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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Try playing Volskaya five times in a row.



Out of everything in the game, Genji's ult is the thing I'm most inexplicably bad at. I was the same way with the Bladedancer super in Destiny. I always just fucking whiff it. I can get one or two kills usually, but it almost just feels like luck. I don't get it. My timing is fine. I usually use it after flanking the enemy team to create an opportunity for my team to push. Or to try to finish off the enemy stragglers if both sides lost a few players in a big push.

I think I just overextend and lose focus. I worry too much about accidentally the ult, in a way that gives me tunnel vision. So I don't think enough about staying alive and keeping smart positioning. I dunno.

The only other ult I'm as ineffective with is Tracer's bomb. I still have a hard time predicting the throw range. I just plop it on the ground like it's a 100 lb sandbag.
I'm not a Genji player so take it with a grain of salt, but I think the way to use it effectively is taking advantage of the dash and its cooldown reset on elimination to never give the enemy enough time to target you. You should basically constantly dash through enemies to get behind them.


I'm not a Genji player so take it with a grain of salt, but I think the way to use it effectively is taking advantage of the dash and its cooldown reset on elimination to never give the enemy enough time to target you. You should basically constantly dash through enemies to get behind them.

Ish. You basically wanna use it when you have advantage and you see a couple squishies lined up. You just jump over their heads while you murder them, you're hard enough to hit and have monster DPS with sword. Then just use deflect > dash on whoever decided it was a good idea to get your attention and murder them too.

Like if you have a good sword pull, whoever you pulled it on should be dead and there should be somebody else within range to kill. 2 kills is actually a good enough sword; averaging 2-3 a sword isn't a bad thing at all. When you get that really good one where a couple people stacked up you can go to 4+ territory, but that isn't going to be on every sword.

Man, I seriously don't understand how to play D Va at all.

Cram your face into whoever you want to be taken out of a fight, and use DM to stop high damage. That's really it lol
Since people are talking stats in here, does anybody know if theres a minimum time played per match to count as a game completed and/or game won per character?

Its not particularly important, just a curiosity.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
63 down to 60 because every team i'm on refuses to double support when you basically need it to fight the other teams doing it. Welp.


cram face and die is usually how my d va play ends up

That happens sometimes. I can tell you how a good D.Va game went for me today. Offense on Numbani, I walk my team up the stairs and pop up DM to try and get them in. I get hooked and explode instantly. As Zero Suit D.Va you can judt spam shots into the enemy team to get your suit back stupid fast so I did that. The major thing stopping us was a Soldier on the opposite high ground. So I just turned on DM and flew into Soldier and forced him to run. Since he didn't deal damage anymore, my team just went in and fought the rest of the enemy team and won. My suit blew up again at the end of the fight but it didn't matter, I got to remove a DPS when it mattered and got a ton of free damage myself.

The rest of the game was me just me flying into highground to chase away DPS, or diving into a team to kill a low life squishie. So like, use the high amount of health + DM + flight to stick yourself into an enemy that needs to be kept busy. If they're low life then just fly after them and kill them, flight has a low CD so you should be using it constantly. You'll just lose your suit sometimes, but Zero Suit still gives you continued damage and a possibly fast mech.
My DVa strat:

1) Boost in through group, to attack from behind.

2) Shoot until they return fire, then start using deflect

3) This is the part where ideally your teammates realize they have an entire team of squishies with their backs to them

4) Deliver some damage, and then boost the hell to safety.

5) Collect health if necessary

6) Repeat.

I've never found DVa to be as effective as Winston or Reinhardt as a simple point man/bullet sponge. But I've found great success using her to jump in, cause some chaos, absorb some damage, and bounce out.


