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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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People play to have fun and some like DPS characters more than tanks or support. They might prefer losing with a fun character to winning with something else, especially since winning isn't a guarantee either way.

I understand why. Over the last month or so in solo queue I almost always picked a tank or support because I try to pick to the best comp. I burned out because I was mostly rotating between four characters, one of which I don't really enjoy. Choosing between playing for the team and something I enjoy has made me stop booting the game up, even though I was excited for S2.
Why not just play quick play?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I've had the most success going in with a Reaper main and a healer main and just locking in those two and Zarya as the game starts. It lets random xXxDPSdudexXX be random DPS, and it leaves a support and tank role for people who need to do that. Plus Zarya and Reaper have lots of synergy.

A 3 stack where one player is a good DPS, another is a good tank, and another is a good support is definitely most ideal.

At that point no matter what the 3 randoms pick you can typically salvage it into a decent comp. Unless they're doing attack symmetra type stuff.


If they nerf Zarya(and it's coming), it'll be her regen shields/hp. I'd put money on that.

I would be interested to know what Blizzard thinks about Zarya. Ultimately they are the ones who have the best access to the statistics regarding pick rates, win rates, avg time of survival, dmg done, etc.

I'm tempted to just buy the PC version right now just so I can play.

I don't know why you wouldn't. If you have a PC that can run the game properly and you love Overwatch then that is absolutely the best way to play it. I'm not here to look down on console folks and console Overwatch but from owning the PS4 version and the PC version I can tell you that there's no contest between the two. Blizzard did not do a great job with the aiming on the console and for that reason playing the PC version feels like weights have been taken off of my arms and legs. I'm encouraging everyone that is able to come in to the light of glory that is the PC version. =)

Anyone ranked gold/near-platinum on PC want to start playing as a team on evenings? Or if someone around these levels needs a healer, I could maybe be your guy.

I have a mic, am always willing to communicate and chat about strategy, understand the importance of shot calling, enjoy general composition strategy and am willing to listen and adjust to whatever we are facing.

I can play a pretty good mercy or lucio but can DPS when needed and I've been practicing some reinhardt here and there.

Mostly looking for people who prioritize team play and play after 5:30pm or so (pacific time). Let me know and let's play. I can't handle too many more Reinhardts charging away from team and into a 6-man enemy fight or a lucio who randomly ults for no reason after we pretty much wiped the entire enemy team etc etc... Or remember that time when none of your DPS switched heroes to counter pharah? =)

Feel free to add me. Matmanx1#1920. I'm usually on by about 7:30 - 8:00 eastern which I believe is close to your 5:30 PST. I'm always up for PC Comp grouping.
Why not just play quick play?

I don't touch unranked in games where there's a ranked mode.

I want there to be some semblance of people trying their best.

Uh what.

I just lost SR from a draw?

Oh hell naw. Notlikethis.jpg

So, I reinstalled like the addict I am. Dropped down to 2200 SR and at that point I stomped a couple teams as Zenn and am starting my climb back up.

So frustrating knowing I was like 2-3 games from Platinum and now I'm about 20 or so games away.

It was funny seeing platinum players in those 2200 games though.


Basic stuff: Stop using her gun! Even if no one's hurt you could be damage boosting a Junkrat or pre-healing a frontline Zarya who's about to take damage. Try to keep track of your entire team's health, don't get tunnel vision and focus only on healing one teammate for too long. Position yourself so that you've always got at least 2 faraway teammates you can Guardian Angel to and preferably a wall you can peek out from. Watch out for flankers at all times and always be aware of Reaper's position/ult status if possible.

More advanced: If an enemy comes after you and cuts in between you and your beam target, walk AWAY from your teammate until you reach the edge of Guardian Angel range and then fly back, you're much more likely to survive this way and if your teammate's not oblivious they can easily shoot the enemy in the back while they chase you. Start cancelling Guardian Angel dashes midflight by hitting the button again, to stop yourself from overextending and getting gunned down. Keep an eye out for Zarya and build up an awareness of when she's got an ult ready so you can back off.

