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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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I always get confused when people say defense heroes are weak when junkrat behind reins shield is a solid alternative to pharah in terms of aoe damage and he can out put solid damage to take out enemy reins shield or just spamming grenades on payloads to get enemies off.

He might be overshadowed by pharah but he is no slouch. Defense heroes are weak yes but not junkrat.

Junkrat is solid but highly situational. The problem with the defensive heroes is that you have to replace a hero who is highly effective in almost any situation - like McCree, Reaper, or even the nerfed Soldier - and it can be hard to justify it if you're going for the most effective comp.

The current meta is heavily centered on 2/2/2, so in many cases you only have two slots to fit in a defense hero, and the attackers for the most part are simply stronger, more versatile picks.

McCree and Reaper in particular are outstanding on defense because they are both strong in team fights and can punish flankers, keeping their backline safe and winning the big battles. And both ults are great for wombos.

And to put the defense heroes on offense, you're also replacing big flankers like Genji and Tracer, both of whom can get a lot of work done in this meta. Genji is strong enough atm that he's frequently seen on both offense and defense.
What's going to happen in the gap between Season 1 and Season 2? Since Season 2 is starting in September, there's going to be at least a week or two of downtime. Is it just going to be qp like when the game came out?

It's probably good for me because I start school around that time and can't be worrying about my Overwatch rank.


What's going to happen in the gap between Season 1 and Season 2? Since Season 2 is starting in September, there's going to be at least a week or two of downtime. Is it just going to be qp like when the game came out?

It's probably good for me because I start school around that time and can't be worrying about my Overwatch rank.

pretty much.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
what would it be if zen was faster (i don't meant when he ults).
he's just as fun as Lucio but i need that lucio to stay on speed lol.

discording people is fun. i think i'm more aware of my surrounding than some of my teammates. because i'm backline.

harassing widow is fun too lol.

Stop trying to make already OP heroes even more OP.


what would it be if zen was faster (i don't meant when he ults).
he's just as fun as Lucio but i need that lucio to stay on speed lol.

discording people is fun. i think i'm more aware of my surrounding than some of my teammates. because i'm backline.

harassing widow is fun too lol.

Overwatch would implode, Zen becomes S+ tier, QP is 6v6 Zen.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
What's going to happen in the gap between Season 1 and Season 2? Since Season 2 is starting in September, there's going to be at least a week or two of downtime. Is it just going to be qp like when the game came out?

It's probably good for me because I start school around that time and can't be worrying about my Overwatch rank.
Either QP only or a Comp preseason to give everyone a chance to practice with Season 2 rules.


Some of the Gosu guys put together a pretty neat infographic about the upcoming ESL finals at Gamescom and what the game looked like leading up to it. The results are kinda gross but hey it is informative and pretty.



KotH has been flooded with a lot of Genji's and Tracers. Turrets are easy deterrents for those two.

Similarly, I've seen a few Bastion pop up when teams go heavy on the tanks. As long as there isn't a DVa, Bastion can usually get a couple kills in before he gets wiped out. Especially against a Roadhog, Winston, or Zarya.

Bastion is a surprisingly fun pick. I'm actually spending much more time fighting in Recon mode and swapping to Turret only when necessary on the maps you normally wouldn't pick him. It feels like his Recon mode gun is way more powerful than it gets credit for.

The sad part about OW at the moment is it isn't balanced at all. Certain picks are much much better than others the vast majority of the time.

It's really a shame really- this thread shouldn't even be able to say "please stop using hanzo or any defense hero", because it's really on blizzard to fix that.

Eh, I don't really agree that there are certain picks that are better than others the vast majority of the time. That's simplifying things too much. I feel like it's squelching the actual complexity of the situations that actually occur to say so.

That said, I do agree that balance is lacking but at the same time, it's in a precarious spot, especially with defense heroes. Their tools are designed specifically that they can't be quantified and interact with the game in a manner that requires more than kill X or Y. I think that balancing them in the wrong manner will throw the entire balance off in a bad way. Mei would be a prime example of that.

