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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Still without luck
As in she's too survivable?
Zarya's fine, she just is a character that is very dependent on the rest of her team sticking with her. Whenever I'm getting shot up as her and my personal barrier is on cooldown, my first instinct is to look behind me, find a teammate, and stick a barrier on them and hide behind them. If you're lucky, you've got a team that sticks with you and knows that this means, "Draw their fire while my barrier recharges!" When you're unlucky, like I was in a match tonight, you look behind you and realize that everyone else is either respawning or off in skirmishes away from the point. And then you die.

Had a special kind of pain tonight: had a teammate pick Torbjorn on a KotH match, he was absolutely terrible even in the context of "Torbjorn on KotH," and his user name was in Korean, so me and the rest of the team complaining about his uselessness were probably not even understood. It's a miracle we actually managed to go 1-2 on that one.

Apart from Junkrat being able to do absolutely nothing against her (seriously I could hit her with all 5 grenades and a mine and still she's up because of the barrier), with Mercy, you can easily see 4 or 5 heroes on the other team try and take them on and fail. I've seen Zarya take on 3 people for a good minute with straight back and fourth on multiple occasions. That's just ridiculous when her damage is as great as it is.


the holder of the trombone

Apart from Junkrat being able to do absolutely nothing against her (seriously I could hit her with all 5 grenades and a mine and still she's up because of the barrier), with Mercy, you can easily see 4 or 5 heroes on the other team try and take them on and fail. I've seen Zarya take on 3 people for a good minute with straight back and fourth on multiple occasions. That's just ridiculous when her damage is as great as it is.

Eh, just pick reaper and she dies like how every tank dies to reaper.
Apart from Junkrat being able to do absolutely nothing against her (seriously I could hit her with all 5 grenades and a mine and still she's up), with Mercy, you can easily see 4 or 5 heroes on the other team try and take them on and fail. I've seen Zarya take on 3 people for a good minute with straight back and fourth on multiple occasions. That's just ridiculous when her damage is as great as it is.

Zarya's real weakness is characters with high damage output, and who know to wait the two seconds for the barrier to go down before taking their shot. Most of my deaths with her have been to Bastions (who if they're smart will just ignore the barrier and shoot right through it) Reapers and Widowmakers.

A tangent, but I realized after a hard-fought but miserable loss on Attack in Temple of Anubis: I need to get over my reluctance to pick Widowmaker. The enemies were clearly visible on Point B and would have been easy pickings if I just stayed back and tried to pick them off, but after seeing so many people make bad Widowmaker picks, for some reason I just kept picking Pharah and spamming rockets down the main passage that only barely dented the enemy.
Seriously though, zarya is super survivable. Having half your health recharge automatically is no joke.

It's really easy to underestimate Zarya until you see her played well, I think. I always felt she was weak (in my hands, at least) until I realised just how dangerous her shields are, which in term boosts her weapon.

Good Zaryas are terrifyingly good at shielding allies. It's like the shield is always up.
It's really easy to underestimate Zarya until you see her played well, I think. I always felt she was weak (in my hands, at least) until I realised just how dangerous her shields are, which in term boosts her weapon.

Good Zaryas are terrifyingly good at shielding allies. It's like the shield is always up.

Yup, she's becoming one of my more-played characters lately. As someone who has both played her and against her, you can see just how much you're thrown off your rhythm when that barrier pops up on an enemy unexpectedly, like, "Oh, shit, stop shooting and find another target!" That said, I think she works best as a backup tank and not the primary; stick with the other tank on your team and alternate between shielding them and shielding yourself as you push forward/hold the point. Me and a good Roadhog working together... that's some good stuff.
Play Zarya on the indoor stage of Nepal KotH. Golds across the board.

Our support wants to play Rein so I switch to Lucio. Hanzo and Genji use their ults zero times on the second stage.

Round three, Hanzo stays and is basically useless since the stairs block anything he tries to shoot. Throws his ultimate under the stairs, hitting no one on the point.

I end up with 2 golds and 2 silvers for the match, as Lucio in the end.

Luckily I only lost a quarter of a point in MMR, so after this week I've moved exactly 3.5 MMR points.

But I'll keep playing. I had some amazingly close games today, including one where we held sudden death on Numbani and I was Mercy, frantically dodging not getting sniped or hit with rockets.

Once more unto the breach.
Hope we get some new skins soon. I've got pretty much all the legendaries I care about.

BTW, does anybody in this thread play on Xbox One, or am I the only one? lol


Note to self: Do not play competitive on weekends with randoms. Awful team after awful team sunk my skill rating from 70 to 64, and whatever wins I could get mostly featured quitters. I'm talking stuff like playing with teammates several hundred levels above you who are also skill rated 70 and getting steamrolled on defense, then seeing that you as the Lucio got gold for eliminations with only 10 after the round. I just don't understand how games like this keep happening.


