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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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it's scary in high 60's and low 70's against full groups sometimes. got a few Top 500 guys last night who basically carried their team who were non-top 500. there was one Tracer who wrecked our entire team. we all voted for him cuz he was too good. lol. never seen that in any Comp game before. I even started switching to Winston and Zarya to try and counter that Tracer but that guy was just all over the place. I've had less issues with good Genjis.

I've always thought a great Tracer is better than a great Genji but maybe that's just me.


Yeah sorry about that.

I had a killer headache last night and I was trying to use the game as a distraction. So sitting at the title screen was making it like 10 times worse. I only played 1 more QP game and went to bed anyway. Last night was kind of rough for me.

That, and that game we lost on Hanamura last night... I went up in rank from that loss...

Like, when we started that match, I was like 353 of the top 500. When we lost, I was 332.

Also, I went up from rank 75 to rank 76.

Anyone want to take a stab at explaining that?

it's cool. i'm gonna play again tonight so if you wanna group up again, lemme know.

also, you ranked up from a loss? O_O

I've always thought a great Tracer is better than a great Genji but maybe that's just me.

I had the same thoughts but that guy cemented it for me. he didn't even need to use his Ult much. he was just zipping around taking out all of us down one by one. it was incredible. he deserved that top 500 emblem.


top 5 posters in the thread.
less post, more playing plz.

Antiwhippy 1,166
LiK 992
Soulflarz 571
Dead Prince 496
Data West 395

i just check this thread all day at work. same thing happened when i was addicted to Destiny. i was a top poster there too, lol

i played for 5 hours straight last night. probably more than what people play in a week here :p
So I decided to play some Junkrat today. I forgot how fun he is. I need to play him more often. :D I actually felt like I was contributing to my team with loadsa damage!

Overwatch |OT5| You Want A Nihon Genji, But You Get The Genji Voice Line. 50 times.


Overwatch |OT5| Where's Nihon Genji? It's in the Refrigerator!
... and the jello's jiggling.
i just check this thread all day at work. same thing happened when i was addicted to Destiny. i was a top poster there too, lol

i played for 5 hours straight last night. probably more than what people play in a week here :p

I got home from work on Tuesday around 5.30 and played til 12.30. Forgot to eat dinner :S


i just check this thread all day at work. same thing happened when i was addicted to Destiny. i was a top poster there too, lol

i played for 5 hours straight last night. probably more than what people play in a week here :p
Are you coming back for Rise of Iron?
I got on here last night and found a few guys to group up with. Im still looking for a good rein player though. Any 65+ peak level Reins in here interested in joining a team?
No Man's Sky has been the perfect counter programming to this. Relaxing solo space exploration vs the hectic battles and being sour at bad teammates. It came at just the right time to give me a break so I didn't burn myself out and hate the game. I'm definitely done with competitive until season 2, I'm happy with my 59 max. Will probably limit my quick play too until the next major update, too busy exploring the galaxy for now!

Also last OT5 suggestions:

Overwatch |OT5| More Gold Medals Than Michael Phelps
Overwatch |OT5| Going for the Gold(en Gun)
Overwatch |OT5| A Medal is Worth A Thousand EZs
i'll wait for reviews and watch some gameplay. my desire to return is very low.

I'm sure I'll go back, because my wife is interested, but I still feel crazy burnt out. Not just from overplaying, but from the constant nerfing of the only good weapons in the game.

It makes it hard to want to obtain a fancy weapon when you know that Bungie is just going to gimp it in <3 months anyway.


I am so, so bad at competitive. The gap between understanding the game theory and being able to put it into action.

I have to learn to play Zarya. My teams did better when I switched over to her instead of getting constantly outplayed on the flanks with Reaper. But I get shredded so, so fast it seems like. Any survivability tips?

Putting the shield on someone in the middle of a KotH furball, seeing your charge go through the roof, and then wrecking face is amazing.


tfw a string of awful competitive teams sends you from 54 to 49

Boy am I glad the rewards are based on highest achieved ranking, the couple of matches I won after my 55 placement are the only thing getting me a decent amount of competitive points.
When does the season end again?

I haven't been able to play at all in about a week. Can't complain, had a killer trip, but I really want to push through a few more ranks.

Anyone grouping on PS4 tonight? Small groups, ideally, since they seem to be easier to coordinate and turn out well.
I am so, so bad at competitive. The gap between understanding the game theory and being able to put it into action.