Though, I don't think you could buff Hanzo up to be super good aside from reworking him. Small buffs won't help. =P

I mean you can argue the semantics about it, but there are times when it is flat out incorrect to be outside of meta once it's been established. I like it when stuff gets busted and surprises happen, but it just doesn't usually. You know me, I'd rather know as much as possible about what I can do to win and see what I can do to have fun. If the meta is fun I climb, if not I play more casually or not at all.

Sure, but that's when the meta is solidified, the game has been explored, everything has been broken down and there aren't changes coming. I don't feel like OW is in that spot yet especially when there's so much left to consider.

That's sort of my annoyance with this talk when it really doesn't bother me as much in a fighting game or even MOBAs. FPS have a lot of player control so minute things that can be done change things a lot when compared to other genres of games. Then adding on team mechanics and unique abilities like OW has, there's a lot to consider on top of the things that are common between game genres. As I said above, it's just reducing so much complexity without really looking at it and seeing what it takes to make it work.

I mean, I get that most people dgaf, but when people talk about balance and what is good or isn't I'll talk about meta because that's our best understanding of current balance. I like talking about it :p if people wanna play off meta for fun and not give a fuck that's fine and great, but I also will chime in when those same people wanna talk about balance and strats.

I'm all for that, but I'd rather talk specifics and look at it all myself really. There's good discussion to be had, I think. Like, I haven't really seen any good reason why Zen is the autopick as a support other than Discord Orb. I admit it's a super strong tool especially with his recent buffs but when I look at all the possible things that occur on maps, I don't really see him as overwhelming the other supports.

I'l have to get back to that after my flight though. 10 hour one to Japan soon, lol.

Also yeah current meta OW is kinda shit and restricted. I hope it gets fixed after Gamescom.

I'd love to see your thoughts on how it can be less restrictive. As I said above, I feel like the game would just go nuts if they balance the defense heroes wrong even a little.

Edit: on trash mouse specifically he's D tier cause niche, but that doesn't make him a good DPS. He just has "usable" moments is all.

I think Junkrat is definitely above a D tier but C+ or B- Tier at most. However, I don't know what the tiers actually look like. I'm just going by the lettering. lol

He has a lot of things he can do to increase his effectiveness that I don't know if folks are doing. He definitely has a weak spot in big open spaces. That can be dealt but it's just faster to go with another hero if necessary.

I'll check the thread later after I get into Tokyo and check into my hotel, lol.
Stop trying to make already OP heroes even more OP.

Overwatch would implode, Zen becomes S+ tier, QP is 6v6 Zen.

i'm just trying to play less Lucio. and zen is a lot of fun with the changes but i need him a little faster lol. actually. just make everyone slower, blizzard.
i make mei relevant because i discord the people she's attacking. and him them a few times and let her get the last hit.


Well shouta zen is an autopick because all of his tools make him ridiculously good. He heals a bit slower than mercy while doing almost as much as a DPS and can discord someone to ruin their entire day. Discord is arguably the best move in the game (between that and speed boos), making him an autopick.

It's not that the other healers can't heal, it's just Zen does so much more than that.

Look at the tourney results Anne posted and the pick rates. If you look at the switched off of rates too, it's very telling (not on there though sadly).

Some of the Gosu guys put together a pretty neat infographic about the upcoming ESL finals at Gamescom and what the game looked like leading up to it. The results are kinda gross but hey it is informative and pretty.

Informative indeed

blizz please balance.


I think Junkrat is definitely above a D tier but C+ or B- Tier at most. However, I don't know what the tiers actually look like. I'm just going by the lettering. lol

He has a lot of things he can do to increase his effectiveness that I don't know if folks are doing. He definitely has a weak spot in big open spaces. That can be dealt but it's just faster to go with another hero if necessary.

