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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Yes. The leaver system right now is completely broken.

They really need to fix this thing now. Im getting quitters every other game and its ruining the experience.

I haven't played Ranked in a week and won't until they fix this. It's surprising to me that supposedly they had fixed this, then realized it didn't work, then went back the next day to say they fixed it again -- but it still doesn't work.

I don't understand what they're using to test that the fixes are live, but as long as people report getting 1/10 XP gain then no way I'm playing.

Eric WK

Hope the patch hits next week, double Reaper on console KOTH is the lowest of lows in this game right now.

I hit 70 again, and immediately I'm matched with a Torb KOTH player, smoked 3-0, back to 69! So satisfying.

Dropped from 73 to 68 on Xbox today due to nonsense like this. If you ever want to push for 70+ on Xbox let me know.


Holy shit that roadhog nerf was uncalled for

His ult isn't his problem, it's his heal :|

edit: oh, missed the self-healing note. that's fine then
Is teabagging back? I just got teabagged. I haven't been teabagged since god knows how long.
Shit was weird.

On PS4 by the way. Maybe on PC it's all the rage right now. I don't know.
Dang. Servers being down is very discouraging.

I think I'm going to use not being able to connect on the PS4 as a way to catch up on my sleep and actually go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight, as opposed to playing Overwatch with GAF into early hours of the morning.

Thanks Blizzard!
Just saw some Ana gameplay and I think I definitely found my new support. I usually stayed away from the PTR but this time I'm going in just for Ana practice.


As a 2nd class console OW player (thanks Blizzard), for the guys playing Ana in the PTR, are her lack of traversal hurting her? I have to imagine Blizzard didn't add that ability to her for a reason.

Edit: Also, all support heroes save for Symmetra have an AOE for their ultimate(s), I wonder if they tested that out with Ana and it was too OP.
It feels like Roadhogs ult charges quicker now if anything. Hooks seem way more consistent too.


Gimme this patch!!



Yeah, after a little more testing it seems like Roadhog's hook is way more consistent. Favorite thing in this whole patch.


Can anyone on PTR test if Mei's Deep Freeze healing contributes to her ult generation, and if Mercy's passive health regen does?

I'm terribly curious. In return, please enjoy one of today's Ana comics!



on PS4 was just in a ranked game and someone on my team left the game, but they were replaced w/ a new player... wtf? :-O


only things left for the game to be perfect for me is an opt in option to only only get fresh games. I am sick of seeing defeat before even taking 2 steps.

That and the avoid player thing back.
Jeez, one player leaves in our team, we were pushing the payload despite losing him/her, yet my team slowly give up and left too.

EDIT: what in the world, I entered an already started match in the second round.
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