I have to learn to play Zarya. My teams did better when I switched over to her instead of getting constantly outplayed on the flanks with Reaper. But I get shredded so, so fast it seems like. Any survivability tips?

Putting the shield on someone in the middle of a KotH furball, seeing your charge go through the roof, and then wrecking face is amazing.

Play Zarya almost like a Healer/Paladin. Bubble your teammates to help both you and them.

When you see a Rein shoulder, bubble and jump in his way. Or bubble the teammate that just got pinned. Bubble teammates when Hanzo's ult fires, or Mei's Ult.

Bubble like crazy. That thing should basically always be on cooldown.

At least until you're around 80+ energy. After that, stay back, and offer support fire to your teammates. Don't ever attack something first. Wait for your reaper/tracer/Zenyatta to tag something, and then provide support fire for that thing.

Never fire your Ult by itself. If on console, announce your Ult is ready for your team, and hope they respond with something that compliments it. Mei is a great compliment to Zarya because a frozen target is a stationary target.
I am so, so bad at competitive. The gap between understanding the game theory and being able to put it into action.

I have to learn to play Zarya. My teams did better when I switched over to her instead of getting constantly outplayed on the flanks with Reaper. But I get shredded so, so fast it seems like. Any survivability tips?

Putting the shield on someone in the middle of a KotH furball, seeing your charge go through the roof, and then wrecking face is amazing.

Zarya is a good mid-pack player. You let somebody go in ahead of you to shield them, then go in yourself shielded - by then you should have decent charge while the rest of your team comes in behind for added support. Never go in solo, and especially never use your ult solo unless you have a shield ready and high charge.

As for survivability, I feel I always play my best Zarya when I'm already on a captured point in KOTH. Don't overextend (or extend at all) with her because you get punished pretty quickly. Instead shield your team who pushes outward and save shielding yourself for any immediate flanking threats that come after you.
Just went a game with Zenyatta on Dorado. Got gold medals for damage, eliminations, objective time and healing. Got the MVP card for being on fire for 80% of the game.

That peaceful prick needs a nerf.


Play Zarya almost like a Healer/Paladin. Bubble your teammates to help both you and them.

*lightbulb goes on* - that analogy makes sense. i'll think of her as Russian Arthas (well before all the stuff happened).

Kor of Memory said:
When you see a Rein shoulder, bubble and jump in his way. Or bubble the teammate that just got pinned.

oh, if ONLY my reactions were that fast.

Kor of Memory said:
Don't ever attack something first. Wait for your reaper/tracer/Zenyatta to tag something, and then provide support fire for that thing.

You let somebody go in ahead of you to shield them, then go in yourself shielded - by then you should have decent charge while the rest of your team comes in behind for added support. Never go in solo

this is most concrete thing i probably need to change, my mentality that tank = lead the way. because that has ended up with respawning.

Thanks both.
oh, if ONLY my reactions were that fast.

It's not as bad as you think.

Usually because as a Zarya, you're probably staring the enemy Rein down most of the game, and it's easy to predict shoulder chargers when his shield is about to break.

You'll start seeing opportunities to bubble yourself into danger.

The easiest one to get used to is Hanzo. As Zarya, the second you hear that announcment, you should be looking for those dragons and their free 50 energy. Just bubble yourself and stand close enough to the edge to fill up.

Then start experiementing with Tires and Blizzards. DVa is free energy as well.

Basically, there are a ton of free energy Ults for Zarya.


Also, enemy Torbs and Symms are your friend, because those turrets just load you up for free.


yeah, i realized that I will really need to learn the countdown timings for Tracer & Dva bombs to work with the bubbles.

it stops (and charges) from Mei's blizzard? oh, man, if only i had known that yesterday, hah. i just assumed it went through.


I'm sure I'll go back, because my wife is interested, but I still feel crazy burnt out. Not just from overplaying, but from the constant nerfing of the only good weapons in the game.

It makes it hard to want to obtain a fancy weapon when you know that Bungie is just going to gimp it in <3 months anyway.

same thoughts. they ruined my fave guns. hard for me to care anymore.
yeah, i realized that I will really need to learn the countdown timings for Tracer & Dva bombs to work with the bubbles.

it stops (and charges) from Mei's blizzard? oh, man, if only i had known that yesterday, hah. i just assumed it went through.

It also removes discord from Zenyatta.

Mei's blizzard works like a giant freeze gun. It hits enemies for like 4 damage every .25 seconds for 4 seconds. If an enemy takes 8 hits, they're frozen. Or something like that.