I'll check the thread later after I get into Tokyo and check into my hotel, lol.

Shhhhh, it's good that he's "D-tier". Less people will pick him so I don't need to fight for it.


the metagame is going to stay restricted until we get more heroes and maps tbh

lucios prolly gonna have to get nerfed someday. i tried to have hope that he could stay like he is and then have the other supports brought to his level but it just aint realistic without making some abominations in the process


Zen deals 60 an orb with discord and 120 a headshot at all ranges. McCree deals 70/140 a left click up to 21m. Zen has pretty good DPS. That alone isn't super damning, just with 200hp that means he will be able to out DPS them in a 1v1. All that really means is his DPS overcomes his survivability issues at 200hp. Didn't at 150 cause he could get more or less 1 shot all the time.

And yeah, I just think nerfing discord and maybe a little more something will make hime fine. At 200hp and 30% he'll still probably be auto include. Idk if that will be the "well this just works" autoinclude or "you can't fight this without one" autoinclude. If Lucio gets nerfed too the game will be a lot different so that might be okay.

Immediate discord is actually insanity, that has to go imo. In certain situation I just go down without even being able to retailiate.
This is exactly how I feel every time I come in here and people tell me I'm playing it wrong even tho I've been doing well. Whatever, I think I'm done with this meta talk. If I reach 70's before deadline, I will let you know if you meta guys were right or not. Comparing us to pros is not how I want to think of this game.

So basically Overwatch falls in the same trap fighting games do. The tier/meta list dictates the large majority of the player base. I think I've lost more times trying to satisfy my team's "meta theory" than just using my best characters. I'm done trying to conform, I just pick Zarya to account for my teams stupidity (Symmettra on first point Hanamura... come the fuck...whatever). If that doesn't work, I'll switch to a DPS character and do my own thing (unless my team is actually working together).


So basically Overwatch falls in the same trap fighting games do. The tier/meta list dictates the large majority of the player base. I think I've lost more times trying to satisfy my team's "meta theory" than just using my best characters. I'm done trying to conform, I just pick Zarya to account for my teams stupidity (Symmettra on first point Hanamura... come the fuck...whatever). If that doesn't work, I'll switch to a DPS character and do my own thing (unless my team is actually working together).

This works in FG where you can outplay someone (a skilled roy can beat any fox in melee, etc), but in a competitive situation yes, the playerbase is forced out of using the low tiers unless they're miles above everyone else in skill. A skilled roy can't beat a top fox :p

I compare OW to a FG mentally, not a shooter.

(for a better idea, replace roy with defense hero and apply it to most situations instead of every situation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmApv9btxko)


So basically Overwatch falls in the same trap fighting games do. The tier/meta list dictates the large majority of the player base. I think I've lost more times trying to satisfy my team's "meta theory" than just using my best characters. I'm done trying to conform, I just pick Zarya to account for my teams stupidity (Symmettra on first point Hanamura... come the fuck...whatever). If that doesn't work, I'll switch to a DPS character and do my own thing (unless my team is actually working together).

Have fun and a win is a win. Play whoever you're comfortable with and you'll do well. That's how I look at it. If I was being crushed in every match, I would totally switch my main. But if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

And hey, people didn't expect Mika to make it to EVO top 8 let alone the finals. ;)


Looking to build a 65+ team on competitive for PC. Anybody interested? Looking for players with peak 65+

As of two days ago I was level 67 and climbing at a pretty steady rate. Then I had some bad luck monday.....losing 12 games in a row. It didnt matter how good I played, things just always ended badly. Games with 4 golds, bad coinflips, team mates leaving even when we were dominating, etc. And apparently when you go on a losing streak it starts to rank you down an entire level per loss, which is kind of bs, but that is a different story.

Anyways, I think I have had enough of trying to solo it. I want to start building a well rounded team that can communicate and pick heros that are needed rather than being selfish.

