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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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Figured I push through the PTR placement matches for the hell of it:


This is my curse.

Every match had:

2 genjis

2 hanzos

1 leaver

and 0 skill

I was constantly getting golds and silvers for elims as SUPPORTS. The one win was when I went S76 and asked people to support me so I could take a break from supporting.

SMH. Bronze league here I come. Hopefully PTR isn't indicative of the main servers, but I know it won't be because I had one person on my team or the other team for all 10 of my matches.

He mains Genji, btw. He told me so himself.


I give up on getting Mercy's and Genji's skins. I wanna play something other than Overwatch for a bit. Fingers crossed for awesome Halloween skins, my favorite holiday.


fucking knew it

we've been saying and showing this since the first day of the ptr. The thing is rediculous, it'll cover the whole point now if you get a mei that can just aim for the center. I think the corners of A on Numbani might be safe , but that map A is huge

the stacking now is worse than before in qp

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I think it's dumb as fuck Genji can deflect explosives.

Really, if we want to talk nerfs, I'd rather everything else remain the same and stop letting him be able to deflect everything. It's the most no risk high reward ability in the game. The cooldown is insanely generous. Like if I 1vs1 someone with Gneji and they don't kill me instantly, I know I'm going to win just because of that ability


Jesus christ you can't even play Hanzo on PTR because he autolocks to someone within 2 seconds of the selection screen going up.


Figured I push through the PTR placement matches for the hell of it:

This is my curse.

Every match had:

2 genjis

2 hanzos

1 leaver

and 0 skill

I was constantly getting golds and silvers for elims as SUPPORTS. The one win was when I went S76 and asked people to support me so I could take a break from supporting.

SMH. Bronze league here I come. Hopefully PTR isn't indicative of the main servers, but I know it won't be because I had one person on my team or the other team for all 10 of my matches.

He mains Genji, btw. He told me so himself.

having a support is not a must. when your team suck at their role (suck at killing or doing dps, you being a support is useless as there's not enough dps), you may have to take on the mantle. i remember in one of my placement match on kings row, i was lucio. every one died and i was left alone defending the point. of course i got murder. there after i analyze the roster and the enemy team didnt have a healer + they all range projectile heros. i quickly switched to dva and manage to stall them out quit a bit. midway, 1 of my team member did switch to a zen to support our team. we manage to savage and win that match. so many close call to the goal but i manage to denied them with dva ult. ps that was my solo que placement match.


Unranked mode really needs to be introduced.

It would help new players get accustomed to ranked if they want, because let's be real, you don't learn anything from one side stacking 4 widows and 2 reapers.

It would give ranked players and players that hate stacking a place to go for warm ups, for after season play or just play in general because they hate stacking and all the crap that comes from it.

It makes no sense that that mode isn't in when it would be received with open arms by the community

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Figured I push through the PTR placement matches for the hell of it:

This is my curse.

Every match had:

2 genjis

2 hanzos

1 leaver

and 0 skill

I was constantly getting golds and silvers for elims as SUPPORTS. The one win was when I went S76 and asked people to support me so I could take a break from supporting.

SMH. Bronze league here I come. Hopefully PTR isn't indicative of the main servers, but I know it won't be because I had one person on my team or the other team for all 10 of my matches.

He mains Genji, btw. He told me so himself.

Nothing like a team-based game to help one lose faith in humanity!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Nothing is worse in this game than bad Anas. I don't get what Blizzard was thinking adding another sniper hero with an important role as a support.

And I like Ana. But there's so many people picking her that get outhealed by Roadhogs and 76s in solo play.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
literally just had a arrow not kill a junkrat because genji was behind me reflecting. not in my field of view at all but because he was NEAR me and he had reflect up, it save the Junkrat
By the way, not sure this was mentioned, but apparently there's a "broken" monitor in the Blizzard booth at Gamescom. Seems like that's where they put the Sombra hint for this event, rather than the Bastion short or such.

Nothing is worse in this game than bad Anas. I don't get what Blizzard was thinking adding another sniper hero with an important role as a support.

And I like Ana. But there's so many people picking her that get outhealed by Roadhogs and 76s in solo play.