So bubbling basically removes the damage done, and thus the possibility of being frozen.

same thoughts. they ruined my fave guns. hard for me to care anymore.

I think I stuck around longer so it was like

Found a gun a like
Used it for a month
Bungie nerfed it because it killed to fast
Found a new gun a like
Used it for a month
Bungie nerfed it because it had too much range
Found a new gun a like
Used it for a month
Bungie nerfed it because it had too much stability
Found a new gun a like
Used it for a month
Bungie nerfed it because it was too popular


I am so inconsistent with Genji... Mostly due to still not being as comfortable with kb/m as I'd like to be. FeelsBadMan

i'll wait for reviews and watch some gameplay. my desire to return is very low.

I think I'll get it just for PvE stuff and just play it casually. The quests, strikes and story missions actually turned out to be fun in TTK.

PvP in that game is such shit compared to the other mp fps games out now tho... Laggy ass p2p is just the beginning of Destiny's PvP problems but hopefully they have dedis for Destiny 2.


I've decided to try out Tracer for the first time, & she's surprisingly fun to play. Even when I accidentally fall off the map, I can hit the rewind button & return to where I once was.

Probably the highlight was getting a multi kill, a la placing that bomb on Bastion's back & it killed it, Reinhardt, Ana, & Mercy.


PvP in that game is such shit compared to the other mp fps games out now tho... Laggy ass p2p is just the beginning of Destiny's PvP problems but hopefully they have dedis for Destiny 2.

The guy directed Rise of Iron is the one direct House of Wolves and House of Wolves Crucible meta was one of the best experiences ever. So I hope RoI will take some cues from HoW. TTK crucible meta is one of the worst experiences I ever had.
How do you guys practice movement and aiming outside of playing online a lot.

Do you do anything special in training mode?

If you want to practice aiming while moving, and particularly headshots, here's a great way:
Make a custom game, put it into Skirmish mode.

Set 6 medium or hard Ana bots on the enemy teams. Turn on headshot only and 200% damage modifier (this is mainly so you can oneshot them with most heroes). Then pick whatever map you want, it doesn't really matter.

Since Ana can't headshot, you can now shoot away at them and practice while they helplessly try to fire at you. This only works with Ana because her bot actually tries to find cover and run away - Zarya would technically work (since she can't headshot either) but she just runs straight at you, which isn't really helpful.

I recommend using Medium bots for the start because they are a little less better at reading your inputs (the Hard bots actually immediately go for cover the second your crosshair grazes them :p ).


If you want to practice aiming while moving, and particularly headshots, here's a great way:
Make a custom game, put it into Skirmish mode.

Set 6 medium or hard Ana bots on the enemy teams. Turn on headshot only and 200% damage modifier (this is mainly so you can oneshot them with most heroes). Then pick whatever map you want, it doesn't really matter.

Since Ana can't headshot, you can now shoot away at them and practice while they helplessly try to fire at you. This only works with Ana because her bot actually tries to find cover and run away - Zarya would technically work (since she can't headshot either) but she just runs straight at you, which isn't really helpful.

I recommend using Medium bots for the start because they are a little less better at reading your inputs (the Hard bots actually immediately go for cover the second your crosshair grazes them :p ).

Wow, this is great advice. Nice.
Wow, this is great advice. Nice.

Yeah, it's pretty awesome to practice headshots.
I tried doing that last night a bit with Zenyatta, Widowmaker and McCree, and came to the conclusion that I prefer projectile hitboxes after having played with mostly projectile characters, haha.

When I was playing Ana today and yesterday, I had like 10% more accuracy with unscoped shots than with scoped ones.


Anyone else gets irritated when a junkrat says " i need healing" , when i hear that i always be like fuck you..you are not getting any heals from me.


Anyone else gets irritated when a junkrat says " i need healing" , when i hear that i always be like fuck you..you are not getting any heals from me.

you mean you don't like his voice or what? i think the request for healing from all characters sounds obnoxious. i never use that emote.
Bastion short was unnecessary. People are already back to being rolled by him in quick play. Not sure why people stopped using him, people have no clue.

edit: these dupes are bullshit. that makes a dupe of every costume i've bought. there are still a fuck ton i don't have


Anyone else gets irritated when a junkrat says " i need healing" , when i hear that i always be like fuck you..you are not getting any heals from me.

A junkrat wouldn't bother me too much. What I hate is a tracer or genji calling for healing. Go find a fucking medpack!

Or ANYONE calling for it when I'm Lucio. Just stand where you can see me motherfucker.
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