My two mains are D.VA and Reaper. I have been working with Ana recently as well with some success, but still could improve on her.

Would love to get a good Rein and Zenyatta on my team. Anyways, if anybody is interested in building a team with me that would be awesome.

I went from 60 to 51 due to the same problems you mentioned. Had multiple gold games but couldn't recover due to bad teammates. All it takes is one fucking up and you lose and then snowballs. Anyway, I play Zenyatta, Lucio, Pharah, Mccree, Soldier 76. I can play at most times really, so PM me if you're interested.
Some of the Gosu guys put together a pretty neat infographic about the upcoming ESL finals at Gamescom and what the game looked like leading up to it. The results are kinda gross but hey it is informative and pretty.

Look at all that defense hero play!


Isn't the silver portrait for above level 600..?

Yeah, some guy is 1000 or so.

Look at all that defense hero play!

They need to fix this game so it's not a weird lopsided discussion in the thread of "yes we know they're low tier enjoy it though" vs "my character is totally viable" that we see. Yes, low tiers are 'usable', but why argue something else.

Unless you're using a Mei profile picture and you don't main Mei.

No one in here would do that though :p


Some of the Gosu guys put together a pretty neat infographic about the upcoming ESL finals at Gamescom and what the game looked like leading up to it. The results are kinda gross but hey it is informative and pretty.

It's time for a Pharah buff. Less cool downtime please on her abilities.


I still wish that someone would explain why defense heroes are fundamentally flawed as a whole here. I see them plenty (then again, I am in 50's hell), and their pretty often effective. You could argue that certain characters are more viable, but for me, it's often more about whether there is an ability that a character can pull out that will save everyone's ass. Sometimes, that's Mei's Blizzard. Sometimes that can be Bastion's Tank mode.

Defense heroes feel legit for the most part.


Weirdest thing ever just happend..

I was watching both seagulls and coollers twitch, then seagull ended and started hosting cooller lol. That was random. :)

Nice to see the old quake god get some views :p


I still wish that someone would explain why defense heroes are fundamentally flawed as a whole here. I see them plenty (then again, I am in 50's hell), and their pretty often effective. You could argue that certain characters are more viable, but for me, it's often more about whether there is an ability that a character can pull out that will save everyone's ass. Sometimes, that's Mei's Blizzard. Sometimes that can be Bastion's Tank mode.

Defense heroes feel legit for the most part.

Like do you want a full write up on why they're not effective as the game currently is played and why they need a serious buff or balance to make them work? Anne/Bigz/Myself can probably write it up if it would help rather than this thread going in circles on the topic every 3 or 4 days.

Note: in 50s hell they will be played to a decent extent because people aren't playing the game the most 'optimal' way or whatever, meaning quad mei could probably win if needed from some levels.

edit: bringing it up in here because it's solely related to this thread
Can we not subtweet this thread constantly and call people out in obvious ways? Discussion of a game doesn't make people worse people, there's no reason to equate differing views to personal insults or anything of the sort. I'm bringing it up because I really am not a fan of it after a week and I'm probably done with this thread due to simply checking twitter and being offended by it. A game doesn't make someone who they are or anything of the sort, someone isn't a worse person because of thoughts on a video games balance. Might just leave the thread with that final word (minus checking later if Veelk wants a write up). I'm...actually saddened by that compared to anything anyone's said in here, since discussion is completely different.


I'd love to see your thoughts on how it can be less restrictive. As I said above, I feel like the game would just go nuts if they balance the defense heroes wrong even a little.

I'll leave this here for when you get back and whoever else is interested.