People gotta learn how to play her somehow. You can't expect people to pick her up and immediately be a god with a new character who also has a super high skill cap.


so weird bug. I was on Hog, a dva was calling down her mech. I hooked and it landed before she was in her mech but it got pilot dva, but the mech animation and her getting in continued and i dragged the whole mech to me.


Played several hours of PTR tonight. I can live with Genji losing DPS if they give him back the triple jump. Mei got 3 major buffs at once and I think she might be overtuned. Hanzo is Hanzo, he's a bit overtuned but I don't /think/ he's busted like McCree last PTR.

Blizzard, please give me back Soldier though. I really miss playing him :<
Played several hours of PTR tonight. I can live with Genji losing DPS if they give him back the triple jump. Mei got 3 major buffs at once and I think she might be overtuned. Hanzo is Hanzo, he's a bit overtuned but I don't /think/ he's busted like McCree last PTR.

Blizzard, please give me back Soldier though. I really miss playing him :<

What'd they do to Soldier? I don't remember reading anything.


Is Ana terrible or what

The average ana? yes. The character as a whole? no. The problem is too often people use her as a sniper or as a dps before healing. People who don't play her right make everyone think shes bad.

Shes mid to close range, and primarily a healer with the occasional shooting of enemies if she can fit it in and no one needs healing. The other issue is people getting in way of shots, either teammates or enemies when she needs to make a specific shot to keep someone alive.

She currently heals at a faster rate than Mercy does and her ult is very fast to charge. The only disadvantage she really has is lack of mobility which also makes her really easy pickings for dps if her sleep dart is on cooldown or she misses.

What'd they do to Soldier? I don't remember reading anything.

In the ana patch his spread starts at 3 shots instead of 5 and is much bigger than before to stop people from macroing 5 shot bursts
Ana is absurdly hard to play well.

People jump into shots if she wants to shoot OR heal
People tend to keep shooting to heal when you just need to know that people either need 3/4 shots to heal non-tanks vs 5/6 shots for tanks.
People are jumping around like crazy even when they're safe making it hard for Ana to heal
People use Ana more on DPS than as a healer when she needs to heal more than DPS
People tend to use her grenade for themselves more than to chuck at enemies or allies
People tend to not utilize the sleep dart well
People need to know when to use a regular shot vs a scoped shot (They are very different shots and can be utilized in unique ways)
People need to know when and who to use her ult on.

She's probably the hardest hero to learn and master, but her potential is also very high. I've pulled crazy games with 9k heal, 6k damage but on the flipside sometimes pull almost nothing due to how fragile she is too.

Never expect to see her get medals or a card or a POTG since she's split between heal and damage. Her contributions are also the most hidden.
The average ana? yes. The character as a whole? no. The problem is too often people use her as a sniper or as a dps before healing. People who don't play her right make everyone think shes bad.

Shes mid to close range, and primarily a healer with the occasional shooting of enemies if she can fit it in and no one needs healing. The other issue is people getting in way of shots, either teammates or enemies when she needs to make a specific shot to keep someone alive.

She currently heals at a faster rate than Mercy does and her ult is very fast to charge. The only disadvantage she really has is lack of mobility which also makes her really easy pickings for dps if her sleep dart is on cooldown or she misses.

In the ana patch his spread starts at 3 shots instead of 5 and is much bigger than before to stop people from macroing 5 shot bursts

Yeah I notice that if I see genji coming for me I better hope I have teammates cause I am not killing that dude or getting away.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I think the biggest thing that bugs me about this game is 2/3 of the game modes absolutely require one hero. Reinhardt. The team with Reinhardt vs the team without Reinhardt on similar skill levels, the team with Reinhardt will win every time.'

what i'm saying is bastion needs a fucking buff


the holder of the trombone
I think the biggest thing that bugs me about this game is 2/3 of the game modes absolutely require one hero. Reinhardt. The team with Reinhardt vs the team without Reinhardt on similar skill levels, the team with Reinhardt will win every time.'

what i'm saying is bastion needs a fucking buff

Play mei.

I think the best thing about the hitbox change is Tracer getting merkd constantly by Hanzo

It's about time.

Roadhog put magnets on his hook though, it's at the point where if I see one and he has the thing up, no bunnyhopping or juking will save me.