Rezzing: Don't wait too long to rez! You'll get it again, so use it if 2+ players are dead and the fighting seems to have died down. It can also be worth it sometimes to revive just one teammate if they're a decent tank/healer, or if you're about to die in the next couple seconds anyways.
I didn't know you could cancel guardian angel like that, kept wondering why I'd always overfly people I was trying to get to.
not sure why this happens. we had some people in our group lose SR while others did not in a Draw.
If you are an underdog (current SR lower than opposing team average), you were expected to lose, so a draw is a good outcome and you gain.

If you are an overdog (current SR higher than opposing team average), you were expected to win, so a draw is a disappointing outcome and you lose.
not sure why this happens. we had some people in our group lose SR while others did not in a Draw.

It takes the three best (or is it random?) players from each team for the end victory pose screen, right? Maybe it chooses the worst players and makes them lose SR? Any evidence that the best gain SR?

*Oh, or that ^


If you are an underdog (current SR lower than opposing team average), you were expected to lose, so a draw is a good outcome and you gain.

If you are an overdog (current SR higher than opposing team average), you were expected to win, so a draw is a disappointing outcome and you lose.

dang, makes sense but i feel bad for Overdogs.


A lot of people are discussing that Blizzard should nerf Mercy's ultimate because it's too strong. People say her ultimate require no skill and cancels out ultimates that require skill and it's the reason why we see a lot of Mercy POTGs now.

I honestly don't agree that it requires no skill, there is timing to it and just like using her ultimate in a right time can win the game, using the ultimate in the wrong time can actually cost you the game too. And you must choose whom you resurrect carefully to know which will help in the situation. Resurrecting a Junkrat is not the same as resurrecting a Reinhardt.

But I could be wrong here, what you guys think ?
A lot of people are discussing that Blizzard should nerf Mercy's ultimate because it's too strong. People say her ultimate require no skill and cancels out ultimates that require skill and it's the reason why we see a lot of Mercy POTGs now.

I honestly don't agree that it requires no skill, there is timing to it and just like using her ultimate in a right time can win the game, using the ultimate in the wrong time can actually cost you the game too. And you must choose whom you resurrect carefully to know which will help in the situation. Resurrecting a Junkrat is not the same as resurrecting a Reinhardt.

But I could be wrong here, what you guys think ?
I kinda hate Mercy meta because it's so deflating, but I don't think it's overpowered, as such.

I wouldn't care if I never saw a rez POTG ever again, though. Good lord, it's like an auto-POTG in the current algorithm.



That is a spin-off, skin bundle that I am waiting for.



A lot of people are discussing that Blizzard should nerf Mercy's ultimate because it's too strong. People say her ultimate require no skill and cancels out ultimates that require skill and it's the reason why we see a lot of Mercy POTGs now.

I honestly don't agree that it requires no skill, there is timing to it and just like using her ultimate in a right time can win the game, using the ultimate in the wrong time can actually cost you the game too. And you must choose whom you resurrect carefully to know which will help in the situation. Resurrecting a Junkrat is not the same as resurrecting a Reinhardt.

But I could be wrong here, what you guys think ?

i just watched the Lost Unit video about it and I don't think she's a huge deal. Sure, it's irritating but if your own team has their Ults, you can kill the enemy team after they rezzed or if you're good enough, try to take out any dides who just rezzed with focus fire. this has happened before in my games. i find rezzes less irritating to fight against than Zen's Ult.
A lot of people are discussing that Blizzard should nerf Mercy's ultimate because it's too strong. People say her ultimate require no skill and cancels out ultimates that require skill and it's the reason why we see a lot of Mercy POTGs now.

I honestly don't agree that it requires no skill, there is timing to it and just like using her ultimate in a right time can win the game, using the ultimate in the wrong time can actually cost you the game too. And you must choose whom you resurrect carefully to know which will help in the situation. Resurrecting a Junkrat is not the same as resurrecting a Reinhardt.

But I could be wrong here, what you guys think ?