Basically, Lucio/Zenyatta are really strong right now and they enable certain types of strategies that are extremely difficult to counter. Lucio's speedboost and Zenyatta's discord combined open up a type of teamfight and engage that is extremely hard to beat. Basically, with characters moving that fast and Zenyatta being able to half the life of any character he chooses, teams can start a fight by speed boosting in and choosing a target to murder. Countering this type of strategy is very hard. Having a healer counter the damage is more or less impossible because it is so much damage that comes down so fast. Having a tank mitigate the push is the current counter people are running, but I'll explain later why this still isn't that great. That really leaves the way to play around it to kill the other team first, or to avoid getting engaged on like that. If you wanna kill the other team first, your best bet is to run the same Lucio/Zen strat as them so that it comes down to almost a mirror match.

So because of all that above, who do you pick with your Zen/Lucio combo? DPS is actually pretty wide open, but there are 3 heroes that specifically get major benefits from this combo. McCree with speedboost actually tank busts Rein very easily since he can flash over shield and FtH. McCree with Discord+heashot deals 210 damage a hit so he can insta-kill every DPS outside of Reaper and still tank bust basically anything. His interaction with speedboosted high noon is also really great for fights. Reaper is really strong because the best way to stop this rush strat is to stack tanks(other than running it yourself and winning the fight first). If Reaper gets to speedboost into a discorded tank he's going to two or three shot them. He also has good ult interactions with this team too. He's also good at holding ult in order to try and counter this type of push as well. It makes sense for him to be in meta this way. The last one that gets picked is Genji, and he's mostly picked because jumping on a discorded guy might mean he 100% bursts them, and he has a sword. He's also good on specific segments of popular maps. Admittedly, Genji is just kinda good on his own and has the ability to play into this strat well so he sees play.

Then you have the DPS that loses out. Pharah isn't picked because discord orb murders her. At the same time, the way Pharah contributes to the types of fights we're seeing now lacks impact compared to those listed above. She just gets isolated and dies. Then you have Soldier who honestly is not a bad character but he's just not good enough at the top 3 to be in meta. In solo q he's still pretty good though, just there's generally always a better option.

So now comes the tanks. Luckily, basically every tank has some place in the meta besides Roadhog, and Roadhog gets picked still. There are some major winners here because you got Zarya in the mix. She was already a top 5 character, and now she cleanses discord orb. Not only does she cleanse discord orb, she allows whoever she wants to dive into a team fight and get free damage on the discorded target. So the type of fighting Zen/Lucio encourage she excels at while also being able to fight against it. She's really good in this meta. Rein is Rein. He has a big square. He's less good now because McCree speedboosting into his shield deletes him, but he's still good at controlling fights before engages happen. Winston is a monster with the Zarya combo right now too. His bubble will isolate whoever he wants and he gets around discord by having Zarya shield him into a fight. D.Va is similar but works better for maps with more variable high ground. Roadhog gets crapped on by this meta, he's the only one to be noticeably worse. He only gets picked by teams that think they can rely on him to get a pick to stop fights from happening, and if he ever fails he auto dies. In the event of a push, he's next to useless. It's just how it is.

So, all the tanks have viability and most of the offense heroes, right? That's not so bad looking. But then you realize that they are all viable in the same type of fight and strat. With Lucio/Zen strats making them all good at this one thing, every match devolves into this one thing. Poke > pick > discord + speed > wipe. That strategy is so dominant and hard to counter that you have to pick a strat into it. The best counter strat is to have tanks like Zarya uses shields to disengage. I mentioned that earlier. That /still loses/ to this. The only real way to avoid this fight is to win out of poking with McCree or something but it just doesn't happen often.

So if this is the way all fights will be fought, where do defense heroes fall in? Torb turrets don't do enough damage to be a factor in a fight that happens this fast and will move past the turret usually anyways. Same story with Bastion, the fight just moves past him since he's so static. There is some cheese to sticking him in the back and pulling the fight into him, but the risk of doing that, combined to the fact if you want to engage yourself he's useless, makes him not worth it. Hanzo/Widow also can't benefit from this engage and flat out don't deal enough damage to stop it.

