Wow, Rogue's DPS players pulled their weight so damn hard.
Seriously every single interview I've seen on stage have been awkward to varying degrees. Since I assume these teams send their most charismatic players, you gotta assume they are all this awkward. Ugh how
Seriously every single interview I've seen on stage have been awkward to varying degrees. Since I assume these teams send their most charismatic players, you gotta assume they are all this awkward. Ugh how
Teens and young adults who aren't media trained are awkward.
This is the longest I have ever watched Twitch and an E-sport.
I have learned that I should totally use Tracer on every map.
This has been one of the most entertaining OW tournaments yet. Ster is pretty good at casting as well. Good stuff!
And people want to buff winston.
Well it's QP, so maybe they're trying to improve their aim? I don't see what's wrong with people who want to improve.Dear players who pick snipers. If you can't aim for shit, don't bother to pick snipers in the first goddamn place you pieces of shit.
Just a discord nerf. That'll do.
Tviq on Tracer was a hell of thing to watch. He tracks so well that it almost looks unnatural. But there's that tiny shake to his aiming that shows that nerves are at play.
This is pre nerf and he's still used in the majority of matches.
Winghaven is seriously one of the best reins that I've watched.
Rogue has horrible tanks
I guess people don't understand his get in get out style or don't like that he needs another hero like Zarya to really shine.
It confuses me now when I see this in Quick Play. Like, "Oh yeah, this is how dumb the game used to be."can't wait for competitive to come back, every single game last night had best case hero stacking, worst case 4 of the same heroes. already sick of that bs
Dear players who pick snipers. If you can't aim for shit, don't bother to pick snipers in the first goddamn place you pieces of shit.