Man, I seriously don't understand how to play D Va at all.

fly in, shoot shit up, defense matrix during heavy fire, fly out and get health packs when low, nerf this and that, repeat. Nuance stuff like ramming peeps and learning to bob & weave while out of your suit will come w/ practice.
Well. I just saw the payload move when no one, not a single person, was on it. They got the CP because of that. I was even standing by the payload so it should've been contested. It even moved a few feet after that before it fixed itself. Such bull. This was Gibraltar by the way.


Well. I just saw the payload move when no one, not a single person, was on it. They got the CP because of that. I was even standing by the payload so it should've been contested. It even moved a few feet after that before it fixed itself. Such bull. This was Gibraltar by the way.

I had this happen to me too on the same map, wow.
I wish, oh I wish I knew how to play Zarya. I'm so envious of ppl who wreck shit up as her. I just never know when to pop my absorb shield, or when it's the right time to break defence rank and go head in with my 40-50% particle canon. I need wisdom!

ps4 btw.
By broken, I don't mean bad(well...), but filled with bugs. First you could get inside the payload as Tracer. Then you could TP in some boxes as Reaper. Then you couldn't win sudden death on attack. Now this.

It is, literally, broken.

Ah, I gotcha.

I thought you meant broken in design, not execution.
I wish, oh I wish I knew how to play Zarya. I'm so envious of ppl who wreck shit up as her. I just never know when to pop my absorb shield, or when it's the right time to break defence rank and go head in with my 40-50% particle canon. I need wisdom!

ps4 btw.

You just have to be super reckless with Zarya for a couple seconds at a time. I usually wait until after the enemy has started shooting to put up my shield, similar to Genji's reflect. Or shield teammates that you know are about to get shot at, like a D.Va that's trying to solo the enemy team.

They might still die, but hey, free charge.
I wish, oh I wish I knew how to play Zarya. I'm so envious of ppl who wreck shit up as her. I just never know when to pop my absorb shield, or when it's the right time to break defence rank and go head in with my 40-50% particle canon. I need wisdom!

ps4 btw.

Shield allies ahead of you, and yourself, when under fire and not before. You want enemies to have to realise they need to stop shooting, rather than pre-emptively not firing. Done right it is a path to quick charges of 20-40% depending on how quickly the enemy adapts, and once you're at mid-charge your explosive alt-fire is devastating. At that point you can lead the charge and therefore max out your charge, becoming an engine of destruction that is difficult to stop.

Just be sure to take advantage of Zarya's 200 shield. Retreating to let it recharge can be a worthwhile trade-off to losing some charge. It's a bit of an ebb and flow for her.

When your team has blobbed up from your help and you gain charge, that is the time to press forward and/or ult. Try to use it when allies are ready to focus them down, with whatever they have; even randoms are good at recognising opportunities to alpha strike. Plus, ult with full ammo/charge and your alt-fire can devastate an enemy blob.

Zarya is a beast.
I wish, oh I wish I knew how to play Zarya. I'm so envious of ppl who wreck shit up as her. I just never know when to pop my absorb shield, or when it's the right time to break defence rank and go head in with my 40-50% particle canon. I need wisdom!

ps4 btw.

For shielding yourself make sure you're already or about to receive some fire. That's why half her health is shields. For allies it's just good judgement. It's tricky especially if they're about to run away. Also shielding someone that walks past you instead of that person getting shot by 5 people can be pretty annoying.


What is it about the scripting in Gibraltar that makes it so fucked up anyway? When they tried to "balance" the map by tweaking it in the recent patch, it completely messed up Sudden Death. Now there are reports of the Payload being moved by ghosts. What haunts this location?! Is there an explanation in the deep lore?!
What is it about the scripting in Gibraltar that makes it so fucked up anyway? When they tried to "balance" the map by tweaking it in the recent patch, it completely messed up Sudden Death. Now there are reports of the Payload being moved by ghosts. What haunts this location?! Is there an explanation in the deep lore?!
It's all part of the Sombra ARG.

Fighting against tTop 500 dudes. Wish us luck
I'll begin the preparations for your funeral.


