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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Just saw a rank 447.

Decided to hop on solo QP tonight and immediately lost 3 games in a row, and I mean we were crushed to the point that one of the games I made sub 1000 exp because we lost so quickly. I didn't even know that was possible without joining mid-game. It'd be nice if the people I played with got on a little earlier than ~midnight to 1am my time so I can actually enjoy playing the game. Or just be able to play the game at all.


Loss from a guy who quit after round one.

Loss because some guy on my team verbally said he's going AFK because we're going to lose (after losing point A on Anubis, saying B was impossible to defend????????)

Loss on the coinflip.

Season 1 sure is a blast. ._.

Don't worry, this is just the system placing you where you should be.



Its justified when you're doing solo que and no one is communicating anyway. Played a match where everyone just left me to fend for myself as lucio or mercy so i couldnt do any healing anyway. Might as well change to someone who can do damage and hope for the best.

Sometimes I don't mind if the healer changes but give a heads up at least which was my main gripe or change when you're at the select screen when changing rounds. Not knowing that a healer you were expecting to be there for you isn't until a couple of minutes later is annoying as hell.


Sometimes I don't mind if the healer changes but give a heads up at least which was my main gripe or change when you're at the select screen when changing rounds. Not knowing that a healer you were expecting to be there for you isn't until a couple of minutes later is annoying as hell.
I know that feeling. It's like when I'm playing Mercy and healing and my target runs away because we can't two-on-one that enemy Symmetra.

That 76/Genji/Tracer/Reaper/D.Va/* you were expecting to defend you, isn't there.
Ugh, trying out Zenyatta in QP for the first time in a while, and after a nasty loss the Winston on the team whines in chat "Can I get some healing? I'm the big monkey!"

I resisted the urge to type back, "Hi, big monkey! I'm the guy who moves 1/3 the speed as you and can't stick an orb on you when you jump ahead of the rest of the team and get yourself killed over and over again. Nice to meet you!"


Ugh, trying out Zenyatta in QP for the first time in a while, and after a nasty loss the Winston on the team whines in chat "Can I get some healing? I'm the big monkey!"

I resisted the urge to type back, "Hi, big monkey! I'm the guy who moves 1/3 the speed as you and can't stick an orb on you when you jump ahead of the rest of the team and get yourself killed over and over again. Nice to meet you!"

As someone who has to remind their team that the sniper lady can heal people, which is practically every game at this point, I feel you.


fun fact your skill ranking doesn't correlate with your internal blizzard top 500 rank
cause I'm still 75 and was 74 when I was in the top 100s, 75 had me top 100.

75 does not get you top 100 on any console. Soo yeah, system thinks you do good regardless of skill ranking. Meaning you can be a 70 and contesting top 500 or a mid or high 70 and not at all. This is also why your rank just goes gold- cause at that point, who cares about the number?

edit: how dead is this OT if I DP ;_;

edit edit: it could be regional


So do you have to maintain that to get the animated spray at the end of the season or do they count your season highest?

Just saw an answer to this soo-
Apparently I'm locked in for the spray even if I drop to the 50s in ranked. Also locked in for whatever prize 75s get in cash. Meaning I can kinda dick around in ranked at this point, cause I'm locked into a silly high payout and my spray



If the number doesn't matter, wouldn't that just further lean into using one character being a deciding factor in where it places you overall?


I solo queue. We get koth in Ilios. Yay my favorite map. Everyone chooses like a tournament setup team (Zarya, Winston, McCree, Lucio, Zenyatta, Tracer) and we steamroll the first round. No chance for the opposing team whatsoever. I was proud of the whole team.

...Then it happens. Zarya changes to Widowmaker and Lucio changes to Mei. WHAT THE FUCK? We lose every round after that. Like why would you do that? There was no need to counter the enemy team and even if there was we were doing amazing and those changes were bad. Holee crap I don't get people sometimes.

Pfff I'm salty after that. At least I didn't lose much rank points but still. Like I just want to know what were they thinking?


If the number doesn't matter, wouldn't that just further lean into using one character being a deciding factor in where it places you overall?

see edit edit: it's very likely it's regional. But I wouldn't know, 73 didn't get a guy it but at 75 a loss only loses me ~20-30 spots.

