... why is Reaper's summer games voiceline "It's in the refrigerator."
Can't help but link it again :3
... why is Reaper's summer games voiceline "It's in the refrigerator."
I got back into the game last night and I got four PotGs in a row! That felt so good. Ana is really fun too. I thought I wouldn't like her since I suck at sniping but I'm not doing too bad with her. I find myself no-scoping a lot.
I got my first POTG as Ana last night - I grenaded about four people in a Zarya Graviton Surge and got credit for all four kills. I'll take it.
But no-scope Ana is much better than playing her as a sniper. I find myself focusing more on healing my team with regular shots and grenading/sleeping enemies.
nice, who says you can't solo your way to the top? lol
That doesn't really apply when you start at the top already.nice, who says you can't solo your way to the top? lol
The worst part about this community is reading balance suggestions by players to overcome their own shortcomings.
Offensive heroes are actually better at defending than defense heroes. All the defense heroes are pretty underwhelming, except maybe Junkrat. Also, Genji is very good on defense.I hate playing with a group thats defending with 3 attackers and two of them are Genji. Its pretty fucking annoying. Doesnt even cover the ground of a balanced team.
hope to have some good Comp games tonight with some Gaffers. I'm in the mood to blow up dudes.
lmao, Sombra hacked someone's GPU
Korean streamer got banned while he uses hacks
What a fucking idiot, well deserved.
Blatant too. What an idiot. Wasn't even one of those ones where you can't be sure he's not just really good.
Wut? nah his movement as Widow is totally unnatural.
Edit: to go with it:
If anyone is curious. I placed at 66 from my initial 10 games. Fell all the way down to 62 when I first started solo queuing. Then climbed back up over the course of the entire season pretty much. I hit a wall at 73 for a long time, and even fell back down to 68 before I would climb back up and just now break through.
2nd Edit: PSN, btw.
It seems to be around 8 EST on Tuesdays.what time does the brawl usually reset?
what time does the brawl usually reset?
That doesn't really apply when you start at the top already.
Sombra hype??? VVVVWhat is this 170mb patch the launcher is preloading today?
Seems like they're opening up a spot for her based on this.Just something I have noticed, and I am sure others have as well, but the Hero gallery has changed configuration recently. After Ana the Hero Gallery was perfectly lined up with 11 on top 11 on the bottom row. Now there are 13 up top and 11 on the bottom leaving a space under each hero at the end of the top row. Could be nothing, but still weird change to make nonetheless.
Korean streamer got banned while he uses hacks
What a fucking idiot, well deserved.
lmao, Sombra hacked someone's GPU
Quick question. Are you using X for her hover? If so, you can use L2 to do the same thing. I thought the same thing you did until I figured that out.Anyone here uses Farah on console, looking for control remap recommendations. Would like to start using her but the default control kinda impossible.
What is this 170mb patch the launcher is preloading today?
Anyone here uses Farah on console, looking for control remap recommendations. Would like to start using her but the default control kinda impossible.
holy fuck dude
i just won a game where we were both tied at 51 mmr, and i got barely a centimeter of my bar filled up.
the previous game, I had 2 quitters on my team and lost like 2 whole bars.
what the actual fuck
That doesn't really apply when you start at the top already.
you still need to hope to have good randoms to reach it. a shitty team ain't gonna help.
That doesn't really apply when you start at the top already.
Anyone here uses Farah on console, looking for control remap recommendations. Would like to start using her but the default control kinda impossible.
is mostly true, if you're outplaying your level it's not really worth noting. Regardless of the randoms in the 50s and 60s for 3-4 teammates every match, I still was able to consistently do actions that could overwhelmingly be considered saving a match due to skill difference.
To reword, a good team can take someone to an high rank regardless of if everyone on the team individiaully is actually a worse rank, but solo queue will throw you where you need to be eventually.
Exactly where is starting at the top?
i soloed for one match last night and ended up with a 5 man group. they were pretty terrible and struggled to take the capture point. they also kept splitting up for no reason. i was the one who ended up taking out 3 guys with my Ult and we captured the first point and it was the PotM. went into Sudden Death and these guys couldn't defend for shit. boy, that was frustrating. I had better luck with all randoms than with this group of guys.
Quick question. Are you using X for her hover? If so, you can use L2 to do the same thing. I thought the same thing you did until I figured that out.
FWIW 60s is high.
I played with friends who were 40s in placement so we placed rather low, then worked up to 70s after
not all pros place 70s instantly if they aren't in their pro team group from minute one.
Korean streamer got banned while he uses hacks
What a fucking idiot, well deserved.