You guys think Blizz will ever patch in a full replay mode? Would love to be able to watch a match and move around with the camera Halo style.
Thanks for the advice dudes, noted all your tips for future play tonight. I had no idea Zaryas charge worked for her alt-fire too, thats interesting. I always forget that zarya is mostly shield and can regen, so I'll try and keep that in mind too.

It's the ebb and flow that does indeed screw with me, I find it incredibly difficult to find the flow of combat that's required to bop in and out. But, I could also be overthinking her and all I need to do is practice when to preempt folks shooting at me.
You guys think Blizz will ever patch in a full replay mode? Would love to be able to watch a match and move around with the camera Halo style.

That feature seems like Bungie dark sorcery. Has any other game provided a replay mode that basically recreated the action in-engine and allowed you such viewing freedom via playback?

Permanently A

Junior Member
fly in, shoot shit up, defense matrix during heavy fire, fly out and get health packs when low, nerf this and that, repeat. Nuance stuff like ramming peeps and learning to bob & weave while out of your suit will come w/ practice.

That happens sometimes. I can tell you how a good D.Va game went for me today. Offense on Numbani, I walk my team up the stairs and pop up DM to try and get them in. I get hooked and explode instantly. As Zero Suit D.Va you can judt spam shots into the enemy team to get your suit back stupid fast so I did that. The major thing stopping us was a Soldier on the opposite high ground. So I just turned on DM and flew into Soldier and forced him to run. Since he didn't deal damage anymore, my team just went in and fought the rest of the enemy team and won. My suit blew up again at the end of the fight but it didn't matter, I got to remove a DPS when it mattered and got a ton of free damage myself.

The rest of the game was me just me flying into highground to chase away DPS, or diving into a team to kill a low life squishie. So like, use the high amount of health + DM + flight to stick yourself into an enemy that needs to be kept busy. If they're low life then just fly after them and kill them, flight has a low CD so you should be using it constantly. You'll just lose your suit sometimes, but Zero Suit still gives you continued damage and a possibly fast mech.

It finally clicked for me. Got a potg where I killed 3 people with ult and had two games with 14 player killstreak and 54% kill participation. Thanks for the advice.


I remember the first time I went against top 500 players.

3 stack of top 500s on the enemy team while my entire team were around the 65 rank. We were down by 10 ranks in the average ranks.

We got destroyed but we only lost 1cm of rank. Still a huge waste of time though...

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
So I'm thinking about learning how to play at a lower mouse DPI, since I can't aim that precisely with 3500, but I'm afraid of losing out on being able to react quickly to enemies sneaking up on me. Is it worth doing to improve my aim?
zarya is the best character in the game besides maybe lucio, imo. i feel like i never die with her, and she always seems impossible to kill. she also has one of the most satisfying ults.
So I'm thinking about learning how to play at a lower mouse DPI, since I can't aim that precisely with 3500, but I'm afraid of losing out on being able to react quickly to enemies sneaking up on me. Is it worth doing to improve my aim?

Depends on the character you play probably.

The longer the range of engagement, the more the lower dps will help you. The closer the engagement distance, the more it will hurt you.

Generally speaking, if you're playing say, Hanzo, and a Reaper/Soldier/Gengi/Traver drops in behind you, you're screwed anyway, regardless of DPS.

If your mouse or mouse driver has profiles you can switch on the fly, you might consider making multiple profiles for each character.


So I'm thinking about learning how to play at a lower mouse DPI, since I can't aim that precisely with 3500, but I'm afraid of losing out on being able to react quickly to enemies sneaking up on me. Is it worth doing to improve my aim?

I play on 5 sens at 800 DPI at SR70. It works fine for me. A lot of pros seem to be in the 6-7 range at 800 DPI. It's worth it and way easier on your wrist/arm too.

edit: My soldier/McCree are on a 4 btw, Pharah and Genji on a 6.
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