As for Ana, I had a match during placement where our Ana was just using her to snipe. No heals, no biotic, just sniping.

We also had a Hanzo and a Widow. On attack. On King's Row.

Yeah, I'm done with PTR for now.

Ana is the hero I'd play on support if I was with a group of people I knew. She is a beast in the right hands. Buff up your tanks and they clean house. Sleep targets that flank and call it out to keep your team aware. Stop heal pushes and turn fights around with biotic. She still suffers from LoS support issues but it's an FPS, healing through walls at Ana's speed would be OP.

But if you're just using her to DPS the other team, it's not optimal. She should be "tanking" by removing DPS from the people she heals, this wasting time and energy on the other team as they can't secure kills.
As Roadhog, I once hooked a Pharah that went around the corner, into a building. It's like I pulled her through the building straight to me.

I could only laugh at the sheer absurditity of my kill.


I think the biggest thing that bugs me about this game is 2/3 of the game modes absolutely require one hero. Reinhardt. The team with Reinhardt vs the team without Reinhardt on similar skill levels, the team with Reinhardt will win every time.'

what i'm saying is bastion needs a fucking buff

Or Winston tesla cannon shouldn't have 5 damage reduced from each of his tiny ticks of damage because of how armor functions in the game. He's not a good Reinhardt counter even though he can damage through the shield because of how his gun works on small ticks and how armor mitigation works.

Or let Symmetra gun left click also ignore his shield.

Your KDA is admirable, so you are good at not dying. 55% WR means on average you'll eke out a win.

You die a bit more as supports, except Zen. Try perhaps getting a bit more familiar with the fray from a support perspective, where you have to be constantly aware of flanks and such since you don't have the DPS to go it alone. Unfortunately for supports, sometimes your offense players won't respond in time, if at all.

Other than that, I can't see much. What do you want to improve? You'll know better than us.

Also you don't seem to solo main anyone which I think is great. People should learn multiple roles and how to play to counters / team comp.


More stuff I didn't notice on reddit, H2K is apparently doing a video series where they have a player talk through their highlights and what was going on. Show's off a few of the things I've talked about like how to Winston engage and start a fight.


vid editing is p shit but the 2 minutes of what's there is worth seeing if you're interested in tanking and team fighting.


God help me, I don't know if I can play Genji for much longer. Even without his upcoming nerf, I'm struggling with him. I can barely solo kill the healers and snipers I target cause they're wily and their teammates are usually near. And I'm consistently choking on Dragonblade. I dunno if it's cause people are wary of his tricks or if I'm just bad.

GGs PS4 crew.

Heh, what was funny/impressive is how well we managed to do without a single mic


Soe is what I need after that PTR nonsense.

Anyone been accused / banned for hacking yet?
EnvyUS is pretty much accused daily for hosting cheaters but it's still only based on a few video clips which neither pro players or Blizzard consider to be solid proof. In particular the latest InternetHulk controversy has been replicated as a bug by others.

SureFour of C9 has also been accused but same thing there.

Those are the ones I know of. It's definitely a reason for why people are excited about a LAN event which should make cheating very difficult to pull off.


EnvyUS is pretty much accused daily for hosting cheaters but it's still only based on a few video clips which neither pro players or Blizzard consider to be solid proof. In particular the latest InternetHulk controversy has been replicated as a bug by others.

SureFour of C9 has also been accused but same thing there.

Those are the ones I know of. It's definitely a reason for why people are excited about a LAN event which should make cheating very difficult to pull off.

TorkTJO and NicolasTJO are convicted hackers from CSGO and CoD Pro Mod along with allegations in other games. They are on CompLexity, formerly TSM. They were dropped from TSM and transferred to CompLexity due to the TSM owner finding out more of their history and deciding to not associate that with his brand.


TorkTJO and NicolasTJO are convicted hackers from CSGO and CoD Pro Mod along with allegations in other games. They are on CompLexity, formerly TSM. They were dropped from TSM and transferred to CompLexity due to the TSM owner finding out more of their history and deciding to not associate that with his brand.
Ah. I thought of them but forgot that it's Complexity they're playing for. Good on TSM.
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