And one character becomes the deciding factor if you do good with them. I dunno how it works, I just like how it works!
I have this new thing I do in Quick Play. If I grab a tank and everyone thinks it's ok to just grab attack heroes I hang out in spawn and juggle the objects with Zarya's blasts while they die.


I don't think I can play this game much longer. Just being on losing teams constantly ruins any enjoyment I would otherwise get.


This whole "if you are getting golds and carrying you'll get pushed up" rhetoric is BS. I just won a game with 4 golds, and then lost a game with 4 golds. And my rank is effectively the same. It does NOT seem like individual performance has a huge impact on rank gain.


This whole "if you are getting golds and carrying you'll get pushed up" rhetoric is BS. I just won a game with 4 golds, and then lost a game with 4 golds. And my rank is effectively the same. It does NOT seem like individual performance has a huge impact on rank gain.

Individual performance has a huge impact
Golds don't

The system isn't using your medals to check how good you are.

End of season competitive points based on your highest rank, which isn't confirmed to my knowledge. You definitely get points at the end, but no one knows if it's current or highest (Unless I missed it)


They've also said if you hit top 500 you're in it for good re: spray, soo

We both have payouts good enough to outright buy gold guns coming our way.
So I just had a game where it was almost all rank 60s; this rank 66 on our team brought along his bad 47 friend, but whatever I can live with that. However, there was also a level 33, who was still doing their placement matches on our team. Like wtf the guy was solo too. We couldn’t even get the first point. At the end the rank 66 guy tried to blame me for not Mercy Ult. He told me to stand in front of a train, lol. First of all, my ult wasn’t ready. Second, don’t bring your friend that obviously shouldn’t be playing at this level of play.

This player base sometimes lol.


the holder of the trombone
Really? So getting top time, kills, damage, and objective kills isn't indicative of your performance? What is?

IIRC it might be comparing your performance vs how other people performed with the same character on the same map?

Also gold means nothing without context. You can either be far and away the best player or the best of a shit heap. It's not a great way to gauge performance.


^we have no idea, that's just an assumption sadly. But yes, golds mean nothing.

Nah bro. Nah.

do you want to tell me when I played with people from minute one and we ended up almost a dozen ranks off from each other in the same matches the game was glitching :V

You simply can't hold the argument performance doesn't matter anymore.
Nah bro nah doesn't counter the wall of evidence in this thread so far.

Alternatively, are you telling me I got to top 150 with a ~60% winrate off of...something besides performance?


Here is a morale tip for playing KOTH maps in comp.

I usually play Lucio for KOTH so before the match starts I would type to the team :

"Don't chase for kills, stay in the point"
"Chasing for kills leads to group seperation"
"Don't chase for kills so I can heal you all"

I remind them before every round, once or twice during the round and compliment them good job. A win will usually motivate them to listen to what you say. If a enemy player leave the team I will type "gj guys, we made a sore loser leave the match" This will make your teammates feel good despite the small amount of xp they receive. If you see 2 or 3 go off seperately tell them to come back because the point is empty or can be easily taken.

Yeah so remind them constantly not to chase kills for koth because you need every teammate to hold down/contest a point, more than half the time that will win a match.

In quickplay koth maps.....I don't care to type at all lol.


Wow. You must be crazy good. You should stream on twitch ! Who is your main character?

I only use reaper.
I have like 53 hours on the game and 52 are as reaper, roughly iirc.

I'm not that good tbh :x I do want to make a guide on how to use him a lot more optimally and I'd be fine with streaming, just never thought to for OW, didn't think anyone would watch lol.


I only use reaper.
I have like 53 hours on the game and 52 are as reaper, roughly iirc.

I'm not that good tbh :x I do want to make a guide on how to use him a lot more optimally and I'd be fine with streaming, just never thought to for OW, didn't think anyone would watch lol.

i would watch a game at least... upload one to yt, or something! LOL



Feels good. My brother bought me the PC version of the game and it's basically the first time I've touched it after around 150 hours on PS4. Clearly I'm more experienced than the players I was playing against there, but it was still awesome to get those 12 votes haha.

Can't wait to turn on my PS4 and see what rank I am too. I hope in in that top 500.


I had my first 11/10 match in comp 6v6 it was sooo intense i wish it was recording but oh well... We were all screaming on the mics when we went into overtime for like the 3 times.

I did get play of the game with bastion nano boosted. tho
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