Local Nerd Rant incoming.
I'm really starting to hate Competitve mode. This is the 8th time in the past two days I've lost a match because one of my teammates was being a sore loser and left the match when we were about to lose round 1, probably thinking they don't get a loss. Nope.
Not only are you a fucking douche for doing that, but now the rest of the team has to suffer and get a guaranteed loss because we're one man short, and that heavily damages our chances of winning.
I also hate this tier ranking system too. I'm not the best Overwatch player or anything, and I feel like I deserve the gold ranking I got from the placement matches. But why am I level 95 and being paired with people who are level 30 and 25 but also have gold??? I know levels don't matter in the long run, a level 60 player can be twice as good as a prestige player, but fuck me I'd feel more comfortable being paired with players who are near my level rank.
Like I said, I'm not good or great. I just consider myself decent and got in the rank I feel I deserve. Just decent. But I'm not so sure about most of these randos I've paired up with.. I've seen Platinum, Gold, and Silver players do shit that makes them look like they belong in Bronze. I don't know if they got lucky in placement matches or they just suddenly started playing like shit, but this is why I'm sort of against tier rankings being based on wins and loses in a few matches vs overall performance during the placement matches.
Just had to vent after 2 teammates dipped when we almost lost in Round 1. Not to say all Comp randos are bad. I've played with some genuinely amazing randos who honestly carried the team a few times. But sometimes I feel like you're being punished severely for trying to do Comp solo, and I get they wanna encourage group play, but my group's not gonna want to do Comp every single time we get together.
I know not everyone has these problems I've been having, so it's probably just my shitty luck.