That leaves Junkrat and Mei. Junkrat actually sees some use on first point in some maps. His set up and area denial in certain areas stop this type of engage from being as strong and allow a team to poke more and stall out. That's what we want to happen, that's awesome. Only problem is this only works on like 3 maps, and if it fails there's almost no way to recover a fight. Also, like other defense heroes, if you're on defense and need your own Lucio/Zen fight he's pretty bad outside of ult. Mei is the same way, Mei's wall is the godsend at stopping rush strats since she can just plop a wall into the middle of the squad to isolate them. Again, if this fails and a full fight breaks out she's useless and it only works on specific maps.

None of those defense heroes are bad, they just don't work well in the meta that Lucio/Zen create. They're forced out. The other supports are also forced out to because they can't really fight it. Ana nade + Lucio amp it up are still not enough healing to stop a discord + speedboost rush. So why even pick Ana over Lucio/Zen? You don't wanna. You can try a three support comp, but then you lose DPS in those fights which can be an issue. Mercy rez was actually the old counter to Lucio speedboost fights, if you lose the engage you wipe on purpose to get Mercy rez. Rez is nerfed, Mercy's damage buff is way worse than Zen's, she can't outheal burst. She's out. Sym is the same story as junk and Mei. She's good and can work first point, but if it fails it's an auto loss and she can't fight as well. You might see a team forego a tank and try her to elongate a first point, but that's really about it.

And I think that's the cast. If you want the best core team it's spelled out for you there in almost any situation, there's no need to deviate from it. No need to run any other strat than Lucio/Zen death ball. Any hero that can't fit in that strat gets tossed out or is a niche pick that carries high risk along with it. KotH meta is similar btw, the only difference is Tracer > McCree due to the less lane like nature of fights.

My personal view on it is that I actually don't mind high pickrate staple heroes. There are only 22 heroes, it'll happen. But the fact the meta is built around a strat that auto locks in so many heroes and can barely be deviated from is a problem. Even if the game had mirrors each side every single round, it might be enjoyable if the strats could vary. But they can't, it's just whichever teams runs this strat the best xN wins. And that is shitty.

One answer to fix it is to develop a consistent anti-Lucio/Zen strat worth running, which hasn't happened yet and I dunno how it would outside of something like the Mei strat. The other answer is to nerf those abilities on Zen/Lucio and see if the game develops more varied strats/comps or if it settles back into the same old shit. I dunno what would happen in that scenario, but it's worth trying.

A third option is to buff defense heroes and other counters to that strat. Let's be honest here, the only way to buff Torb or other counter strats to this this level would also make them insane and not fun and break even more of the game in some places. It's why I'm not on the "buff defense" train, I don't want them to get buffed to some crazy extreme to combat something that is already a heavy outlier.

I dunno, those are my thoughts on the meta and why it is so strict and shitty :p I would really really really love the game to open up so there's more room for more things to happen, but there just isn't right now. If you're low enough level to not encounter this strat every single game (I'm only SR70 on PC and I see it every single fucking game), then don't worry about it. Eventually it will creep down, or it will just become boring and people will stop watching tournaments or drop out of high level solo q.


and my write up isn't needed, Anne really covered it all. o/ thread, was fun. Still probably going to lurk at awful hours for antiwhippy or such.


Like do you want a full write up on why they're not effective as the game currently is played and why they need a serious buff or balance to make them work? Anne/Bigz/Myself can probably write it up if it would help rather than this thread going in circles on the topic every 3 or 4 days.

Note: in 50s hell they will be played to a decent extent because people aren't playing the game the most 'optimal' way or whatever, meaning quad mei could probably win if needed from some levels.

Sure, I guess, though I don't know how receptive I'll be since I feel we're talking from different levels of play. That's the thing I think people might get tunnel vision over, that the highest tier skill level is what decides what is balance, and one has to keep in mind that the game is for everyone.