If they want to nerf her res, just make it line of sight. It allows the option of players blocking a mercy from being able to res optimally. (huge nerf)

If they want to keep it the same in function, just give it a 0.5 cast time. So it can be interrupted by stun or sleep dart. (minor nerf)

Aside from that, it's more or less fine. It is just as OP as Zen's Trans or Lucios Barriers. Only difference is that it steals POTG's and a lot more noticable. Like the previous two, it's a tide changing ultimate.


It feels terrible for the other team to have a push they put a lot of effort into fully reset, it's a shitty dynamic to have with no counterplay aside from "SOMEONE KILL THE MERCY OMG" when she's usually just camping behind a wall in the back

Now of course straight nerfing rez makes Mercy generally awful unless accompanied by a full hero rework, so their main goal should be making it feel more interactive for both teams. There's a lot of possibilities here adding mechanics like where you'd get rezzed at for example 30% health, (near-)instantly, while Mercy may keep channeling her ult afterwards in order to heal the team back to full


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
A lot of people are discussing that Blizzard should nerf Mercy's ultimate because it's too strong. People say her ultimate require no skill and cancels out ultimates that require skill and it's the reason why we see a lot of Mercy POTGs now.

I honestly don't agree that it requires no skill, there is timing to it and just like using her ultimate in a right time can win the game, using the ultimate in the wrong time can actually cost you the game too. And you must choose whom you resurrect carefully to know which will help in the situation. Resurrecting a Junkrat is not the same as resurrecting a Reinhardt.

But I could be wrong here, what you guys think ?

The only thing that bugs me about res is the same thing that you would see crop up when she was in every game back before the zen buff, you want to focus her first yet if you do that and the spawn gets staggered it's very possible she basically spawns, flies out and gets a big res and it can be really hard to stop that even if you expect it. Mainly gonna see this with a defense mercy.

Beyond that I don't really mind it. It's incredibly strong for sure though, and definitely the reason you're actually picking Mercy.
Shitty Pharah spamming thanks everytime she died was really getting on my nerves today.

Like you used your Ult like twice in 4 rounds fuck off.
Shitty Pharah spamming thanks everytime she died was really getting on my nerves today.

Like you used your Ult like twice in 4 rounds fuck off.

We had this annoying Reinhardt that kept doing it. He'd make the stupidest plays and charged at the worst times and spammed I need healing. I was on Lucio and another guy was on Zen, so we just started spamming it every time he did it.

Yeah, we know you need healing, it's our fucking jobs. So does everyone else.


If they want to nerf her res, just make it line of sight. It allows the option of players blocking a mercy from being able to res optimally. (huge nerf)

If they want to keep it the same in function, just give it a 0.5 cast time. So it can be interrupted by stun or sleep dart. (minor nerf)

Aside from that, it's more or less fine. It is just as OP as Zen's Trans or Lucios Barriers. Only difference is that it steals POTG's and a lot more noticable. Like the previous two, it's a tide changing ultimate.

I don't think she needs a nerf, but you make a good point bringing up Zen's ultimate which also negates the enemy's ultimate too.
As someone who plays a lot of D.Va, Zarya is basically my worst enemy. It can be so frustrating to go against a skilled Zarya. Sometimes there really isn't anything you can do.

Yeah, as a D.Va main on console, that aim-assist really changed the dynamic with Zarya. Used to be able to stay at extreme Mid and pelt her, and her beam would flip around and flicker over you, but not hurt you. Now it's a straight bar, and you can't get close enough to do more damage than she can recharge.

But then Zaryas know this, so it's easy to bait them into thinking you don't know, and they overextend and your team focuses them into a pile of ash. We'll see.


Spamming emotes has annoyed me to the point that whenever I see "Thanks!" being used legit I think people were trolling for a sec. I'd rather just have the option to mute them for solo q.


I asked in one of the OTs once if I should buy the game despite the fact that I would play with a controller. I ended up buying the retail version for 40€ two days ago. And I have played three hours so far and been forcing myself to play with KB+M. I must admit that I like it in general (the community does not seem bad, one helped me out with a recommendation although GG at the end of each match is getting old TBH), but I feel reaaaaally clumsy. Like I forget from time to time use my abilities or I get too stressed out because I have to learn the game as well as dealing with this control.

