such so they don't need to wait for a patch. Call of Duty and such does it too nowadays. Torb probably could have been a hotfix, it wouldn't have surprised me if it was doable- it probably only wasn't because of something client side. They can't add proper content or larger things in by hotfix, they can only change how stuff works on the server and the info sent back to you or such.

Yeah, I'm fine with them patching in new content, but why make us wait until the next major patch, if it obvious that Torb was nerfed out of viability, for example.
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