As of right now, in mid tier skill, I don't see the defense heroes as underpowered. In fact, their the ones who can get instakills from normal fire (hanzo, widow, Junkrat) and can do all sorts of things to make players lives hell, which is what I perceive their strength to be. I'm sure that higher level players have easy counters to that, and I guess that should be fixed, but you have to be careful not the fudge up things for the people lower on the ladder.

Note: in 50s hell they will be played to a decent extent because people aren't playing the game the most 'optimal' way or whatever, meaning quad mei could probably win if needed from some levels.

Yeah, that's what I mean. A game that's only balanced on an optimal level would not be a well designed game.
Defense heroes are either mostly stationary (Bastion, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Torbjörn's turret), or their main goal is to slow down or halt enemy progress (Mei and Junkrat).

Furthermore, almost all Defense class heroes are easily countered/picked off, and except for Junkrat and to a lesser extent Bastion, do not have the raw damage output of offense heroes or the utility of tanks/support.

Everything that Defense heroes do, other classes do better. A good Reinhardt or Zarya is much better at slowing down enemy progress than Torbjörn's turret or Mei's freeze is. A good McCree or Genji is better than Hanzo or Widowmaker at picking off high priority targets. A good Zenyatta or Reaper is better than Bastion or Junkrat at melting tanks. Pharah has more reliable AoE damage than Junkrat.

And of course, all of those heroes bring additional utility or strengths to the table that the Defense class simply does not have.

In other words: If you have the pick of slowing down or outright killing, killing is always the preferred option.

Permanently A

Junior Member
One answer to fix it is to develop a consistent anti-Lucio/Zen strat worth running, which hasn't happened yet and I dunno how it would outside of something like the Mei strat. The other answer is to nerf those abilities on Zen/Lucio and see if the game develops more varied strats/comps or if it settles back into the same old shit. I dunno what would happen in that scenario, but it's worth trying.

What if Sombra is a defensive hacker that can lock out enemy abilities? Like shutting down Amp It Up and Discord Orb.


What if Sombra is a defensive hacker that can lock out enemy abilities? Like shutting down Amp It Up and Discord Orb.

Then you just run Sombra on every team :p

That's how power creep happens. That ability is really powerful, so then you just run Sombra. Then, you need to make something to compete with Sombra. And so on.

It's not impossible to introduce new elements into the game if they want to keep the Lucio/Zen strat as strong of a thing, but then you risk just having to keep upping the power level every iteration or wiping a significant portion of the game down.



Okay, I see the problems now much more clearly. Thank you for writing that all out.

Yeah, I don't see this strategy every game regarding other heroes, but I do see Zenny+Lucio all the damn time and I almost resign myself to a loss whenever the other team has that and we don't. It usually doesn't matter what we pick in terms of DPS output, but we always need a Z+L combo.

And I agree, those two need a nerf and bad. The defense heroes are in a good spot, but they're just overshadowed by that combo. It makes me question whether I even want to get up to the 70 rank (well, I do, but not for the gameplay, just so I can benefit from getting the CP)


great post anne
worth mentioning that tracer/genji have the ability to break up the linearity that lucio/zen bring but often just end up contributing to it

mebbe zen could get charges on his discord that get eaten up by dmg ticks but that sounds really awful to balance
Holy shit I cannot believe I'm getting dragged into the low 50s after starting out at 55, getting up to 57 all because I've decided to solo que. This was such a mistake. I cannot believe how brain dead people can be in these ranks.


I'll make a side not: Lucio's speedboost has always been a thing since beta. A lot of current strats flat rely on him to do things and some balancing has already happened with this in mind. There are some pros that are just okay with Lucio being an autopick and speedboost being a core part of the game. From that perspective of it almost always being there, I guess that makes sense.

Obviously I'm of the opinion that speedboost influencing the game to this degree will always happen and you'd need a significantly stronger support to edge that out, so strong we'd end up with the same problem again.

Just pointing out the way you might see it put elsewhere. Feel free to have your own opinion on it.
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