I do not know if there are tips for complete noobies. I would like to get better at overwatch.


the holder of the trombone
Hanzo main on KOTH who has not appeared on the killfeed other than when he died, when being asked if he might change.

"I don't really care."

Well. Great.

There was a pharah and she had free reign in the sky.

I feel like I should set a tilt limit for myself.


I asked in one of the OTs once if I should buy the game despite the fact that I would play with a controller. I ended up buying the retail version for 40€ two days ago. And I have played three hours so far and been forcing myself to play with KB+M. I must admit that I like it in general (the community does not seem bad, one helped me out with a recommendation although GG at the end of each match is getting old TBH), but I feel reaaaaally clumsy. Like I forget from time to time use my abilities or I get too stressed out because I have to learn the game as well as dealing with this control.

I do not know if there are tips for complete noobies. I would like to get better at overwatch.

One thing that might help is moving abilities to you mouse buttons instead of keyboard buttons if you arent use to stretching out your hand on the keyboard.

You could also theoretically invest in a Steam Controller, I use mine to play non competitive games as I still can't get my head around it, but it has really good support for this game if I remember correctly


I asked in one of the OTs once if I should buy the game despite the fact that I would play with a controller. I ended up buying the retail version for 40€ two days ago. And I have played three hours so far and been forcing myself to play with KB+M. I must admit that I like it in general (the community does not seem bad, one helped me out with a recommendation although GG at the end of each match is getting old TBH), but I feel reaaaaally clumsy. Like I forget from time to time use my abilities or I get too stressed out because I have to learn the game as well as dealing with this control.

I do not know if there are tips for complete noobies. I would like to get better at overwatch.

Just practice. Go into the Practice Range and practice your controls pressure-free. I have a friend who is also simultaneously learning M+KB and Overwatch on PC; he seems to like playing Junkrat, probably because it requires less mouse precision.

Overall, you just need more time with M+KB. Eventually it'll click and you'll just have to focus on the game.


I would be interested to know what Blizzard thinks about Zarya. Ultimately they are the ones who have the best access to the statistics regarding pick rates, win rates, avg time of survival, dmg done, etc.

I don't know why you wouldn't. If you have a PC that can run the game properly and you love Overwatch then that is absolutely the best way to play it. I'm not here to look down on console folks and console Overwatch but from owning the PS4 version and the PC version I can tell you that there's no contest between the two. Blizzard did not do a great job with the aiming on the console and for that reason playing the PC version feels like weights have been taken off of my arms and legs. I'm encouraging everyone that is able to come in to the light of glory that is the PC version. =)

Feel free to add me. Matmanx1#1920. I'm usually on by about 7:30 - 8:00 eastern which I believe is close to your 5:30 PST. I'm always up for PC Comp grouping.

I play evenings PancakeHobo#1934


I asked in one of the OTs once if I should buy the game despite the fact that I would play with a controller. I ended up buying the retail version for 40€ two days ago. And I have played three hours so far and been forcing myself to play with KB+M. I must admit that I like it in general (the community does not seem bad, one helped me out with a recommendation although GG at the end of each match is getting old TBH), but I feel reaaaaally clumsy. Like I forget from time to time use my abilities or I get too stressed out because I have to learn the game as well as dealing with this control.

I do not know if there are tips for complete noobies. I would like to get better at overwatch.

Just keep playing tbh, it's all experience and muscle memory. The only tip I have is playing with low sensitivity, get used to that right away as precision is very important in fps like this one. Other people are often used to crazy high sens which makes the switch a bit harder, whereas you're in the fortunate position of starting from scratch anyway!


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
I still can't decide if Pharah is one of the best heroes or one of the worst heroes to use on Illios...

When she's on the enemy team, if she floats in the open and immediately gets shot down over and over. But her ult is absolute clutch on pretty much all the KOTH capture points.