I like Zarya on every map where you can fall off a cliff because it's automatic +50 energy when you shield an ally that falls to their deaths. And almost always at least one guy drops off.


For those of you in the 60s, do you notice a large difference from the mid 50s? I was placed in my first game with an avg rating of 60 (I'm 54) and felt outclassed, but it could've just been my team since I was solo queuing


Still without luck
I love when a team is losing in competitive you start to see the Mei's and Mcree's coming out of the woodwork.

fuck mei


I think leaver XP is fixed on PS4. Some enemy team dude left right before match ended and we still got our full XP as winning team in ranked.
Nope, still doesn't work as intended. Had someone leave past the midway point, still was hit with the winner's penalty.


I think leaver XP is fixed on PS4. Some enemy team dude left right before match ended and we still got our full XP as winning team in ranked.

Definitely isn't, had it fuck me twice today. One was a Volskaya where we defended the point for a solid 8 minutes, so deflating.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
My Genji is getting better, but I've got a while to go. Unfortunately, rarely find groups to play him in for solo queue.

Data#11604 if anyone's running games on PC
I hate Torbjörn so much. Fuck his turrets and fuck molten core. His rivet gun is already stupid strong for a builder and having to deal with him and his lvl 3 turret is awful. Hanamura last is absolutely awful with a good Torbjörn on the other team.

And Mei sucks too. That fucking ice gun has caused me more rage than anything else in the game. I main Tracer and Mei is literally the only character I can't just run up and kill instantly. Ugh.


the holder of the trombone
I hate Torbjörn so much. Fuck his turrets and fuck molten core. His rivet gun is already stupid strong for a builder and having to deal with him and his lvl 3 turret is awful. Hanamura last is absolutely awful with a good Torbjörn on the other team.

And Mei sucks too. That fucking ice gun has caused me more rage than anything else in the game. I main Tracer and Mei is literally the only character I can't just run up and kill instantly. Ugh.

Tracer probably has the easiest time escaping freeze. Just dash out of it.

Junkrat is a way better counter to tracer's bullshit.

J Range

Do we get a loss and delelvel when server maintenance boots us? Because i was about to win and thatd suck if it counts as a disconnect.
Tracer probably has the easiest time escaping freeze. Just dash out of it.

Junkrat is a way better counter to tracer's bullshit.
I know but I don't like having to waste my dash getting away from just one character. Junkrat is easier to kill once you get a sense of how his bombs arc so you can avoid them... unless he throws out his mine and detonates it immediately and kills you. That shit sucks.
First two matches of competitive after placement and both times...both times, sometimes leaves and then the whole team leaves. Just me for the rest of the game.

This is bull.


the holder of the trombone
I mean isn't that literally tracer's gimmick? Dash to escape and outmaneuver her opponents?

A good mei will shoot her instead of bothering to freeze her honestly.

God I had dealing with tracers though. Like hooking people is all fun and good but hooking and killing her gives me extra pleasure. Second only to breaking up a pharmercy combo.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm not gonna feel bad fro a Tracer complaining about getting killed.

You play the most 'escape death' bullshit character in the game.
I'm not gonna feel bad fro a Tracer complaining about getting killed.

You play the most 'escape death' bullshit character in the game.
If it makes you feel any better my second most played character is Zenyatta. His damage is way higher than people suspect and landing a full volley of his charge shot is extremely satisfying. And you can be a healer without all the normal bullshit that comes with it.

Though Reaper is also really fun. You just out DPS the fuck out of everyone. Even Zarya can be killed relatively easily if you land the headshots.


Oh GOD, its been half an hour, and I am having Overwatch withdrawal since it's on service maintenance on PS4. I don't know what to do guys.

Send help.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Right up there with Reaper imo.

The thing with Reaper is you can follow him and kill him as soon as his invis goes away.

You can't follow Tracer. she will continue being in your backlines for eternity. Even Winston and Genji can't catch Tracer.


The thing with Reaper is you can follow him and kill him as soon as his invis goes away.

You can't follow Tracer. she will continue being in your backlines for eternity. Even Winston and Genji can't catch Tracer.
Not if he slinks away into a room with a health pack :(


Reaper has to be the easiest hero to use, even more than tjorb. If you're up close its impossible to miss and he has 250 hp, dmg ult, gets hp after kill etc.


Finally completed my first 10 competitive matches to get my ranking

joined 4, maybe 5 games in a row that ended because people kept quitting.

I think I'll stick to quick play for now


As I've said before, if tracer didn't heal for full every time she recalls it would be fine, let her heal for 75hp. It's half health which gets her to full if shes at half (taken some damage) and gets her to a normal amount if shes super low, but it won't feel like a chore when you've already hit her several times and she keeps recalling.
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