When she's on our team, she isn't much of a team player - but her ability to disperse and knock people off edges and off point is huge... ... but on the flip side, she's killing practically nobody.


The only thing that bugs me about res is the same thing that you would see crop up when she was in every game back before the zen buff, you want to focus her first yet if you do that and the spawn gets staggered it's very possible she basically spawns, flies out and gets a big res and it can be really hard to stop that even if you expect it. Mainly gonna see this with a defense mercy.

Beyond that I don't really mind it. It's incredibly strong for sure though, and definitely the reason you're actually picking Mercy.

To fix it she needs a res stack feature where she can stack up to 5 rez abilities. Or change the sacrifical lamb BS where she flies in dies and still reses everyone.


I asked in one of the OTs once if I should buy the game despite the fact that I would play with a controller. I ended up buying the retail version for 40€ two days ago. And I have played three hours so far and been forcing myself to play with KB+M. I must admit that I like it in general (the community does not seem bad, one helped me out with a recommendation although GG at the end of each match is getting old TBH), but I feel reaaaaally clumsy. Like I forget from time to time use my abilities or I get too stressed out because I have to learn the game as well as dealing with this control.

I do not know if there are tips for complete noobies. I would like to get better at overwatch.


I recommend one of these and mouse. Keyboard just doesn't cut it imo. I mapped all movement abilities to the chuck and all attack and weapon switching to my gaming mouse.



Just keep playing tbh, it's all experience and muscle memory. The only tip I have is playing with low sensitivity, get used to that right away as precision is very important in fps like this one. Other people are often used to crazy high sens which makes the switch a bit harder, whereas you're in the fortunate position of starting from scratch anyway!
It is just that I feel especially clumsy. Normally I would have to get used to the game itself, but not a new type of control and that is driving me a bit crazy. Like if you gave your parents (well, or whoever does not play games) a controller, they start looking at the buttons every time they have to press them and such. So am I right now.
I would take into account about the sensitive, I had DPI selected at medium in my mouse so I am going to switch it lower and stop getting bad habits.

Just practice. Go into the Practice Range and practice your controls pressure-free. I have a friend who is also simultaneously learning M+KB and Overwatch on PC; he seems to like playing Junkrat, probably because it requires less mouse precision.

Overall, you just need more time with M+KB. Eventually it'll click and you'll just have to focus on the game.
I hope so! And your friend as well!
In my case, I like characters such as Reindhart or Reaper, but I do not even picture myself playing with snipers. I tried some of them while we were in skirmish and God, I was so bad at them, like aiming was out of the question.

One thing that might help is moving abilities to you mouse buttons instead of keyboard buttons if you arent use to stretching out your hand on the keyboard.

You could also theoretically invest in a Steam Controller, I use mine to play non competitive games as I still can't get my head around it, but it has really good support for this game if I remember correctly
Glad we had the same idea, because I bought a (very cheap) mouse so I could swap the abilities as old mine only had three buttons. Now it feels much better than the first day that I tried to play with the default controls, but I would feel miles better with a controller.

It is not a bad idea a Steam Controller, although I should try it first before purchasing as it is so different and do not have the money right now. Despite the awakwardness, do you feel the same precision as with a mouse? Or at least better than with any other controller?


I recommend one of these and mouse. Keyboard just doesn't cut it imo. I mapped all movement abilities to the chuck and all attack and weapon switching to my gaming mouse.
Wow, I do need to take a look at this. How much did it cost you? And I agree with the keyboard part, it feels alien to me and unfriendly. It is weird.

I almost forgot! Thank you, thank you and thank you to all of you. I hope we can fight in OW as allies or enemies one day!


won 2 comp matches, gained about 40 rank pts, lost one match went down 30 rank pts... this system is a mess. -______-

After 42 wins, 23 losses and 2 draws I finally hit diamond feels good man. Slow rise from 2470 to 3008.

well, SLAY. I see you're rawking McCree... send me an invite, let's play together! :)


It's funny thinking about my struggles with m/kb back when I started OW, my first pc game; it's second nature now and my favourite controller option. I'm glad I didn't invest in a DS4 or something.
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